Proud boys

Gavin McInnes has called for violence against the left. People in twitter are sharing this fact and trying to ruin his life. What is the overall strategy here? Do we disavow or double down?

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Other urls found in this thread:

double down

Gavin Mcinness is pretty shady

especially that Rebel media shit that went down last year.

Here we go again boys.

Jow Forums is a board of peace. Dispense the gas of peace

why would """"we"""" need to do anything?
go fuck yourself

I thought it was ok to be violent now. Why is it only bad when we do it?

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I don't like McInnes at all, but the time is certainly coming for violence. They've been calling for violence, I see no reason not to desire further escalation since it's a fight they will obviously lose.

The "Proud Boys" are only going to split the Republican party.

Same as Antifa did.

oh yeah, satire btw, almost forgot

Violence is always the solution.

Nah. Self defense is the defense of peace.

How are they going to ruin his life? The man has fuck you money and a family.

>siding with Gavin to begin with

Dildo for Gavin

Same was true for Alex Jones...

If they wanna punish him they'll take things out of his butt

No one wins with violence. Just defend... no initiating!!! NPCs are even primed to ignore the initial punch as long as the receiver is a "nazi" they are just looking for excuses at this point. The NPCs are looking for an escape from all the internal bugs, physical violence lulls people back to sleep. Don't promote this violence bullshit.

It was a sad day when antifa split the Republican party

We have to wait a little bit longer. Let the left start bombing places and using armed mobs to shoot people. Then act, we need the public to demand order and peace before we can go 1939 on them.

what's with migrants and violence
Time to build the northern wall

the left does not matter any longer
like it or not
gavin has officially reached counter culture status

Of course Rebel is paid shills. But if the jews want a civil war, I say let's give them one


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>Gavin Mcinnes's statement
In video but text is also accepted.

Is DOTR finally here?

still is true for Alex

Found it:
>What's the matter with violence? You need violence.
>I cannot recommend violence enough, it's a really effective way to solve problems.
>Fighting is who we are. It should be an integral part of your life.
Video, which is a Media Matters video compilation.