London march 20th October

London march 20th October

Attached: rejoice rejoice rejoice greatly.jpg (686x478, 102K)

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Didn’t the vote already happen?

Why can people not handle democracy?

Turn up, moan, achieve nothing!
Up the fake revolution

x2 I voted remain but how the fuck are we supposed to function as a country if we're biccering like children

Theoretically it was not decisive and was a failed political moment.

yes and everything that has followed has been glorious right

No, most dishonourable.

Salty remainers march, I don't know why they think it will achieve anything

Correct, bond

it was a referendum not a neverendum

>Gary Lineker
Which isn't to say The People's Vote is therefore an improvement.

i'll give them a (second) People's Vote(TM) on EU membership of they give us a People's Vote(TM) on suspending immigration indefinitely and deporting people who should not be here

no? then this campaign can fuck off

I have a friend who works with Lineker - massive coke fiend and generally an arsehole

Didn't he stamp on a foetus or something?

Jeez I didn't hear that from them - saw them last weekend and they've just started working in sports media and gave me a quick lowdown on some people

>a quick lowdown on some people
It's lies. I've met 'people that work in the media' before and the name-dropping water cooler stories are all fiction. Apart from Gary Lineker. He stomped on a baby.

Those who diagree with me politically lose their right to be called people. Therefore "the people" cannot have voted as "people" vote the same way as me, and everyone else is just a racist, not a person.

Their argument might as well be, "look guys, every time any referendum in any country hasn't gone the EU's way they've had to do it again, so what makes us so special?"

Can’t legally have another vote they lost and come March UK for better or worse will be out of EU time they sucked in

>Hugo Rifkind says ‘Whatever you think of the referendum result, we can’t ever let there be a campaign like this again.’

>Tough luck Hugo — if your side gets its way and there is another referendum, Vote Leave 2 will be much much worse for your side than VL1 was. VL2 will win by more than VL1 and the logical corollary will be to morph into a new party and fight the next election ‘to implement the promises we made in the referendum because the MPs have proved they can’t be trusted’. At a minimum VL2 will win the referendum and destroy the strategic foundations of both main parties. The Tories will be destroyed and maybe Labour too. The rotten civil service system will be replaced and the performance of government will be transformed for the better. Investment in basic science research will flow. Long-term funding for the NHS guaranteed by law. MORE high skilled immigrants, FEWER low-skilled. An agenda that could not be described as Left or Right. The public will love it. Insiders will hate it but they will have slit their own throats and have no moral credibility. Few careers will >survive.

>Is there enough self-awareness and self-interest among MPs to realise the consequences? Hard to say. I’m more critical of SW1 than almost any Insider and even I have been surprised by the rottenness. It will be no surprise if they slit their own throats.

>So far the MPs have botched things on an epic scale but it’s hard to break into the Westminster system — they rig the rules to stop competition. Vote Leave 1 needed Cameron’s help to hack the system. If you guys want to run with Adonis and create another wave, be careful what you wish for. ‘Unda fert nec regitur’ and VL2 will ride that wave right at — and through — the gates of Parliament.

I don't think these People's Vote faggots understand what they're asking for, the country would burn.

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>Therefore "the people" cannot have voted as "people" vote the same way as me
ergo you didn't vote?

>I don't think these People's Vote faggots understand what they're asking for
1. >reading your green text
2. I don't think many (

>We would have done well out of the Chequers proposal so these people won't agree to it

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>Chequers was a good proposal, the critics of it are fighting for their own political personal future and our country suffers because of it.

Attached: _103859654_mediaitem103859653.jpg (660x371, 73K)

>Personal political career is more important than concord (agreement or harmony between people or groups) that is beneficial to the majority population

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>explain why the Chequers proposal was bad for the United Kingdom? It can't be done.

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