All over Twitter, left and right, people are pissed off about elephant hunting in Namibia...

All over Twitter, left and right, people are pissed off about elephant hunting in Namibia, wishing the hunters were killed.

Anyone else just...not care about the elephants? I don't think everyone reacting like this is a vegetarian.

Attached: Namibia-1033339.jpg (590x350, 21K)

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Yes they should have been stampeded. They are nigger tier losers.

These elephants are 1000% more human than the niggers living in that god forsaken shithole.
Why is he shooting them and not the niggers?

elephants help keep the grasses from overgrowing which if left untouched cause moss and rot to form which makes the land useless over time.
There is no point to hunting them other than to destroy the ecosystem

look man i dont hunt cause i get bored but im not against the 2nd amendment by any stretch, so im gonna hope one of you faggots has a better handle on this than me. good luck.

Yes these faggots should be killed themselves. There is no challenge in being driven to a range and shooting slow gigantic animals, and then to pretend that you're helping them out by doing so when you're just putting more money in the nigger governments pockets. Fuck these low IQ whites

i honestly do not understand the internet hostility towards hunters if they post a trophy pic or some shit. are (((they))) behind the anger and outrage machine there? any1

>I like elephants and God likes elephants

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It's ugly, but there's never been a single case of an animal going extinct because it's been farmed. In a world of dwindling scarcity prompting competition for resources, these animals are going to have to buy their way in. And if a few of them have to be hunted (or whatever they call this shit) so their species can be it.

Attached: shining.jpg (628x475, 53K)

>jesus christ
right on fucking cue, thats hilarious Jow Forums