Reminder the working class should not have children it's borderline child abuse. Don't have kids unless you can

Reminder the working class should not have children it's borderline child abuse. Don't have kids unless you can

>homeschool until age 10 (grade 4)
>teach them a second language, and mathematics from an early age
>grade 4 - 8 private school close to your residence (walking distance, preferably live in the city)
>private boarding high school 9 - 12 (in another country preferably)
>pay for ivy league education + graduate school + PhD
>ability to give them an annuity of $1 million/year starting at age 20

If you can't do that don't have kids

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>how to make an inferior race as weak as Jews, by some some faggot
The Greeks, Romans, and National Socialists all valued physical fitness. Never working a day in your life doesn't give you the right to reproduce.

>working class should not have children

Short for only welfare niggs and shekel-collectors should have kids?

I propose the idea of a child cap. Basically you can't have children unless you earn a certain amount, say £15k a year, if you earn that and can continue supporting yourself then you're allowed two children, you can only have children if you move up the company ladder or get promoted to higher end jobs. This would also weed out and curb people claiming benefits and living off them throughout the generations. I've also considered factoring a points based three strike system. Thoughts?

>Births of white children in western countries drop worldwide

Better cap that shit amirite?

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You're right Mr. Shekelstein! Only you and yours should have the right to reproduce. The world is yours to inherit.

>you can only have children if you move up the (((company))) ladder or get promoted to (((higher end))) jobs
This is corporatism on steroids m8. Financial success can not be any part of the metric. Assay things like knowledge of history and culture. Fitness too (with drug test).

I fully support this. I will never be able to have kids as a wage slave.

We need to make welfare have an immense sense of shame in society. You need to get it through the prole's skulls that it is indeed NOT free money.

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This is fucking retarded.
If every single child received this treatment, who would do the shit jobs? They would all think they're too good for it and nothing would get done.
I'm so sick of low-tier leafposts. Day of the rake now.

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in like 15 years when all labour is automated shit jobs won't exist

>who would do the shit jobs?
normal people after the shit jobs pay great wages as supply drops

right now and for the future it is LITERALLY free money though.

>private boarding high school 9 - 12 (in another country preferably)
>pay for ivy league education + graduate school + PhD
>ability to give them an annuity of $1 million/year starting at age 20
Yeah, there aren't going to be enough people idiot.
>annuity of $1 million
Most people won't even work.

>Most people won't even work.
>as supply drops

That's exactly what we're doing only while traveling the world.

This leaf knows what's up.

So are you admitting this annuity thing is horseshit, or do you just expect hyperinflation.
Becuase you seem to be implying that wages will increase past the point where sitting on your ass with $1 million is less desirable than working.

>you seem to be implying that wages will increase past the point where sitting on your ass with $1 million is less desirable than working
show me where I made that claim

>Are you implying
>Where did I say
You are pathetic.

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>I can imply an implication to reliably put words in anyone's mouth whenever I want!
You have to go back

No. The future is jungle nigger communism.

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Have one last (you).

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Remember my Mexican mutt seed taints Asian wombs.

Maybe this is why finance isn't taught in schools.