Any burgers have to read this book in high school?

Any burgers have to read this book in high school?

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Yes, I did.

Considering public schools are run by J00s, then yes - obviously I was forced to.

I went to Catholic school and I had to read that shit.


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Yes, I remember bursting out laughing when we read the protagonist's last dialogue with his father about where he hide their jew gold in their house.

That said, it's amazing how inundated we are with holocaust material, instead of stuff about the soviet union. We risked destroying all of the world during the cuban missile crisis, and we basically learn nothing about the nkvd or gulags in public schools.

I read it in school
I also had to visit the Anne Frank memorial and wrote a paper on human rights

Unironically no. I was an avid reader and in GT classes and advanced literature/English classes. I've never heard of this.
t. Texan

Actually had Elie Wiesel visit our school and give a speech/presentation. My 10th grade English teacher basically turned an entire semester into Holocaust class, and she had connections so she got him to come visit.

I read it in school and I think it was one of the first time I questioned the holocaust. The prisoners in the book just seemed like prisoners. If it was a death camp why keep Elie, his dad, and all of those people alive for so long? If you want them dead why not shove them in a ware house and lock the door, then shoot those who escape.

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