The left can't me--

Attached: Dp6MKrVXcAAWW6U.jpg (750x521, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

-morize facts

They got the signs mixed up

They also can't draw the flag either


i love coloring books

i don't get it
can someone explain a brainlet like me?


Is McCain’s funeral STILL going? Why hasn’t he been buried?


I don't get it. Guess too dumb for 140 IQ Rick and Morty memes.

i think its supposed to be muh russia flag


-ditate inwardly
-et people in the middle
-nd the wounds they cause
-asure the worth of a man

is it supposed to be the russian flag? because they fucked up


Drumpf colored in the flag at a kindergarten visit like that

>fucked up so bad they made the Russian flag a Dutch flag
And these are the people telling us that we're stupid and they're smart.

I think it's supposed to be the crimean flag, but it's upside down for some reason? The inner mechanizations of a liberal comic "artist" really are an enigma.

holy fucking newfags!

Attached: trump-colors-flag-wrong.jpg (768x461, 63K)

5th post Best post

Attached: AngryNPCNoises.gif (400x400, 361K)

Fucking new fags

>god emperor of the new world
yeah, I like it.

This is actually pretty funny. Not necessarily leftist propaganda.

Thank you mr.soi, very cool

What in the fuck did Trump mean by this? Is it possible the libs are right, that Trump is an idiot?

>left makes fun of trump for messing up a flag
>flag on mccains coffin has 15 visible stripes
hurr drumpf doesn't know how to paint a flag

Attached: raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.u1.jpg (750x1000, 57K)

Shut up you wonky mestizos. Who the fuck is supposed to know every pointless and utterly non-important thing Trump does.

John Mccain "Jonny Wet start" is not a war hero.

Look up USS Forrestal

He's designing a new flag cause he knows ours is gonna get changed soon

>t. newfags
this has nothing to do with board culture
suck my dick

It's the new flag of the empire of mankind user, get with it.
Trump is a secret Dutch agent, real name Donald Sjon Tromp, and he's gonna spread the wonders of cheese, clogs ,and windmills across the galaxy.

As usual, Trump knows what he's doing and is just trolling dipshit libs.

Attached: 1535253608822.png (1280x674, 34K)

Assuming anyone gives a shit about wetstart mcshitstain ...

Best thing he ever did was die. Try harder dims.

Attached: 1538671610533.jpg (640x816, 126K)

It was a secret message. Sleeper cells have been activated.

>John McCain's coffin has 15 stripes you can see with by necessity more on the side you can't see
>There were 15+ original colonies but Trump is the one who doesn't know what our flag looks like

The notion of Emperor Trump being buried in an ordinary casket is laughable. What's going to happen is that a pyramid will be built over McCain's hole, and like with the pharaohs, people will be buried with Trump. I personally look forward to hearing the anguished yet muffled oinks from Sarah Silverman, Nancy Pelosi, Konga Harris, Patton Oswalt, and others. And as that last stone is put into place, the bliss of eternal silence.


Attached: 1538079991073.png (1440x1067, 3.42M)

ding ding ding

Attached: roastie.gif (540x304, 1.49M)

Anyone who thinks he didnt do this on purpose to trigger the retarded media who jumped on this shit to report it has some trouble.
It's the live action version of "I troll u I was only pretending" except they took the bait even harder

Verified, I guess.

Clearly coloring the gay flag for those first grade queers.

Attached: american-flag-gay.gif (412x217, 2K)


Attached: SoyNPC.jpg (237x237, 8K)

I know you're memeing, but a perfect retort to "muh Russia" collusion are things like pic related and British protests against.

Used this tactic to great effect in a debate a while ago to prove foreign entities having a vested interest in American elections and attempting to sway the result via the presentation of selectively chosen information is neither illegal nor something that the left seems to care about when it benefits them.

Attached: donald-trump-bus-americans-abroad–vote-copenhagen-3.gif (480x218, 1.64M)

>muh Russia

are they seriously still trying to say this

literally every FBI investigation they have screeched for has not turned up the results they have sought after

John McCain did this

Attached: FileUSS Forrestal 1967 fire aftermath.jpg (800x504, 92K)

Shut tf up T O O T H P A S T E

Attached: toothpaste flag.jpg (674x604, 39K)


Should be an ISIS flag on the McCain coffin

Blue, white, red left to right is the French flag. If they are going for a Russian flag (which they are) it should be white, blue, red top to bottom. The left can't meme.

