Portugal General /pt/ - Holocaust Edition

This thread is for the discussion of Portuguese relevant news, politics and other related topics. Jow Forums and rest of Jow Forums boards (except int) are English speaking boards so please write in English. Low quality posts, baits and banter should be posted in bant.
Asking travel advice should be done in trv.
Share memes and attack the narrative.
Discórdia for Portuguese only MmPccuj


No niggers allowed:
>Mongrels and mutts

>Spanish brethren
>Catholic Dutch

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/LivrosHistoricosBanidos/Os Judeus na Republica - Mario Saa#page/n0


>Communist college professor says in national TV that "telling your kids to kiss their grandparents is an act of violence" during a #metoo talk:

>André Ventura wants to make a new political party. He wants pedos to be chemically castrated and wants to end gibs. He also says that "marriage is for a man and a woman" only:

>The General Directorate for Education, in partnership with the Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris, will carry out two short-term lectures about "Holocaust Teaching" on November 9th and 10th, 2018 in Lisbon:

>Brussels: Portugal structural deficit reduction below required | Govt. budget 2019

>New report from the World Economic Forum puts Portugal among the least competitive countries in the euro zone.

>Brazilian gays admit that they will leave Brazil and come to Portugal if Bolsonaro wins:

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>Our guys
Escudo Identitário - twitter.com/Esc_Identitario
Portugueses Primeiro - portuguesesprimeiro.org/wp/
Editora Contra Corrente - editoracontracorrente.wordpress.com

>Books to read
-Os Judeus na República Portuguesa
archive.org/stream/LivrosHistoricosBanidos/Os Judeus na Republica - Mario Saa#page/n0
-The Fabric of Terror - Bernardo Teixeira (1965)
-Salazar, António Ferro, Franco Nogueira: Proas e Mastros do Estado Novo
-A Tragédia da Globalização – Desenraizamento e Destruição dos Povos
-A Ecologia como Revolução: As Origens do Movimento Identitário
-A Doutrina do Fascismo

>Blogs with news

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use a better word you fucking retard

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Has João Galamba enough CV to be Energy Secretary of State?

The Holohoax Shoa:


Socialists can be everything they want. They just have to believe in it.

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You have to go back, OP

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Fuuuck... first result in the search engine.

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O Costa escolhe os seus pela lealdade. Tal como qualquer político. Só a pasta das finanças apanha com um tecnocrata ou outro de vez em quando.

Quando é que a Mortágua se assume?

Just leaving this here

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When she becomes spokesperson (equivalent to secretary-general / president) of BE (Left Bloc) to win SJW points and votes.

I wonder what Salazar would have thought If he knew one day a literal Indian Socialist was going to be one of our major leaders.

This country REALLY did change in just a few decades,things really do go fast by.

Tfw (((they))) took down our monarchy.

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>Ancient Torah scroll is safe after fire engulfs an iconic museum in Brazil
web.archive.org/web/20180905110132/https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/jta/ancient-torah-scroll-is-safe-after-fire-engulfs-an-iconic/article_d3e5b565-ade7-5cca-b072-b343343287b4.html Source: clevelandjewishnews
>“We deeply regret the loss of this colossal treasure in the history of Brazil,” Israel’s honorary consul in Rio, Osias Wurman, said of the building in an interview with JTA.
“The only compensation was to know that the Torah of Pedro II is safe, since it was located in another building of the museum.
This Torah is evidence of the admiration that the Portuguese monarch had for the Jewish people and for their traditions. This was so rare in Europe.”


O que eu não dava por umas fotos dela na praia. Tinha que sair alentejana. Provavelmente nunca vestiu um fato de banho. Sorte marreca...

When will you guys restore your monarchy?
Your republic is a fucking joke

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>Liberal Monarchy ain't the same Jewish thing
Even the current Head of Portuguese House has constitutional monarchy shills and has met the Grand Master of G.O.L. to reconcile with freemasonry and probably get iniciated.


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Anyone here speak Mirandese?

>eu não dava por umas fotos dela na praia.
You have low standards.

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As I said, a fucking joke.

Republics are a terrible form of government. Why let a corrupted president run your country instead of a monarch chosen by god?

>Monarch chosen by God
Only medieval NPCs believed that.

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This guys do:

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Commie women are shit tier.

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E se tiver assim um cu à brasileira, com o fio a atravessar?


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Gotta go even faster.

É necessário perguntar?

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PALOP's are not allowed in this thread, sir, I'm sorry

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It just have to change faster..

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Pools closed.

Pedro I was a freemason, he worked for the jews.
How does that makes you feel?

