Prove me wrong. Pro tip: You can't.
Anglo Saxons are the Most Germanic Race in the World
I live in the red dot, am I an Anglo?
No germanic would use words like fucking "Squirrel"
Then speak Anglish.
Ic Specan Ænglisc!
Ācweorna is the correct term.
Good, now never use romance language words ever again. Then I'll think about you being "Germanic".
>anglos are somewhat germanic
They are somewhat. Why do you think hitler pleaded with the british for some kind of understanding. But was just met with threat of war from the jews trying to instigate it. So they stabbed germany in the back instead. Now fast forward to present times, british themselves are being destroyed by the same groups the natsoc germans wanted to stop. Well played lad. Well played..
It was (((American))) infiltration that destroyed Englaland.
Haplogroup autism strikes again. I guess at least that part of you is germanic enough.
>being that accurate with Scotland but including Cornwall in Germanic
>You can't.
shiny and chrome
Cornish never get a break
Almost as if it was two birds and one stone. Use the UK to diminish Germany, then toss the UK away post-WW2.
Imagine the power if all Germanic countries formed a confederacy
Germany seriously got fucked by Russia both literally and figuratively, lmao.
Nigeria seriously got fucked by the Eternal Anglo both literally and figuratively. and you are still a monkey.
Cornish people are already Anglified beyond being anything but Anglo-Saxon, Celtishness is a LARP.
The most Germanic country is Denmark.
North Sea Confederacy.
Yeah but it's thanks to them that we know English, the greatest language in the world. All Russians gave Germans were communism and unwanted rapebabies.
Thank you. :)
German is the greatest languages in the world, if you spoke it you would know it.
This map was computed by adding paternal lineages associated with the diffusion Germanic peoples from the Iron Age onwards. These includes Y-DNA haplogroups I1 (except some subclades of Finnish origin), I2a2a-L801, R1a-L664, R1a-Z284, R1b-U106, and R1b-L238.
You're a Cuckold.
Stop WE WUZ PUREST GERMANICs AND SHIIT. you are celtic rapebabies.
No, we raped the Celts, not the other way round!
Says the guy cosying up to his pet monkey. I speak English, German, Dutch, Spanish and French but German is objectively the best languages, there is a reason why Germany produced the greatest philosophers on earth.
You are about as Germanic as Spics are White. you should identify with your inferior part.
pls say "squirrel" in your mic and upload it all for us to listen
Specan se Ænglisc!
no, only modern English, i guess i could understand it the way i can understand Afrikaans.
I am the eternal toothpaste
pretty good for an eternal kraut, still hitlarious.
I want Austrians to leave reeeeee
As a person formally learning German, I can say it has it's flaws for example highly arbitrary adjective endings and plural endings. Not saying these aren't problems in other languages it's just really obvious as a native English speaker.
I was expecting you to just blow into the mic and call us faggots but laughed instead. Thanks
How many people still know /speak anglo saxon?
Two I know personally, a couple of thousand at least.
That is pretty cool, is the original pronunciation still known? Which modern languages does it sound like most?
The British Isles are Celtic.
The native inhabitants of the British Isles were and still are essentially Celtic.
Before the invasion by Germanic tribes, before invasion by Vikings, and before the Normans took over their nobility (royal courts), the native language that was spoken was a Celtic one.
English is a creole language.
Although it's technically a Germanic language, more than half of all words in English come from either French or Latin.
English also has a very simplified grammatical structure, compared to all other Germanic languages.
Maybe Western England is more "Germanic" than the rest of the British Isles, but that doesn't matter.
All of the claims that the peoples of the British Isles have to bring Germanic are watered down and tenuous at best.
>Anglo Saxons are the Most Germanic Race in the World
user, I'...
that's cool
we call them 'ekorn'
Eichhörnchen here
To me it's similar to Frisian.
It's Old English but I will call them that.
not a real thing mutt
Nicht slecht, Hans. Nicht slecht.
Ok i do not speak that either. But i am going to look in to anglo-saxon.
The English language itself is proof that you're not Germanic, Nigel.
>whitening action
whiten the world, toothpaste man!
Yes, get out there and make that dot bigger.
That's just the word écureuil badly pronounced. Half of the english language is like that.
Ic cann. Hit is cýmlic.
It sounds a little like a softer German/Scandanvian.
Not true, but carry on.
What town city is that dot? I'm really fucking intrigued here, user. There has to be a cool story to this history
Foggia, used to be the capital of the Holy roman empire
thanks germ user.
It sounds a lot like Afrikaans to me, most definitely closer to Dutch and modern English than Scandinavian.
It's Benevento, it was the capital city of Langobardia Minor. A lot of people here have blond or red hair and blue eyes because of the Lombards, they migrated here after the invasion of Italy in the VI century (Lombards the germanic barbarians from Scania not the modern italian lombards)
>Ultimate bros, love you guys
Hál þé!
Foggia is on the other side of the mountains
Old Frisian and Old English were very close. (Our runes are the same too.)
that wasn't the correct answer though you stupid wojak posting tard
I was one valley away from it, i think this can pass
I can, it is common?
what is the answer then?
R1b Celtic master race
Common to speak Old English? No, but there are a few of us. It really is the most delightful language. (Were you the Dutchman who said German was the best language? I agree that it is the best modern language.)
Literally all of that was factually correct except for when he mixed up 'Western' with 'Eastern'.
Who cares about the losers' language.
Funny thing my paternal ancestor was Scottish who came here during the 80 year war to fight the Catholic Spaniards.
England is more Germanic than Germany.
Fuck off. Pro tip: fuck off Achmed
Ic'n speak American.
Maybe you are right, Anglo-Saxon seems very intriguing to me.
Say that in Vietnamese, please.
> pic unrelated
Less Germanic than The Netherlands and Scandinavia
Denmark is literally the birthplace of the modern germanic
the cvck romans were so weak, that they couldnt handle the tribes we kicked out of jutland, (jutes, saxons, angles) and the goths fro sweden, gotland
the fucking power of the germanic
Taking Flanders into account on the whole the Anglo-Saxons are more Germanic genetically.
You should look into it. It also has by and large the oldest writings in the Germanic languages (excluding epigraphic runes, of course) and a good body of literature.
>t. Wealh.
Yes, probably. We also have Celtic and pre-Celtic roots, no doubt.