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Oh noes, did kike shill Nate Silver say orange man is bad? Fucking kys

Unless you haven't noticed, the fake news prints what they WISH was true. Their wishes have nothing to do with reality. Just get out and vote Republican. Ignore the fake news.

dude I think we have to wake up
we're going to get destroyed november 6th

were can I bet on this?

I missed out on those fucking sick election odds

Oh so they wish for a republican senate huh?

This right here.


Try harder shill

fuck off libturd, this thread is not for you

unless they changed their analysis from 2016, they are useless. polling alone is garbage, and that pretty much all their analysis is

They aren’t able to use real polling so they make their best guess using generic ballots which simply asks if you’re more likely to vote Republican or Democrat. The problem with this is the same as why people were surprised with Trump’s win. More Democrats vote than Republicans, but since those Democrat votes are all congregated into the same area it hurts them. Winning by a landslide in a heavily Democrat area doesn’t at all help you win other races, but it helps you look like you’re going to win when you look at generic ballots and see that more people are going to vote Democrat than Republican.

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It says the 1 in 7 is of the Repubs KEEPING the house. You don't read very well.

Link me those presidential race polls. Oct. 20th 2016.

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You are absolutely glowing. Fucking kys shareblue faggot

I'm talking about the SENATE, not the HOUSE
FiveThirtyEight shows republicans keeping the senate with a chance of 7 in 9:

You don't read very well.

>higher probability
Amerifats really get spoonfed information

Nate Pyrite go and stay go.

>they are useless
I don't know about about, they seem to be pretty accurate, pic related

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dems are literally
2 in 10

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I think I'm gonna have to agree with Rush Limbo
>The Repubs will keep the house and GAIN in the Senate.
Fuck you op, glowing cunt

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>Nate Silver

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Rush Lumbar is fucking retarded

Also fag Brock shill, NEVER FORGET
>Under the Reign of Niggo-Bama Democrats have been steadily losing positions in gov't. Under Monkus-Obamus, the Dems have lost 1200+ seats in congress.....1200+, think about that.
Nigger came out on the campaign trail all of maybe a week and is gone back into hiding. You actually think Eric "Hold My Dick" Holder is going to help rally people to vote? Minorities are seeing what the Dems are doing in droves and shifting gears to the Repubs or Indpendent.
>Dems have actually been losing power in gov't since the 80s thus the "Muh Supreme Court, Muh Judges," because almost ALL legislation presented by a Dem is shot down and they can only do things via the court.
>News Flash: OP glows while sucking the Brock Cock

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The electoral college isn't going to save you this time

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the fuck?

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These threads are mind numbingly useless. Kill yourself, OP.

Taleb has an excellent video about election forecasting, and he's far far more intelligent than Nate Silver. Basically in two way elections that are even remotely close, it's impossible to forecast them correctly and the prudent forecast is 50-50. The main reason that modern polling (((techniques))) work correctly is that the samples aren't random and for the most part, population turnover in most districts is very low so you can accumulate history about voting tendencies.

Any time third party turnout is high (2016), MSM election forecasting models will be horrendously wrong because they assume negligible turnout for third parties.

In any of these "close races", the only prudent assumption is that odds are evenly split and to focus on increasing turnout and swaying independents (Trump's main strategies).

Go to predict it to bet on politics

did Nate Styrofoam make this graph?

They never learn.
Get your salt buckets ready, lads. It gonna be a glorious night at the election.

This one should forever break their spirits.

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Good lad. I see my words did not fall on deaf ears.

reminder to normies and boomers this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread

always type "sage" into the options field whenever replying to shill/slide/containment threads so it does not bump them

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No Republican on this site actually uses the Republican flag you stupid fucking npc shill.

We did it boys, we won.

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