Mega Millions 1 Billion prize

Did you play the lottery today Jow Forums. What would you do with such a win?

Attached: MegaMillions1B.jpg (803x700, 90K)

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>le interesting filler news story about something you won't win

Fuck off back to Facebook

after taxes that's 500m.
I'd find something good to invest in with 450m and use the left over 50m to bankroll right wing movements

Rent Ukraine

its a complete waste of time. god isnt personally going to win you the prize. so the odds of the numbers matching yours are ridiculously low. thats why this jackpot keeps growing. despite all the people playing nobody is winning.

so save your one dollar lol

I’d establish the white ethnostate. And like George Washington, I’d step aside and let the republic run itself. No NPC thots allowed. Only conservative, traditional white women allowed in

Retire and never work again

>What would you do with such a win?

I did

I would make the worlds longest slip and slide.
I would slide into the sunset and never be seen again.