Jared Taylor vs race traitors


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Bump. Jared is always comfy.


he unironically sounds like judge whitey from futurama - AND IT'S AMAZING

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Jared 2024
Make America White Again


How much Japanese pussy do you think he got growing up in Japan? . . .

Not eligible

is elizabeth warren after shaun king the second person Jow Forums considers white?

Based and redpilled.

not real

>When an African Nigger gets two terms but a born in Japan proud white can not run for office

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why white people who's knowledgeable about Japanese culture turn racist?


I would hardly believe he didn't succumb to the temptation.

Ive always wondered why shills leave JT alone

Although I appreciate Jared, his activism just doesn't amount to anything substantial in the end.

I do think that's a fair question. The best possibility is that he looks good and they just want to deny him any attention. The worst I'll leave up to you.

Because he's actually rational and (((they))) don't want to give him any attention since they know that whites will end up agreeing with him more than not.

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Nobody would know or care for him if he wasn't the first guy to have his videos put in limited state.
Also he thinks the jq is not a thing. Hardly trustworthy.

and the shills are here
non of you seen the video were he btfo of the liberal Israeli shill. shit is gold

>jared taylor
He thinks that east asians are superior to whites. What a cuck

couldn't watch more than 5 minutes of that garbage. quick rundown?

They can't deal with him. Better to just ignore him.

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jared you disappoint me

Why is Jared weak on the JQ? (((They))) already hate him. He just needs to go full fash already.

He thinks eat Aisha have higher IQs than whites have on average. That is a simple fact. He does not make any statement about general superiority from that fact. I can't tell whether you're a troll or an idiot.

Typos due to phone posting and autocorrect.

Because he's not a sperg and can actually make an argument.

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What one would imagine
Isareli shill smug as gold plated shit tries to call him white supremacist, antisemitic and put words in his mouth, while Jared does his thing and the Israeli becoming angrier and angrier by the minute, exposing himself as the jew confirming every stereotype about yids. IIRC he starts yelling at Jared toward the end and his camera man asks him if they shouldn't rather stop. Watch it yourself desu.

The last were he destroys the Aussie feminist isn't bad either. I think what many retards who believe the Jared is a jew who doesn't talk about the JQ don't get, is that he lets the jew expose himself, making himself immune against any form of attack.

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They dont have you ever seen the shit they post about him? Say hea married to a jew when he isnt

He was the first one banned of twitter while david duke still has his. The only way they can deal with him is not allow boomers to hear him speak.

>eat Aisha

They don't leave him alone though. They shit on him because he sticks to white advocacy and doesn't go after Jews.

Holy shit. Thought that pic was a younger Bolsonaro for a minute!

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But who is that supposed to impress? Believing NPC's will be convinced by logic, reason and debate is just an illusion at this point.
Unless he goes full Rockwell or calls for non retarded whites to form a settlement together, I'm not impressed.
He would be satisfied by entering the history books as one of the people who saw the downfall coming.

he thinks jews are white tho.

Well let me put it bluntly

They don't. They've done the following:

1. Dragged him out on national television to humiliate him by decontextualizing his remarks and forcing him to try and defend those distortions of his statements within the soundbyte framework.

2. Delist his YT videos.

3. He was deplatformed from Twitter and other social media before fucking David Duke was.

4. Every public appearance he makes is disrupted by the left who are never held to account for their behavior and he's had many events cancelled at the 11th hour.

fuck you down under franz! Not everybody is delusional cuck.
wixxer deppeter

all of it
he wasn't a race realist until his early 20s

they don't

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kys retard

Do you really think that it would help anybody if he would go full Rockwell? It is not his role.
And yes, an NPC that certainly knows the antisemitic stereotypes parroted by Maganpcs
will get a makes me really think input watching a soft spoken man, following basic logical argumentation
while the jew in front of him steps in every trap he lays. What you are asking for is similar to a Sargoon telling Jim
>Be our leader Jim
>Apply SJW tactics Jim
>You are a coward Jim
Sorry if you are not a hook nose, but you sounded like a shabbos goyim


Bump for Jared

Jim is a 37 year old doomer. Why anyone would think he wants to be a leader of some gay dead hashtag is beyond me.

