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The only people that post threads about trangender bullshit on Jow Forums are the pedophile kike trap shills that sit in a discord all day talking about being pedophiles.

From a lacerated sky!

Fucking Derick. That accounting bastard.

Attached: 1632B628-875D-413E-89DA-C3752D327D6B.jpg (344x291, 47K)

Is that Will Smith's son? I've heard he turned faggot, but didn't know he's a xhe now.
That's fucking wicked, I used to like Men in Black and stuff, now I feel disgust to myself for liking it, seeing what Hollywood came to.

>can consent to hormone therapy at age 8
>can't consent to sex at 15

Really makes one ponder

I dont really need updates on that "thing".

>genetic overhaul
I heard she needs a new...tranny

The tranny push is all about giving children agency for pedo exploitation.