STOP RESISTING! . Dindu nuffin!

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I suspect dude was CIA

Mossad. Not CIA.

That's why you said CIA though. You're trying to cover Israel's ass even though Israeli shills are the ones concern trolling about this guys death. Netanyahu is gonna die in Guantanamo Bay like the fucking loser he is.

Nobody cares but establishment shills. Senators would do well to realign with the Trump base. Talk about a NatSec disaster engineering a Saudi coup with our greatest Muslim ally, MBS.
Good for MBS taking out a traitor. Kill them all!

he accidentally chopped himself up and put himself in garbage bags! Inshallah.

You might be right. I was specifically thinking of Mockingbird.

Who gives a shit. So fucking sand nigger died. Big fucking deal. He's not US citizen.

Fuck the media for driving this bullshit news.

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MBS was a good boy dindu nuffin all along!

>die for Israel goyim

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Where are all the shills asking for proof of death now that Saudis admit it themselves?

>defending Saudi Arabia
No user you are the jew

pretending as usual

Dumb: MBS killed the guy for being a JURRNALIST
Smart: MBS killed him for supporting Wahhabism, which the Saudis used to rise to power but which has been causing havoc in the middle east due to the extremism of the views, now that they have succeeded in pushing them out of SA, they cannot allow such ideals to rise again because this would challenge their rule. In addition, Wahhabis are literally 'No Fun Allowed' muslims and are generally cunts. Who cares that this guy died anyway, every country murders journalists and all sorts of people every year. Part of the game. There is a political slant to this being seen as particularly offensive.

>I'm not the shill for shilling for neocon wars against saudi arabia, you're the shills for being against glowniggers fucking around in the middle east

Literally fuck off

sensible chuckles were had

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It could happen

some guys got in a fight with him and he died because hes a libtard cuck and doesnt know how to throw a punch but no evadince of him being chopped up yet just claims

>shilling for war in the Middle East because a non-citizen working to destabilize an ally in violation of the president's orders, probably on the orders of some (((deep state))) bureaucrat is jewish

Literally fuck off


Don't care.

You are stupid and creating a straw man
All anyone is asking is that US stop sucking sandniggers dicks
If you weren’t a jew you’d be leaping with joy that the corrupt relationship might finally be ending

Lol did the NPC have a glitch?

You don't get news in your mom's basement?

Mossad Jamal got what he deserved.

Bone saw went off by accident.

I cri evry tiem.

Me 2.

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It's public theater by the USA so everybody remembers and understand why the USA broke up with Saudi.

The journalist is hopefully dead, but that is not really important here, as the important part is the 'organic' pressure on Trump to finally dump Saudi over this, where as pressure on Trump to break up with Saudi Barbaria for old sins, would make everybody looking guilty for cooperating with the Saudi before the breakup.

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You don't get that you are being set up for regime change at best, and civil war/war with Iran as worst?

Why is Saudi money no longer enough to keep unfortunate accidents out of the Western press, if it's not because the press have been told not to take Saudi money this time around?

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My personal take is that this is Israeli-backed action in order to lessen the pressure in the middle-east against them by lessening the ties between the USA and the Saudis which seemed to be gearing up for war against Israel. I expect the Israelis to do some 'greatest ally' horseshit in the coming days to make themselves seem appealing again, hopefully there is a longer memory amongst the people in power and we can finally get rid of the desert rats that they are. The endless proxy games of political theatre are exceptionally boring.

So you don't think Trump had a plan to dump the Saudis, now that the USA no longer need they oil, and perhaps could use a spike in oil-prices to kickstart their own production.

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I don't memorize every sandnigger in the world's face.
Lacking the intense sexual fetish you have for them.

You have NO idea how much money the Saudi family has. It's not a country, it's a family that owns enough land that it has diplomatic relations. You think that the gun lobby is big? That's a measurable lobby organization, SA doesn't factor into that. I'm not really a supporter of SA, especially due to what they caused in the USA in terms of allowing the 9/11 attacks to come to fruition, but to claim that they will go away or aren't part of the plan is foolish.

No, I don't think Trump plans to dump the Saudis, I think he plans to ally with them to dump Israel, especially if he wins in 2020.

America doesn’t import SA oil anymore thanks to the gracious and glorious socialism of Leafland. We’ll treat you better that they ever will, burgers. Suckle at our maple-tainted petrochemical abundance! Careful. It’s addictive.

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It was just a fight that broke out
And there happened to be an autopsy expert