Ashkenazi Jews are an AI experiment gone wrong

Please understand this:

>European nobles and th echurch invite in Jews to do moneylending and tax collecting
>Jews end up hated for this
>Dumb Jews die, killed or convert to Christianity to escape the pressure
>European kings and nobles deport and re-import Jews all the time to please their people

Ashkenazi Jews are basically a eugenics experiment gone wrong. We have only the European nobles and the church to blame, since they ASKED Jews to manage all their money.

YES Ashk*n*zi Jews suck, but they are an artificial mutant class bred by European kings and the church.

Jews in Europe were banking and financial bio-tech for greedy nobles. They cultivated all the qualities that make them so dangerous, and THEY let it continue for centuries because no one had the balls to do finance without Jews (which was illegal) or ban Jewish finance.

Thank the medieval Christian elite for cultivating this problem for us.

What do?

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Imagine if you took a group of people with a special tribal identity, hate them for centuries but ASK THEM TO MANAGE ALL YOUR CASH.

That's so fucking retarded!

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Pope is the antichrist, as per Historicist interpretation of Revalations.

imagine my shock when the Vatican, though publicly claiming to be against Usury/Jews, is behind the employment of court jews to get around their own restrictions!

The Rothschilds manage the PAPAL treasury

>Pope is the antichrist, as per Historicist
No the Papacy is just a corrupt powerful institution, it's not magical

>.imagine my shock when the Vatican, though publicly claiming to be against Usury/Jews, is behind the employment of court jews to get around their own restrictions!
I don't think it's a long term plot, the church just used Jews to fuck with ppl

>The Rothschilds manage the PAPAL treasury

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Attached: LLLL.png (1111x978, 261K)

Exactly. The European nobility and church basically raised Ashk Jews like cattle.

They got higher IQ too

Check out their birth defect rate. Its crazy high.