What alt-right podcasts do y'all listen to?

what podcats do y'all listen to? I need to expand my show list now that TDS is complete garbage shitposting 100% of the time now.
>Heel Turn on youtube (this one might be going away?)
>Alpha and Omega Ministries (Dr. James White)

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Other urls found in this thread:


Caravan to midnight.

I am trying to listen to the latest TDS (even though it has sucked lately) but the threads keep getting pruned.

h3h3, pjw, gavin mcinnes, joe rogan and sam hyde just to name a few.

Jeff Rense RenseRadio.com
Live 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m Eastern time

His website is Rense.com

Cantwell, though less frequently now because it's losing its entertainment value.

RenseRadio.com also carries David Duke live at 11:00 a.m. Eastern

I occasionally listen to "Krypto Report" and "Love Street", but they both kinda suck and sound way more scripted/low energy since TRS got rid of Hate House.

wtf happened to Jow Forums

whatever happened to Mr. Obvious on youtube?

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Dan Bongino. Once you listen once, you're hooked for life.

Anyone have a copy of the last heel turn? Apparently JewChaim went full turbo sperg on Striker

1:20 is the first one and apparently they get into it about capitalism at the end, though I haven't got there yet

America First with Nicholas j fuentes
The Public Space
Third Rail
Myth of the 20th Century
Love Street
Krypto Report
David Duke's podcast, especially when Striker is a guest
Joachim sperged out because Striker disagreed with him on a minor topic, was really cringey. Guy needs to learn how to debate without acting like a whiney baby.

another one I forgot is Weev's podcats, I love it but sadly he doesnt post often or regularly..

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not posting it, I have a sub but I wont even be downloading it myself.

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Renaissance radio and Jim goads group hug are the only ones I listen to

All I wanna be is el Chapo

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y'all is the only gender neutral plural pronoun you fucking bigot.

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dan bongino podcast best podcast

this. he breaks shit down so well even normies can understand. based dan

he has the same 5 callers every time that are degenerate losers who seek big brother guidance from Cantwell. That's about it at this point. He really needs to collaborate more, unfortunately his personality makes people hesitant to do anything with him because he's so unreliable.


i gotta agree here.

delray misfits podcast

big lenny is one of the most important people of 2018 at the moment


maybe another would be "niggas" kek, not recommended for public usage.

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Based and gut pilled. I also enjoy Jim Goad's grouphug.

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I like Goad but the drop he uses when he transitions topics pisses me off. It's like some static and him shouting.

Tucker Carlson Tonight
Fash The Nation
The Daily Shoah
Third Rail
Good Morning Weimerica
Radical Agenda (occasionally)

btw, anybody got a RSS feed link to Tucker? My phone shit itself so badly it just turned into a paperweight and it's the only one I can't find again to stick in Podcast Addict.

no flat bills allowed.

how is Ze Public Spees? I have only ever heard JF when he is on with that sperg Borzoi.

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Data mine thread.

well I am requesting data but if I wanted to mine Jow Forums I would be creating threads you niggerfaggot

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No agenda, with Adam Curry and John c Dvorak

Also a super lefty one they I live is Lee camps, it's good to listen to the opposing side, and while he is a lefty scum he is not a raging cunt about it like current year man

kys faggot.


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Darwin Digest, they stopped a while ago, but hopefully, they will come back.

ahh, wasnt that on TRS before they killed almost all of the good shows?

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The Fatherland is back as a one man show:

He left TRS because he feels being edgy doesn't fit the type of thing he wants for the future. He is not anti-TRS or anything but he wants to make a more comfy space separated from the political activism stuff and maybe be able to bring back some of the people that left because things were getting too dangerous. I've heard him praise Nick Fuentes quite a bit so I guess that's more the direction he wishes things were going.

Last episode had Nike as a guest and was fairly interesting.

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how do they expect to get listeners without a website or a platform? I didnt know they were still producing shows.. I listened to a few but Jim was kinda boring imo

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Given the examples you have I don't know if this would be a good suggestion, but the Atticast is the best shitposting venue around.

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mark collett

The Third Rail

not ben shapiro? how can you troll libtards epic style if you don't watch ben shapiro?

America First with Nicholas J. Fuentes
"The Public Space" - J.F. Gariepy

He's pretty autistic and overanalyzes everything he talks about but it's interesting.

They have sizable listener group on facebook and other websites. I think they are going to be syndicated in some other website.

trying to avoid the shitpostey shows. Generally they are too repetitive as the memes grow stale, Im into dat big brained nibba shit now my dude.

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>I think they are going to be syndicated in some other website.
One would hope, along with a few of the other golden nuggets from TRS (excluding TDS) but yeah I quit FB like 8 years ago.

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Used to watch. Can’t watch anymore. I’ve grown to hate his accent.

I am angered at how adorable this fucking is

>He's pretty autistic and overanalyzes everything he talks about
yeap thats my fetish

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American first is predictable and really low-content. FTN covers everything NJF covers but with less arrogance and without the need to ironybropost about loving Jews every time they fucking come up, which is a lot because NJF has a hard on for foreign affairs which I could’ve give a flying fuck about.

Timeline of a typical NJF video:
15min shit intro music | 30 min waving his hand and clapping them together | 2 hours of responding to ironybro superchats

FTN with a paycuck account* (If you aren’t a paycuck already on TRS in CURRENTYEAR+3, I don’t know what to tell you. Fucking kill yourself, poorfag.)

