If the Left is full of jews, why do they support Palestine in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict?

If the Left is full of jews, why do they support Palestine in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict?
If Jow Forums hates jews, why do you support Trump (who supports Israel)?

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because israel is based and pali's are shitskins

honestly im glad trump supports israel because they're as close of an ally as we have in the world, don't fall for da joos memes

Mel Gibson is so handsome, my lord

KEKD AND CHECKD xD! based post my migapede

>If the Left is full of jews, why do they support Palestine in the Israeli

- you mean to tell me the right "supports" Palestine?

Jew tricks. Sage lurk mure

>If Jow Forums hates jews, why do you support Trump (who supports Israel)?

sometimes you gota take the good with the bad fren

>If the Left is full of jews, why do they support Palestine
Because they're useful idiots and supporting Palestine is their only legitimate original thoughs, but they're too incompetent to support it in any way possible
Also that doesn't mean it can't play in the hands of jews, for example they support muslims who are extremely anti-semitic, that doesn't mean they hate jews though
>If Jow Forums hates jews, why do you support Trump
Because he was the only good candidate and by good I mean he was the most similar to Jow Forums's chaotic nature

Holy shit, can't you read?

Leftist opposition to Israel is a meme.
Liberal politicians pretend to support Palestinians for public appearance, but when asked about it in public they repeatedly reaffirm their support for Israel every single time.
They're all talk.

>reddit spacing
>because israel is based and pali's are shitskins
I see a couple shitskins and it's not the Palestinian.
>honestly im glad trump supports israel because they're as close of an ally as we have in the world
>da joos
Kike confirmed. Too easy.

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In Canada, the Liberal government is statistically more pro-Israel by far than even the conservicuck Evangelical government.

Attached: Harper.jpg (357x245, 11K)

the Jews support both sides wherever it is locally beneficial to do so.

i wouldn't be surprised if the Jews that "support" Palestine, support AIPAC a lot more...

>Why do jews want conflict on their borders?
Because the US sends (that we know of) $30B in military aide to grow Israel's military.
Jews have no intention to end this conflict. There's no money in it.

Google "mel gibson quietly giving to jewish charities"
And don't blame the messenger

I'm guessing they pocket some of that aide for something else right?

If any of those were made after his anti-Semitic comments came to light, you can cynically say he was trying to curry favor to get jobs in Hollywood again

Weird, you think a real American would be a little less trusting of the country responsible for the USS Liberty attack where they also tried the gun down the survivors. Also, kind of weird how a foreign entity and people with dual citizenship in dual interest make up so much of our Congress, our Hollywood, and all of our learning institutions. You would think that an American would want a red-blooded American in charge of these. Unless, you're only smart enough to look at the surface issues you filthy stupid retard.

Because the Jews shot themselves in the foot with supporting the decolonization effort and encouraging ethnic nationalist movements amongst the formerly docile colonial populations.

The idea works really well until it comes back to bite them in the arse in the Middle East.

Hi JIDF faggot. Did you suck your mommys dick today jewboi?

This user gets it.

Attached: C9CAEC1F-006C-4BF1-8E87-0D4C1E86A938.png (1419x873, 328K)

This man created the entire Cultural Marxist rationalization of decolonialization. In doing so he destroyed leftist support for Israel. When Israel stopped being a socialist experiment in national liberation and became a racist colonial power the left abandoned it. He did it.

Attached: Edward Said.jpg (1000x658, 106K)

trumptards conveniently ignore that their orange god is a kike lover
they are hypocrites but that shouldn't surprise you