Is it because America runs the world, or?
Where does the Anti-American sentiment come from?
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fuck you chicano spic nigger
Success breeds jealousy, even if we are weighed down by millions of spics and nogs
Honestly the people that hate america the most are native liberals, not foreigners.
Resentment due to overexposure. I cannot blame other countries for being sick of American stuff when it's talked about and referenced frequently.
I use to be really pro American, and was raised that way as one of the few in my country, due to work related connections in my family has with the US. But since i have been on Jow Forums my respect for Americans has vanished because of to the sheer ignorant slender they spout about Europe.
true, but the overexposure is self inflicted. Other countries can't shut the fuck up about the US for two minutes. Probably, so they don't have to talk about whichever shithole they are in.
Are you really judging the entire country based on the retardation you see on Jow Forums?
Glow in the dark niggers, literally,
This is now an Amerimutt thread.
Heavy hangs the head that wears the crown
Bit of jealousy, but of us being annoying, but its primarily good banter. I mean, I think Id even take a good portion of the foreign members of this board over a so-called "American" liberal butt-pirate.
Also, all you foreigners put a bit of oil under your bed to satiate the Amerigoyblin, or Israel will punish you.
American imperialism, constant wars and pretty much america being leader of the world
communist subversion seeds blooming, anyone who was young in the 80s, 90s, or 00s in south america has an anti-usa sentiment
No i disliked the Left wing Americans already, I was a huge proponent of American constitutionalism. But judging by Jow Forums fox and e-celebs the right wing does not have anything to offer. I still read the NYT and the Economist tho, not a huge fan tho. Things i still like About the US are Yale, Harvard, The hoover institute, Hudson institute.MIT and Stanford minus all the affirmative action and SJW shit. I guess i am just disappointed,everything has become so partisan and cynical.
Yurocucks are jealous they can't taste freedom and own guns.
If you ask me, I can say for whole Poland, that there are no countries more pro-American then Poland.
Are Americans superior?
The echo people ((( )))). Have to destroy traditional America to create a twisted perversion of what the founders envisioned.
Envy. Not the kind where the dirt poor envy the very rich, but where the fairly well to do envy the very well to do.
The currency in question is political power to move things in the world. Military strength and economic might etc are indirectly related concepts.
This what happened to decent WASP, everything has turned in to cold calculated cynical behavior, greed and gluttony, flashy garbage, and glorification of the lowest of the low. And i am not even sure if ((())) are to blame for it or if Americans have became complacent.
I never get the constant war problem, because humanity has practically never been out of a state of war, either intranational or international. War is mankinds second favorite pastime besides screwing.
Yes fuck envious people, but the problem is Americans have let envy in their own hearths as well, look at the SJW types look at half the shit that is being said on Jow Forums. It is all about my right and getting their share, where is the gratitude? No one teaches the middle class and new comers to stop being envious, It's all part of the economic model keep the them needing more shit to compensate for their own insecurity.
Demographically we are too far gone. Carry on the torch bros.
Turns out literally destroying your own demographics and culture by wasting all of your budgetry on pointless desert wars for a bunch of Semites makes everyone hate you
I guess it is over, we keep moving in the same direction.
They're pissed at us for taking generations of their greatest minds and people while being founded upon a relatively bloodless annexing of savages and interbreeding with everyone.
Without a welfare state we would be truly dominant.
It comes from the left
Theres great impatience about Trump. He isnt strong enough to hammer all labor laws and break the spine of burger plebs with tax hikes (like he promised for 2020) and lowering of wages. Its taking too long!
That's a based shirt. Do they make it in 4xl?
But when you look down on others it's okay?
None whites will hate whites for whatever they do. Look at Sweden and Germany they are the most naive kindhearted people and they get treated with utter disdain by immigrants. Swedes and Germans can not even comprehend the hate in their hearths. I am not a fan of Trump, but this poem is on point.
America doesn't run the world. Any country with nuclear capabilities can't be controlled by America.
Treat your enemy like shit and depict them as bad at everything to justify conquering them and destroying their way of life.
because america is a shit hole full of retarded gringos, viva mexico cabrones
They just want to rescue us.
Vietnam is the most pro US country, I'll see if I can find the info that had that.
This is not true. The nuclear option would lead to the total obliteration of the instigating nation. One can argue that certain leaders could be mad enough to push the button, but that's mostly showmanship.
Yeah basically and with that the light of civilization will vanish from this earth, because civilized people are restraining the last civilized people how are willing to be uncivilized to defend civilization it self. and so every civilization has to collapse, because the weakest members who own their lives to civilization forget what it took to get here.
Constant warmongering that displaces populations like the whole Europe migrant crisis, moral society was replaced by american consumerism where all that matters is money and merchandise, muh market is god, source of all degeneracy through their products, film and music that gets showed everywhere wether you want it or not, americans constantly going on about "muh freedoms" when its obvious even to them they are nothing but an israel puppet and their general smugness when they say they dont even care about rest of world when they are simultaneously ruining it
>Is it because America runs the world, or?
Yes, americanism = globalism
No though, it's not jealousy, it's the fact you think that you're superior because "might equals right" but in reality all degeneracy, rap, shit music and I could go on and on comes and stems from your country. You're very narcissistic also inb4 leafs are narcissists because I'm not.
Maybe from the fact that you're all degenerate horse fuckers.
You never stop meddling in other countries, ripping them off, causing coups, manipulating people. That's why they don't shut the fuck up. Are mutts really this fucking stupid?
I think youre just angry thst consumerism and degeneracy have more might than the values you like, it still doesnt make yours right though
This country has been a jewish golem for 100 years. We've enslaved the entire planet to their kike central banking system and prop up the jew colony on Arab lands and bomb the world for their (((international interests))).
Americans that I've met my entire life don't care about countries. The one consistent complaint I heard is why don't these immigrants, or that person, etc. speak English.
I think it's basically just jealousy...because they can't have nor experience what you have, they then shit all over it...
It's moreso from the npc crowd, one's that can't think for themselves and are motivated by mob mentality...
Fuck 'em. All of 'em.
unironically posts a jew.The only real Americans are the once decedent from ancestors that lived before the civil war minus the Irishs and blacks.
Do you believe everyone outside of the US is poor? hell even Osama bin laden was a multi millionaire.