>Listens to podcasts
>Complains about shitposting
>Wants more information and analysis
You’re doing it wrong. Read a book, faggot.


shit, i forgot Strike+Mike too

Yeah I finally got a sub about 3 months ago, the next day was when they killed the site and dropped all the good shows/comments.

Quality has gone down and Sven is a nigger so I will not be renewing. I just wish that the other good shows will not be dragged down by that brainlet, hopefully there is a spinoff or a new platform that FTN can move to then I will gladly pay for every show.

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totally, I have been thinking of getting Tucker's new book on audio, also the Ford translation of Mein Kampf was absolutely riveting in audio format.

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If you're into audiobooks, get Turner Diaries as read by William L Pierce himself. It's just hilarious hearing it in his voice.

You beauty!. Cheers mate

Bongino weekdays, HSP weekends.

That show was never good. If they're not going to address the JQ anymore, I've got literally no reason to listen.


nice, good listening for my hiking this weekend.

But seriously guys, load up the Ford translation of Mein Kampf while out in the woods and you will feel like a transcendent god.

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freedomainradio, as all good hearted moral traditionalists should

Beauty and the Beta

Cool, i grabbed that for later. I "read" the Murphy translation via audiobook but it's been several years. I know a lot more about German history now and I'll probably get a lot more out of a second take and a more updated translation.

Luke ford and Kevin Michael grace on YouTube are A+ content

that's an old 80s 90s news mag show...

uncle fucking lampshade. comfy.

Jim also stole money from sven which didnt help his relationship with trs

lul what? sounds fake. Im sure that faggot Sven takes a good cut of the paycuck money as it is though.

Is it any coincidence that he has all new clothes, shoes, new A/V equipment and is renovating his house now?

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really? I haven't heard about this.

A few months back sven gave jim a few thousand dollars to give to the rest of the guys who did the fatherland with him.

Jim kept it all for himself and his wife spent it on clothes and shit and just tried to not let the other guys on his show find out there was money at all. Eventually sven asked and everyone worked out jim didnt pass it along which is why everyone left his show and hes not associated with trs.

Someone else (name escapes me atm) did something similar with paycuck cash and spent it all on weed or something instead of giving it to his team. One of the podcasts that isnt around anymore

doesnt lolbertarian adam kikesh have one now?

>his wife spent it on clothes and shit
>Someone else (name escapes me atm) did something similar with paycuck cash and spent it all on weed or something instead of giving it to his team
Hmm, how do you know about this anyway? Are you one of the Dingoes mate!?

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Radio Free Northwest

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Grandpa Lampshade on Radio Aryan

Dont want to say as no one is supposed to say anything and ive said too much already lel. But its true you will just have to take my word for it.

Salting the earth was the other podcast I think

I like Goad but the drop he uses when he transitions topics pisses me off. It's like some static and him shouting
Yeah, I damn near fell off a ladder at work when he did that "ITEM!" schtick

Not one mention of This Week in White Genocide or The Paranormies. Disappointed in you Jow Forums

yes it really is incredible, the cadence of speech, enunciation and the pure energy with which it is delivered really puts you in the moment.

If you or anyone you know drives uber tell them to play this while they are working for maximum effect haha, most normies wont even recognize WTF it is if you get the unabridged version.

Reminds me when I was taking an uber to bart one day and this Chicano looking dude tried to red pill me on Alex Jones.

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Thank you

give me all of your dirt on Sven and McNabb! meh, nvm they suck at what they do at best and at worst are actively looking to derail the actual content.

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That is funny. Isn't he a christfag?

funny you said that. I've got a unicorn I work with -- Puerto Rican female raised in the Bronx, diehard Republican, is fascinated with Alex Jones.

its amazing that the people that can independently and critically think who have had exposure to degeneracy in their younger days are typically the most red pilled. Secretly they are probably woke on the question of race as well.

Expose them to the volume 1 chapters 2&3 of Mein Kampf.

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Listening through this now. Joachim absolutely starts losing his mind around 1:08:00 and attempts to end the show. because Striker calls him a neocon because Joachim was literally advocating for a neocon ecomond position. Striker is really good at getting under free market absolutist's skins, hilarious stuff.

Ignis took about $800 he collected under the pretense of cville legal funds and spent it on weed and said lmao later fags and disappeared.

You’re pretty much spot on about the fatherland money but most everyone forgave jim, but there was creative differences and a damaged trust, combined with security concerns and people examining their desire to be connected to neo Nazis that led to the split.

I wish jim the best and hope his show finds a niche.

Luke Ford with Kevin Michael Grace is fantastic.

The Public Space is imo the best alt right podcast.

Also Poz Button, and Nordic Frontier, but in general the alt right podcast scene is really weak compared to two years ago due to all the bannings by you know who.

Tribulation Now

ohh thats the heel turn that was never posted? gonna check this out

The dirt on mcnabb is he’s a terrible on air personality who gets a share of the cuckbux because he’s mikes longtime internet troll partner

hmm, nigger tier behavior for such low amounts

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Turns out his show personality of being a drunken druggie loser borderline crazy person was his actual personality. Who could have known?


I ironically enjoy mcnabb.

Fuck the haters.