You realize Jow Forums is satire, right?

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yes, but it's funny because it's true

satire is only good when it's fundamentally true

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>They don't now


Yes Jow Forums is board of peace, acceptance, tolerance and equality

can you please leave me alone now CIA I already sold you my soul

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It's hard to take things seriously if you can't make fun of them first.

Yes we are just joking my friend

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Absolutely. Gas the kikes race war now

I unironically think that most of the world's problems wouldn't exist if jews never existed.


>While “fact” and “truth” are often considered synonymous, they actually have very different meanings in this discussion. The commonly held definition of “facts” are that they objectively exist in reality, regardless of belief, culture, or other consideration. They cannot be logically disputed. “Truth” on the other hand is made up of facts, but can be tempered by beliefs and interpretation. As such, two people can draw two different “truths” from the same set of facts.

>This means they should consider disabling commentary systems—the function of allowing the general public to leave comments beneath a particular media item—and be careful to refer to the spreading of false information and providing a fact-based correction without explicitly repeating the false message itself.

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You do realize you're gay, right?

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Of course. No one really wants to kill all (((journalists))) and (((bankers))).

Yes we are a board of peace what's there not to know?

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Haha yeah, it's just a prank bro!

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>He fell for the jew conspiracy

Haha, fucking loser

Couldn't have described reddit better myself tbqfh

How so? They have never pretended to be idiots, they just are.

>He doesn't realize the jew memes are true
Oh boy another retarded scandie

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we're all here just to have a good time

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Reddit niggers took over, so yeah, Jow Forums is one BIG joke.

>Inconsistent conspiracy with no evidence supporting it.
Sure mate. Enjoy your nazi wet dream.

The Star of David on the Guatemalan truck was the last straw for me.

So ridiculously absurd.

Do you have a pic?

Yeah dog

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Jow Forums is free speech
Jow Forums is also a honeypot
but free speech > honeypot
free speech > satire also
The humor, bants, disinfo, shock factor, irony, unfiltered opinions and satire makes it all worth.

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Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.

Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feel Guy,MD, PhD
University of Meme,Kek State

Every three or four threads created on the board you will find one discussing blacks and even threads having nothing to do with them will often times have some user/anons who have them on the brain.Behind all the hate, behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational pictures, and webms - pol/ users secretly admire the Negro.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and solemn disdain.For where the asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that of all the races of men it is the black man whose masculinity has become a meme? Based on our assessment,Dr. Wojack and I have thus concluded that pol/ is a board populated with manic depressive autistic shizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Jungian-Pavlovian psychopathological negro-complex.

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delet this

Boy i sure do hate niggers

Wrong, the Nazis are Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat !

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good to see a fellow niggerhater

The NPC meme is psyop that was forced onto the scene and you dupes let it happen. But sadly it won't be swiftly eliminated from here anytime soon. It will continue to serve it's purpose in pulling your attention away from other matters more deserving your attention and off-putting visitors wishing to be red-pilled.

>1 post by this ID

There is no bad publicity though.

How many niggers did you kill today
I'm on my 7th one

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Yup, I'm just here to troll. All the real discussion goes on at leftypol headquarters

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I've already purged the coon from my neighbourhood
I'm on 4 dead kikes though

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Jow Forums would be funny if it were not for the essence of racism and intolerance that defines this place .Fortunately, but most it is now known as a fringe hatesite and I believe it's days are numbered.


whites are a joke...

Yes, the democratic views on Jow Forums are satire. Who doesn't know that

NPC meme is being censored big time
(((they))) hate it

I'm coming for you nigger...

Ur dead sambo

Yeah what a cuck tard

come at me.. I am protected by laws and a very successful black man with a high paying job in the IT industry. Some white people I have met are very smart, but others are pathetic and are failing after all of their entitles 'free ride' years.

For some people, it's not satire.. (Not talking about myself)

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Just wait until the racewar

there will be no racewar you sad reject.. only more failure and suffering as you try to hope for a world that will never exist.

Heri, Hodie, Semper.

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>think i'm white my whole life
>come to this shithole
>lol arab/guinea/mednigger

fuck all of you people

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The day of the rope is soon uncle tom