Please tell me what Jared accomplished in his 25 years of activism and based debates?
A couple tousand views on his videos on jewtube, where he talks about how retarded white people are is not gonna save west.

fuck off and cut your dick for schomo, brainlet

two American parents. Pretty sure he counts as a naturalized citizen, no?

Especially if they were on missionary work. However, something tells me this """missionary work""" is just glow-in-the-dark antics.

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nvm i don't know the constitution lol

As a former editor of PC Magazine standing against the pc shit in gaming he red pilled more Gamers on race than anyone before him.
His conferences give young and old activists the opportunity to network in an intellectual environment, something that white advocacy groups hadn't
have since the 50's. The goal of creating an ethnostate is no sprint it is a marathon, and he is front running it. Watch the last several minute of this video
he says it best himself, we are in the beginning not near the end, there is still a hell of a lot to do, and it is not yet the time to grab our guns and fight
We would all lose what was started in the last 5 years

>Believing NPC's will be convinced by logic, reason and debate
You're just wrong here, this isn't the 1940s anymore and people have all dispoable information available. If you sperg out all you will do is make yourself a target. Why do you think the left is losing currently? Even if you want to go full Rockwell, you have to at least have a strong thought out ideology that appeals to rationality along with your convictions of going 88.

fair points, but looking at rhodesia and south africa, I don't see our changes increasing over time.
Hell, you would think the western romans learned their lesson from the fall of the eastern empire, but that didn't happen either

>the left is losing
a small set back is not really losing imo.
2020 will be the last time whites are a majority in voters, after that it will be presidente fernando lopez

>you would think the western romans learned their lesson from the fall of the eastern empire, but that didn't happen either
And look huwhites are still here, we fought back the foreign hords from the south and east, developed the printing press, split the atom, touched the stars, developed a global realtime communication system. As long as there is just one little flame left and some who don't forget and remember, we come back and we always come back stronger. Jared is one of those keeping the flame burning, but he cant do it forever, that is true

lol why do shills always go out full force when some thread of the huwhite man appears
5 pages of 0 reply to this thread.

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>a small set back is not really losing imo.
But that setback is caused by them being generally incompetent and sticking to old tired out tactics along with pushing a mentally derranged ideology based on social science and rejecting biological science and debate, there's no reason we should hamper ourselves by doing these things. The only reason the actual right wing got any amount of notoriety when we were all but a tiny fraction of the population just a few years away from dying out completely was because our ideology is just intellectually superior and more attractive to people.


oh, I don't doubt that we will come back eventually, when all the retards have died off.
For us, who live in the present, it will probably just be a painful downward spiral

>Mutt shitting up the thread as usual

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Yes it will be, it already is and will become far worse. And? What doesn't kill us makes us stronger and for now the goal is to bolster the numbers of those who are aware, securing the history of our people with everything we have. Let the cities burn, they can be rebuild. Protect the archives, they are essential

I love Jared Taylor

so attractive that only a handful of autists around the world even care for it. The NPC's are happy with their bread and circuses and don't even consider the logical fallacies of their education.
It took the fucking black plague to kill off half the population of europe before the renaissance could pull us back up from the dark ages.

thanks for some Jow Forums shit, unlike 90% of threads....

That's why we should form communities for people that are aware instead of waiting and hoping for a miraculous, democratic solution.

Still no reason to shoot ourselves in the foot, and the actual right was laughed at like a circus just a few years ago. Now look how scared they are. We will just go back to being a lolcowdeology by completely abandoning rationality. And that's not saying going 88 is a bad thing, just that maintaining the actual high ground is important in breaking the initial conditioning surrounding ideologies like ours. That's why people like Jared Taylor are important.


For once, OP isn't a massive tail gunner.

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>form communities
Well here we are. It might be virtual and under permanent siege with lords that fuck us over every chance they get but it is something. Amren Conferences are another, that might develop into something more material, same goes for cuck clubs like the Identitarian civ nats, or even system parties like the Lega FPÖ AfD Front and Fidesz. Expecting that magically white safe space communes develop over night is delusional, everybody has to do his individual contribution to create a viable collective

Idiot shills. Jared Taylor supports the privatization of everything, but white advocacy is more important so he doesn't talk about it often.

