Low IQ? Or no culture?
Why are white women so easy to subvert?
Weak white men let them be subverted. That simple really.
because majority of you look like those
Jow Forumstards
A lot of you are easy to subvert.. I single handed changed the opinion of a few boards here and I’m new... I’m not one of you... I’m not a Jew either... I’m a solo splinter cell with my own agenda
It’s all about your intelligence level. Umm Kay people here seem dumb to me so it’s not hard.
In triple dot user
Seriously though I have to stop that. Gives me away to easily
It's in women's nature to be a part of the group to survive, higher fear of exclusion and therefore more susceptible to forms of soft power (news, media, influential celebrities, movies/tv)
stagnant ascendancy
did you just save that from 9gag you subhuman piece of shit? kys.
>Why are white women so easy to subvert?
Because they cannot physically fight, their only real survival strategy is to associate with whoever they think is stronger. This has been bred into every woman over thousands of years of evolution; it's social implications are in effect even though we do not physically fight each other anymore.
mob mentality. half of the women in the west wanted some guy to pay for not giving them enough attention or for their step fathers to pay for giving them to much attention
so then every battle cry becomes this faggy group moment regardless of the validity of the claims... synchronized cycles
You should ask your mother.
Men should be keeping them in line. Don't put all the blame on them.
How'd that work our for ya?
The suit and fedora actually fit that fat kid well.
Excellent taste
Why are you a coloured shill on our board?
NPC meme made you feel bad? Start a hundred 1 post in this thread OPed sexual shilling threads to compensate?
You’re just bitter NPCs and everyone knows it.
Your mom and sister didn't seem to mind when I fucked them hard.
Never be weak around women. Never ever.
Cuz they dim
>I single handed changed the opinion of a few boards here and I’m new.
What level of delusion is this?
can see why these subhuman failures latch so hard onto their ancestor's accomplishments LOL just look at these losers, they have absolutely nothing going for them in life.
how can people here not understand why white women are getting bored of white men? you really think it's da jews? LOL just LOL
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create weak women.
Week women create week men.
>did you just save that from 9gag
>9faggers are now on Jow Forums
>You should ask your mother.
>LGBT flag
Did you just assume the gender of the person who gave birth to me?
This is why I like Putin & Trump. Neither of them take shit from women. If the women go out line, they put them back in their place.
>This is why I like Putin & Trump.
Almost like all societies are armies are a culture is essentially an army's unwritten constitution. If you have weak leaders at the top of the army, the soldiers, women, tend to go out of line. Degenerate women reflects a weak leader or a weak culture. I think in our case, Trump's eliminated the weak leader, but our culture is still very jewified. Jews are low level addicts. They're addicted to all the wrong things in life, and they spread those addictions to others.
I kind of have to agree with this.
Too many of you are fat; too many of you don't exercise.
Stop being burgers & betas & become Chads
Whatever the case, keep the Republicans in power & don't vote for Kanye or any Dems. We're in the shit mess we are because of Dems
emotional, reasonably bright.
The ovaries mean they're instantly attracted to the humanity arguments and "muh chilluns" shit.
I hit the gym yesterday, you seriously need to stop cherrypicking
>Whatever the case, keep the Republicans in power & don't vote for Kanye or any Dems.
Doesn't matter. There's no one after Trump. Once Trump leaves, this country will be subverted.
Everyday, I feel intense happiness that in this world of illusions, I was lucky enough to live in a short window of time when Trump was elected President.
I mean, what are the odds? When the Jews won WW2, the world went away from truth, and chose to show an illusory world to everyone. Lies were propagated one after the other and eventually it became a way of life.
Those who voted and supported Trump are all blessed and lucky souls, because for the first time since WW2, they sided with truth and truth won.
Never will it happen again once Trump leaves office. I just enjoy it when I can. I know this happiness won't last long and I will be plugged back into the matrix soon enough.