Albania is best country in Balkans by far

Albania is best country in Balkans by far.

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nice b8 m8, i r8 8 out of 8

Albanians are based and redpilled S*rb removers. Everything South of Vojvodina is Albanian clay.

Albania is best country in the world

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my favorite song about albania

I genuinely adore Albania's flag. Although Romania has the best anthem in the Balkans.

i will kill you scumbag

István, what will happen with the ethnic Vojvodinian Serbs once mother Hungary takes back what's rightfully theirs? Will we be eligible to collect our free 9/10 Hungarian wife to produce the next generation of hungaro-vojvodinian ubermenschmutts?

don't you know that albos hate us even more than they hate s*rbs?

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based and redpilled

that's why we must go to the tanks and go and put Budapest to the ground


Biggest "big guy" in Poland is from Albanian Gang

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I've been to every county in the Balkans. Albania is a fucking shit hole and by far the worst.

>In Russia, best means worst

Are you that Zerg who lives in Russia? I pity you fool!

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The fuck? I'm probably one of the few here who've been there for a short while.

This country is a disgrace.

>Not albanian flag
Oh well, another who fled this shithole and praises how great it is.

Slav logic-which ever east european country is the poorest is the best, and they're all in a race to be the best

Albania is crystalized shit. People there have no morals and crime is rampant. They act like arrogant pricks in countries they migrate too.

If you think niggers are bad, well, you've never met Albanians.

Only based "Albanian"

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You're not Russian, albonigger. Get the fuck back to your roach den.

Who could be behind this post?

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So many fucking Albos itt



why does slavniggers think anybody gives a shit aobut them? we only use you to clean our toilets regardless of your specific ethnicity

you are all subhumans and pls kys


Not all slavs. From my experience, Serbs can be brilliant as I witnessed when I was a student, or good author as shown by Slobodan Despot.

Whereas all Albanians I've ever met were despicable thugs with an inflated ego save for one.

imagine being so bad at football that you have to invite these things to play for your country.

Attached: skynews-granit-xhaka-xherdan-shaqiri_4344157.jpg (1096x616, 98K)

Imagine being so proud of your country that you decide to play for another.

You're onto something.

There must be a mental discrepency that wherever one of this creature is, it thinks it is still in Albania. Hence the displaced patriotic feeling when they're on foreign territory.
Still, the Swiss had it coming.


Hungarian-Albanian Empire when?

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Laughs in Croatian

t. molembeek rat

No it's not you deluded idiot or else I wouldn't be in America. Fuck the Balkans and especially fuck the Turkish.

That's like being the smartest kid on the short bus.

You mean Macedonia.

Switzerland is a shithole full of muslims that rape your women.

Agreed if you disagree you're gay and so is your dad

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Albos are subhuman
Even bosnia is worth more

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Pls send R A R E SKS

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Dear god I can't wait to leave this shithole of a country

>Servian butthurt retards shilling for themselves
That must be why they elected Kosovar teenagers in local assemblies in "your" country

>Kosovar teenagers

You misspelled albanian teenagers, retard

You're not that far as I live in Schaerbeek.

The mahometan shit, be it Turkish, Morrocan or Albanian is what made me visit Jow Forums

I come from France so you have it wrong, memeflag

>Albania is best country in Balkans by far.
albanian diaspora best diaspora

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Do you occasionally fuck yourself with a baguette?

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Can't think something more cuck than this

Whatever. At least we don't get people routinely slaughtered by niggers here.

You just stay home and pray one day they'll leave le pays du walfles n frittes

Nope. I'm out anyway as I quit my job soon and move to Finland. Too bad for the belgian, I guess.

the only good thing Albanians do in Jow Forums is post about how great their country . The reality is Albanians are the worst workers ,the most drunkards and the most violent species on Greece.

the albanians that are the most proud of their country are the ones not living in it.

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let me guess, its the mygar nigger again. Die

I cant wait to skin all you jordanian niggers alive with my fingers. You cumstain fukface cunt sandnigger bitch lasagna

Albanians are hard workers, violent when annoyed, but hard workers nonetheless.

Sup S*rb diaspora, why are you so angry today?

They surrendered to the ITALIANS in WW2, without a fight!

They can be as hard as they want ,doesn't change the fact they are the cheapest , worst construction workers in Greece.

>Albanians are based and redpilled
I completely agree.

It wasn't surrendering. They promised the unification between Albania and Kosovo so no one bothered.

>Guys we're being invaded!
>It's Italians
>ah nvm it's just italians

>fucking swolbania

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Aren't Albanians mostly considered the niggers of eastern europe?

They are considered Albanians, that's enough dude

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Albanians utterly destroyed Italians in the vlore war. Albania capitulated in 1939 because the country was literally in shambles. Italians suck at fighting nonetheless.

That's Poles, we are the Mexicans and Serbs are the gypsies

Based and red capsulated