The artist should be reported for calling the death of a sitting president...

How the fuck I was supposed to know that? I don't follow this man's life 24/7. This comic is more cryptic than a fucking NES game.

Attached: 1024px-USS_Forrestal_A-4_Skyhawk_burning.png (1024x814, 972K)

21st chapter of the space marines Galactic Dutch Empire

Attached: dutch ss.jpg (236x451, 23K)

we was just coloring it the way the kid told him to

>we was just

When I was a kid we had a flag coloring contest in my classroom. My friend made his orange and green with magic markers. We campaigned the class to vote for his and he won. A girl who tried really hard meticulously coloring hers with colored pencil got mad and cried. Good times. Based green and orange US flag.

or an israeli flag

Attached: flies.jpg (380x238, 11K)

>mister pwesident, can you draw a silly flag for me?
>sure thing timmy, we'll draw the silliest flags
>zomgf glompf doesn't know what country he lives in zrrrlumpf btfo!!!1!!

Drumph! How.will he ever recover? AmIright?!!!

Attached: stolen mug.png (500x762, 758K)

Its really important to the left that they know every time Trump misspells something. So they follow his every action, hang on every word and tweet and attempt to find something wrong with each of them as 'evidence' of... something. Probably that orange man bad.

The GOP baseball game indicates liberals don't have the shooting skills to make this a reality.

The left cant meme because their memes arent based in reality.

Problem for the NPC's is Trump actually started coloring the American flag as it was once flown on a U.S. naval vessel. During the Barbary Pirate war period I believe.

>everyone rags on trump for putting a blue stripe
>the kid next to him in the same photo has blue, red and fucking yellow with star stickers on the stripes

Scary how fast that got memoryholed when it turned out the shooter was a lefty

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15 stripes on McCain's casket... I'm impressed. here I only thought we started with 13 colonies.

when trump does stuff like this it makes him so much more loveable

>muh russia, still

no trump omce tried to color the american flag like that, while he hung arround with kids in preschool.

you forgot puerto rico, and Quebec

>left suddenly loves McCain
I fucking love this timeline

Attached: new_game_08_03.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

the left always had respect for that traitorous piece of garbage. they were only against him in the 2008 election

Jow Forumsing the McCain death political compass

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This is aesthetic actually.

i tried so harrrddd..

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That tickles my jimmies

>me jacking off at work

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Trump is already a bigger hero than McCain will ever be.

Attached: winnerpepe.jpg (1431x880, 119K)

>muh Putin Puppet
>so original amiright?
The only thing laying dead in the Donald Trump casket is the Russia Collusion Narrative.

“MuellerTime” hashtag on suicide watch

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What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Honestly yeah once Dems take back the house and Senate trumps dead in the water. Who we voting for in 2020?

Now that I remember better, it was actually Snoopy holding a US flag. So not only was the flag all fucked, his Snoopy was purple or something as well. I guess its not that funny but I laughed so hard as a kid. Maybe thats when I first became a troll, seeing all the kids who worked hard get BTFO by a meme coloring was very satisfying.

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Trump was never as much of a patriot as McCain, who gloriously served in VietNam, so he only gets a little bit of color on his flag.

For me, it's Donald J Trump. The best living US president

it's confirmed trump is a jew

This is a cartoon, not a meme you faggot. A bad cartoon at that. Dilbert man would scoff at this attempt.

they ran out of ink

Attached: I (7).jpg (500x379, 115K)

>Gloriously served


>Trump was never as much of a patriot

Attached: T (53).jpg (811x845, 144K)

The left cant meme

Attached: Dmx-ot-UcAAbbFZ.jpg (720x1018, 64K)

He was odiously trying too make flag related which was an american flag made by the dutch to save John Paul Jones.

Attached: wretyjhg3wfeqadshgr.jpg (550x365, 41K)


“If you were in charge of designing the flag, how would you do it?”
“Make that stripe blue.”

Only the plebeians should be shipped off to war. That's what they're for after all.