>Identitarian civ nats
Is there such a thing? I thought an important step in becoming some sort of identitarian was accepting that culture is informed in whole or in part by race, and therefore having different groups of people living in the same country will never work since both peoples having differing cultures will create an objective goal to discriminate and eventually destroy one or the other's people (and by extension culture) despite what their actual ideologies and/or values may be. They could probably have the exact same values and culture and this will still end up happening.

I see the reason for us to get any traction solely in the fact that cultural marxism is starting to hurt peope in IR, not by being right or more rational unfortunately.


His wife is a Jew and he's a Zionist

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And who has the solution to the cultural marxist problem? Other socialists who parade around as conservatives? We're obviously more rational if we exist to solve a problem another political group has started.

Yes that is the theory.
But if a movement is represented by a yid that unironically believes, or at least communicates to the outside that it is possible for somebody to "learn" a culture, no matter where one is from or what race, then this becomes watered down more and more just for the purpose of getting more power in the now instead of heaving a stronger community and ends in civ nat circle jerking

well it's something at least. What's your opinion on Sellner? I can't stand hearing the little faggot talk about muh ebil 3rd reich and calling out anti semitism in the comment section of his videos. It's not like MSM and antifa don't call him a nazi anyway.

Because kikes look huwhite to him.

He never named them !

Pretty much this I sometimes even get the impression that he is a double agent, which was cemented with the judges not cracking down on him and the Bundes IB as also supporting German identitarians that are obviously lefty multi culti cucks and pushing them instead of others who are more honest. Imo that faggot is just interested in making shekel. That doesn't men that the IB has many many really great people. I just hope they don't get culled for being idealistic

But first we would need to destroy the post ww2 narrative of Hitler and natsoc us the ultimate evil. It's just too powerful of a weapon to scare of normies and not talking about it, isn't gonna help either.

take your meds moarpenis

Which one?

Fucking based. IOTBW. I lol'd.

I completely agree, but sperging out joining a gang, and killing fellow whites and giving the media exactly what they want to further their already strong hold on propaganda won't work. It starts from the people, if others see NatSocs as intelligent attractive people with good arguments that challenge their mainstream propaganda then the stigma will naturally go away, even if you lose friends or family members do to them being suckered in by (((them))) you create foundation for a strong ideology. That's mainly the position that I was arguing.

Bump for huwhite

I always wonder if civnats actually believe what they argue. Like you said, it's a race to the bottom to get power and votes. Probably a consequence of democracy, it's a scary thought thinking this and what our future might look like.

ask yourself why such people as Jared Taylor never get elected as Presidents of the USA or to Senate.

it's because the election in the US is fucking rigged and fake. only (((the right kinds of candidates))) get (((elected)))

its funny how the (((left))) calls Trump literally Hitler when that shabos goy is surrounded by kikes in his administration, has a daughter who converted to be a kike, has a kike husband, kike children and Trump is so (((right wing))) that he literally hates whites. Otherwise why are there almost no whites in his administration?? All key positions in his administration are held by kikes. He works mostly with kikes. He allowes for kikes to profit from his Presidency. Doesn't all the (((Presidents)))

Make Holocaust Real Again.

The rule of the npcs, literally
The US and Brazil is what it looks like. A society that barely exists in permanent crisis on a never ending follow up of conquers and divides


You already called me a fag earlier brainlet.

>Jared "Jews are white" Taylor

>When conservatives start conserving socialist propaganda and still get called nazis
This is the end result of democracy. Pic unrelated.

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When it was written only American citizens born in the United States could run for president. Citizens were only White before 1868.

He only said that so they couldn't label him as an "anti semite"

>let me just tell you some fag ass shit that only makes sense to my fag ass self. also i'm a retard so don't mind me.

Conservatives bought into socialist ideology from the mid 1900s, obviously, when conservatives used to actually try to conserve their people, nation and culture. They bought into the egalitarian meme and suck socialist leader's dicks like MLK, yet are still called nazis despite pushing the exact same propaganda they are pushing. Only in a democracy can conservatism turn into socialist ideology.