I walked in on my brother in the bathroom when he was naked and his dick was hard. Now I keep thinking about it...

I walked in on my brother in the bathroom when he was naked and his dick was hard. Now I keep thinking about it. He also walked in on me with my hands in my panties a few weeks ago. There is just so much tension between us. I feel like I'm messed up in the head but i keep thinking about his dick

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is this your fantasy

Its my reality

show some proof

i.e. your fun bags

haha that's so quirky. if this happens again, could you elaborate on what you would do? don't worry, it's just to make sure i know what not to do, otherwise it would just be weird haha

Got to be 18 to post here kiddo go to reddit if you want attention

Sex between siblings is completely natural and ok.

We are 18 plus...

It's called TITS or GTFO for a reason you fucking new fags.

I hope you too can work out your feelings. Also saged and reported and I'll pray for you

So go fuck him. Who cares

I.. want to suck his dick... he is attractive and I havent met a boy who had such...girth

TITS OR GET THE FUCK OUT. 5/10 for baiting all these faggots.

we have rules here...

Tits or gtfo. And don't forget the timestamp.

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Tits or gtfo.
Don't waste my time.

tits or gtfo

This is Jow Forums, are you lost? Saged.

I think you’re a little too comfortable with this board. If you are just going to post stupid bullshit that isn’t politics related then it’s time to leave.

You posted this shit on r9k. Keep your sick larp there

You need proof for this story, user...but you've made me pretty stiff so far, keep going.

Keep this on Jow Forums

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Tits with timestamp or gtfo

inb4 its just a dude fantasizing his sister
hows it feel being a faggot

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Why always so degenerate, America?

Why this on Jow Forums, tho? Seems like a /b/-tier filth to me, my dear sick&twisted femanon.