>Listen, I don’t have the bandwidth for it with everything that’s on my plate, but ping me anyway because at the end of the day it’s on my radar and I don’t want to be thrown under the bus because I didn’t circle back around on this no-brainer.
>30% is one third, not two kraut. I thought you people were supposed to be good at math. Hispanics aren't white. Asians aren't white. Mixed race people aren't white. Natives aren't white. You're a fucking moron!
>Bolton said that Nielsen, a close Kelly ally, was doing a poor job with the border and that her department was not producing the needed results, these people said. He argued that she was failing at one of her signature tasks as Homeland Security secretary, they said
>Bolton, as well as Trump's senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, also proposed sending armed guards to the border and denying entry to anyone without proper documentation, including asylum-seekers, according to three people familiar with the discussions
Some fags in Brazil who are becoming demonic. The one on the left has an instagram and bad mouthed Jair. They're pretty freaking honestly, and they can get you a good amount of (You)s.
Good, I guess? Our government's always warned our soldiers of STDs and provided them with condoms for filthy French girls, it only makes sense that they'd do the same for faggots.
>hey I got an idea what's that? >You know how we have a whole bunch of hormone filled men? >In extremely dangerous situations? >So their long/short term decision making skills aren't necessarily the best? >And they live in close proximity to each other? >with pretty much no privacy? yeah? >Let's have gays amongst them >Let's just put some gays in there
>CNN journalist hit with nonlethal gas that makes you cry And we are supposed to care even slightly?
Tyler Taylor
>telling an elderly person they arent in shape Back in my day this would be shameful.
Nathaniel Baker
>>No one is innocent >And the mask is finally lifted. You care nothing for your fellow man and eagerly seek to murder anyone you doesn't fall in line with your warped perception of reality. You are a poison to this nation and I'm greatful your disgusting idealolgy is about to run your course. I'll repeat it because it is true, no one is innocent. The whole world is a giant crab bucket of evil you can't even comprehend full of people who want to rape, torture, and kill your whole family then burn down your country. You're beyond foolish. I want to preserve my nation, my family, my people, myself in the face of those genocidiers by whatever that takes. You are poison to this nation and I'm grateful your disgusting ideology is about to run it's course.
>What began as a policy discussion turned into a harsh exchange between Kelly and Bolton, just steps from the Oval Office, with Kelly telling Bolton that he lacked an understanding of the complexities of immigration policy, and Bolton telling Kelly that his efforts so far have been ineffective It's sounds like a possibility
Alexander Turner
Maybe the first time Bolton has been right about something, ever. She needs to be removed from her position if a single invader that reaches the border gets in from this marauding army.
It's not easy to change these things because SS has to approve of the venue and the venue can't be booked for something else
Aiden James
I hope so. Allowing women into national security positions is a mistake
Lucas Martin
Should he be looking for an extra part time job right now?
Daniel Reyes
>There are probably a lot of fake reservations some, and there's always people who sign up but end up not going. But you're right, he could probably will a 30,000 seat venue on 70,000 rsvps
Austin Bell
>wants to stop genocide >supports genocide Truly, the most based of memeflags
Angel Turner
Checked. Abortion kills more white babies than nigger babies.
Jeremiah Hall
>that art My god its awful >See the next episode Vomit inducing
It's been my experience that when a man goes out of his way to defend a woman who isn't family, it's because his dick is involved.
Noah Hill
>telling a 70 year old to go to a gym
Camden Howard
Why the hell would Trump have a rally at 10pm. That's way too late. It's going to be a low turnout.
Aiden Thomas
It's incredibly easy to understand. Do you personally lose sleep over someone's wife who is raped and killed in The Congo? Would you lose any sleep if it was your wife?
That fags in the military is a dumb fucking idea, same with trannies. And ESPECIALLY women.
>let's put women, as hot as they are ever going to get into environments of 99% horny as all fuck violent men >Yeah, no rape or sexual assault is going to take place, haha >oh shit
Jackson Taylor
>Supports white genocide. >Becomes all ass-raped when whites start fighting back. Don't worry. There will be a time when we come for you, too.
Austin Gray
This is suspiciously perfect optics for the dissident right. There is no way they would have a star of david visible unless they wanted to fan the flames of anti-semitism.
What if Israeli jews are accelerating the race war to force diaspora jews to migrate to Israel?
It's 7pm best coast time brainlet >What are timezones
Grayson Smith
Ethan Sullivan
It's in Arizona... same time as most of his rallies
Michael Hughes
I definitely agree with not having women, but I don't really see the problem with pickle-puffers in the military. If they're able-bodied, do you think it would really affect unit cohesion that much?
Nolan Morales
this apparently passes for mountains in Minnesota so idk what to tell you