Do we deserve what's happening to us?

Is everything that's happening to white countries karma for what we have done to the world.Even if we did elevate the lesser races it is not as if they had asked us to,and it was only accomplished after much subjugation and suffering.Are the chickens coming home to roost?As I sit here and watch the white man go the way of the Dodo bird I have tears streaming down my face.This really hurts.
Louis CK was a prophet

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No this isn't "justice" it's just the natural result of autists in WW1 and WW2 supporting killing millions of other whites instead of teaming up to fight shitskins.

Before WW1 whites were 38% of the world population.

The only reason this happens is white liberals who think like you. Negroids are literally animals and pose no threat.

It only happens because you are a weak cuckold. Eastern Europe does not have this problem.

What a faggot

karma isn't real you dumb stoner

>Eastern Europe does not have this problem

A popular Ukrainian movie.

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>Are the chickens coming home to roost?
Yes. Well, some of them are being brought home.
>As I sit here and watch the white man go the way of the Dodo bird
Not a thing. We will live on.

Negros and Arabs do not pose a threat, they can be deported the only thing that prevents us from deporting them is white liberals.

we should have sent all the blacks back to africa in 1864 immediatley after slavery was abolished. that was our only chance.

now we're stuck with an invasive species we imported.

we imported.

we played ourselves.

the south turns more and more into new africa day by day.

i live in florida and it's new africa and new cuba put together here.

i'm going to die alone.


leftists are the only true enemy

Lincoln wanted to do that too.

What prevents white from taking weapons and killing them all? Even if whites in the US will be 20% you will beat them.

There are alot of problems with that

1. The elite wants shitskins in America because they are cheap and raise housing prices
2. the working class is disorganized and has been brainwashed into loving shitskins
3.Even if they rose up in rebellion the Federal government would attack them with the largest most expensive military on Earth

This is what I am talking about, your main problem is the white liberals, besides, the army for the most part consists of whites, negros and latinas are incredibly incompetent and unlikely to be a threat.

even from an enlightened liberal standpoint i dont think so
non whites at the time were still quite primitive from a purely scientific standpoint, you cant blame them for fighting back against white people or anything like that because its like blaming us for not being some higher being already, its just silly.
thing is though white people at the time were also primitive too once again from a purely scientific standpoint. more evolved than others sure but still primitive, and because of that i dont think you can really put any blame on white people now all these years later, its like blaming ugg the cave man for killing grug of the rival tribe over a watering hole or blaming a lion for eating its prey. if people feel the need to ignore this fact and act all high and mighty and angry at us for being the apex predator when humanity was still on the food chain due to obvious moral and philosophical reasons then all i can say is hind sight is 20/20. we could have kick started the industrial revolution with solar panels and nuclear fusion generators but we didnt know better as a whole

>karma for what we have done to the world like
-all modern wolrd inventions?
-abolition of slavery as only race on earth?
-inventing something like human rights?

And if you're even asking that unironically you should probably kill yourself right now.

The real threat is jews. White liberals are controlled by jews. Jews are like the shadowy doppelgänger to whites. They have many of our skills but are evil and crafty while whites are kind and naive.

it's being orchestrated by Jews, don't act like this is all happening naturally

it's not karma but people deserve whatever they allow to happen to themselves
if europeans did anything wrong it's not exterminating the shitskins as they found them
what we did in africa and the americas was wholly justified and positive for almost everyone involved

No, because imperialism only made the upper classes rich. Everyone else lived a fucking shitty life, much worse than when they were farmers, and gained nothing from the empire. They already paid the price for us.