Which world leader is the biggest faggot

Which world leader is the biggest faggot

Attached: 741cc8_trudeau-trump-in-visit-by-canadian-leader-white-house-in-2017-expressed-640x453.jpg (640x453, 34K)

The one who loves jews the most.

Canada here, can confirm

Trump loves jew cock

Fuck off fellow leaf trudeau is worse than the jewest jew

Do you have your shitposting loicense you fucking bong shill

well, one has sex with hookers who can be easily verified as female, and the other is believed to smoke cocks and is frequently photographed at homosexual events. you tell me OP

I think he likes goats now too

Found my nigger name

So I say the not completely degenerate one, not the one putting his dick and partaking in the cancer of civilization.