Mexico should take center America
Try it beaner and see how many .308 rounds we can actually fit in your asshole.
At least try to make them not commie shitholes, but then again I don't know if you can keep yourself away from that.
you might as well take it but please dont take the US you only gonna fuck it up.
texas , california etc... would NEVER be as great as they are under any mexican influence or control (you know this very well, lets not kid ourself)
How about we just annex your ass, you bean-eating faggot? We'll make the first Mexican-American War look like a fucking joke.
This time, we won't be merciful.
Cortés, get the blankets.
I would love to see you shitskins try.
nuke mexico
USA should rain down nukes on all of north Mexico all the way to Mexico city
>Gets beheaded by a cartel
Don’t mess with Texas you taco nigger, try and get carpet bombed
>How about we just annex your ass, you bean-eating faggot? We'll make the first Mexican-American War look like a fucking joke.
This time, we won't be merciful.
They already have taken it there are millions of shitskin Mestizos in those states
AMLO is unironically doing this. He will invest in central america to eventually annex them
Nah. The only way that would be viable or worth it is if we completely change our government.
I'm talking going back to the Mexican Empire.
Besides what we already got is good, we need to learn to administer it better before even considering expanding.
Fix your own shit before expanding, Jose
no fuck off
I fully support the American super country. Under the benevolent leadership of The Orange God. Hail Trump! Hail Barron!
>Mexico needs to be in charge of more places so it can make them shitholes too.
Just fuck off already.
it's not mexico doing this, it's the spanish
THIS. But unironically.
They're already doing it Marcus Cruz. The reconquest won't be with bullets but with babies.
>Gets blasted with the howitzer of an ac-130
10 feet higher
Oh shut the fuck up.
With the current state of mexico, that sounds like a poor decision.
>Tries to call someone retarded
>Can't properly quote
It's like poetry.
>center america
sal governale, is that you?
Wars are won with blood,bullets and battles.
Anything else is an insult to the land and all involed parties should become trannies as punishment
How would they do that? Mexico can't even take care of it's own country. How the fuck is mexico going to annex any land from the USA? This is retard thinking level 10.
There is going to be ethnic war soon in the US. Texans are starting to talk about this more and more. I was in line at the gas station yesterday and overheard some normal faggot boomers talking about how we are going to have to start shooting mexicans if we want anything done about this.
>volutarily taking in 200 million beaners
how about no
>Laughs in howitzer
Why even bother once you take ownership all the Mexicans will just flee to the Dakotas now
I can't. A lot of things of value reside in Southern California (mostly fashion models for me)
at least one, but what about your mcdonalds fat ass? maybe 4 bullets? huge lard ass.