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There isn't enough brazilian monarch tradition

Calm down user,fix your country(and we will try to fix ours). All of you BrBros have to go back honestly. But no hard feelings.

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I don't think that there is any solution to brazil.

South Brazil could be worse,they will at least ease up gun laws in the near future. I'm actually optimistic they will become slightly better in the future (nothing too impressive but still better.)

Is Teixeira a jew lastname? it's one of my gf's lastnames is and I told her she might get a Portuguese citizenship through some jew program.

unrelated, but do you guys have relationships with your ex colonies in India, South-east Asia and China?

There is absolutely no hope for brazil. Not even gun laws.

They need to get rid of the afrocentric welfare system.

Timor Leste yes,China not really(they love to buy our industries tho),India unfortunately (look at our pm) many brown Asians here now because muh Goa.

Teixeira is a sephardic name, yes
Not even welfare. they have no hope what so ever. I just hope that they just stop coming here. But the average portuguese really think that they are "our brothers" because most of them are mongrels themselves

>they love to buy our industries tho.

You mean they love to buy PT products, or just the whole industry? I wouldn't be surprised of the latter though.
Too bad about the latter, specially because I doubt your country holds significant influence to make good use of the human capital or even resources (like some thinly veiled colonialism, heh).

I mentioned welfare but I forgot to add all this IdPol that indeed manipulated the BR natural sense of inferiority.
Hell, they even have black history month where they baaawww all the time about muh slavery.

Brasil is just the US without nukes. even its first president was called washington. its pretty sad

Yeah, I guess there are a lot of parallelism, but enough monkey talk.

Is there a chance for a identitarian movement to emerge and don't be instantly corrupted by (((them)))?

Brazil and the US are the proof that a total mongrelized population is perfect for the jews and the freemasons... Brazil is a case of sucess of mongrelization

telegra ph/Kind-of-Insider-Here---A-Jow Forums-post-10-12

dot between telegra and ph

There's a sjw spanish meme, everybody praises the Portugal's economic and social situation as a lefty success story, please help me know the truth

To libtards high debt and unemployment is success. I earn 2x more just crossing the border to Spain. The only ones that win here are niggers and mutts who don't have to work and get gibs.

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It isn't a sucess. If it is something it is far from being sucessfull.
>Absolutely mongrelized goverment
>no industry
>no agriculture
>crime rising
>patrimonio burned or destroyed
>horrible roads
>the most expensive gas in the world

you even pay for usuing highways after you pay taxes for it

Not to mention that portugal is a 3rd world country... no doubt.
Infrastructure is SAD, urbanization reflects the lack of portuguese racial and cultural identity, etc etc...

Also niggers aren't human.

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>You mean they love to buy PT products, or just the whole industry? I wouldn't be surprised of the latter though.
Too bad about the latter, specially because I doubt your country holds significant influence to make good use of the human capital or even resources (like some thinly veiled colonialism, heh).

It's the latter dude,the chinks have been buying off tons of our companies, businesses and industries.

And it's not just here either,this is basically a form of colonization had they take power in the country. Looking at Africa today that entire place is slowly starting to being owned by the Chinese,it's pretty disturbing.

It's bullshit,this Country is likely going to face a BIGg economic crisis in the next decade(say worse than 2008)

What...? They're entirely wrong.

Portugal is leftist paradise.

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Out of curiousity, why is it that many Portuguese people lay claim to Galicia/Galiza? You may have similarities, but ethnically, you are different, so why lay claim to land which is not yours?

only jews

Their language is very close to ours. Even more then Spanish, and people make the meme that they should join us to complete the rectangle. Some of the people shilling it are kikes.

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One of the biggest problem of the portuguese is thinkong that makes a portuguese is their language and culture and history. It never comes to their minds of what race are or were the original portuguese

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What? I never heard Portugaliza associated with Jews. Were doest that come from?
My dad is a strong defender of the creation of a country consisting of Galiza and North Portugal

And even worse is thinking that they must join us after not sharing ANY of the history or culture or any other common thing about it that portugal has with galiza. This fantasy is just a plot to further balkanize our peninsula and the jews are trying to drag us into it

Portugal is riddled with jews and other mongrels. Just because you are "catholic" you still be a jewish mongrel

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Still can be*
The only legitimate reason that galiza and northen portugal (the former borders of suábia) should be together I would except is that they are, supposedely, from the same race. which i highly doubt it


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We need to be the same race first in our country before we expand to any place.

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this. neither galiza, spain and portugal wouldhave to win with the unified portugal with galiza.

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>muh empire

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