Why are burgers so coarse, classless, and ill mannered?
The absolute state of America
Because we can be
It's not unusual for caged animals or near-death scenarios to prompt strong reactions i.e. hysterical strength. This Trump phenomenon is just the final death shrieks and paroxysms of rage as Whites become a minority in America in 10-15 years. Just gotta ride it out. Keep your boot on the neck and don't get hit by all the flailing.
Find someone who looks at like you like George Soros' royal prostitute looks at Prince Harry.
>72 year old man still makes his wife wet
Jealous leafs?
but according to that they aren't. she's even holding the umbrella for him.
>treat woman as second class citizen
>get qt gf
>support inclusiveness and women's rights
>get divorced roastie mutt gf
hmm it really makes me think, it really does
OP is a brainlet commie
I have a feeling there will be mass executions and rioting, resulting in the gentrification of the entire United States. That, or the Balkinazation of America where whites take 6 to 10 states and make them ours and ours only.
A world without a prominent number of white people will quickly die and humanity will go into a long period of dark ages, or go extinct entirely.
White people and ONLY white people, are the future of the human race among the stars and other planets. Without us, humanity dies by 2200.