NPC sister thinks joking about rape is wrong

Help me explain why it’s ok

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Rape her as a joke

Just don't care what she thinks, she's a woman.

Because the whole point about why rape jokes are funny is because it's bad. If rape was fine, it wouldn't be funny. I'm sorry your sister is retarded OP

Thanks for the answers fellas, gonna practice my virginity now!

Tell her the Hermonie rape joke. Is funne.

Attached: s66md-7.png (512x512, 106K)

move along gentlemen

Tell her that what women think doesn't matter in the slightest.

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why do you even try?
You can try to wake her up, using the logic against her.
She will some time make a dark joke, then you say you should not joke about that. If she bait, ask her why not? She will explain, derive a general consensus she can agree with, then if you can apply it to rape joke it is a win, if she deep think about it it is a win.

i have similar problem here, i am in a very leftwing environment. We are having a presidential election in Brazil. So i don't pick sides, i call every candidate on their bullshit. They already hate the right, so when i attack the right i am not bring a great damage, they can see it. But it give me a great opportunity to attack the left and bring somethings to light, and so put some pill up their butts. I went into a rant "The Workers Party fail to make a great reform in its party, after all the corruption allegation and condemnations, They fail and continuous to fail to admit their flaws and make real moves to change in within..." It did not change their votes, but it causes a great shift to moderation on their views on the right voters.

I don't know it. Tell me, tell me!

RIP Patrice

And unironically joe rogan did a good job defending tosh/rape jokes against that faggot Jamie (((kilstein)))

I don't know any funny rape joke and I can't find any on the google machine

>help me explain why the NPC is wrong
user, I...

In the Reich you would be put down for your creepy obsession with incest. And no, stapling a meme on something doesn't suddenly make it a /pol topic.

Sam Morill's line a few years ago wasn't bad, the one he got in trouble for just as all the pc feminist bullshit was starting to infect mainstream culture to this degree: "I was having sex with this black girl and it just made me really uncomfortable. She kept using the N word... No."

There is no explaining.
You'll have to just continually tell rape jokes and end with "see? no one died... Now get back on the bed or I'll rape your friends too"

Because either everything is fair game for humor or nothing is. But seeing as though she is an NPC woman, she doesn't have the capacity for humor. Just give up on her and move on user.

say ''females raping males exists''
and watch her laugh

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Then stop joking about rape and rape HER

nice gay edgelord post

the whole argument to defend “muh rape culture” is that people find it funny(it is funny but only the truly autistic make these jokes at inappropriate times). The fact you try to defend rape being funny out loud just makes you seem retarded and gives the feminists ammunition to persuade politically neutral people that we live in a non-existent rape culture

You’re likely a fat low test teenager and you’re apart of the problem. you’ll figure it out later in life, but hopefully you just kys before then

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t. roast

Honestly this, mouthbreathers that act like niggers and try to larp as based should be shot

shut the fuck up you bitch fuckin dick sucker.

CHN predicted this

WE need to unite together, all of us, before THEY complete the final stages of their A.I.

>Elon knows how bad it is

The average normie has no idea what the future holds IF WE DONT out aside our difference and men of righteousness unite and battle the NWO, illuminati, and technocrats. Many creeds and colors work for these people and we need to unite like some faggoty lord of the rings movie and put an end to the A.I. demigod

This is a warning from the future.

>if we do not unite against the satanic A.I Beast grid system

Then we have a DARK FUTURE ahead

Relax and enjoy

>unite against the VILE PEOPLE NOW
Part 1 started the trend, now Hipsters and SJW faggots are Commiting mass Kvetching over this meme!

Part 2 of the amazing mini series on NPC MEME THEORY!!!
>this video discusses the OTHER, Darker theories behind it...
>is it AYYYYS?
he says NO

Welcome to the Timeline YOU chose

pol is secretly a board of refined gentlemen.

Nice job tard, even got the digits but you probably exited the tab in embarrassment before you saw

Rape jokes are pretty funny, though, unless you’re just forcing them to be edgy obviously. Once I was spending the night at my friends house, and in the morning his girlfriend was like “wow, I was super drunk, I hope you guys didn’t rape me last night” then my friend was like “James came on you” and she was like “wtf you jizzed on me” and oh how we all laughed rowly to ourselves. My friend and his girlfriend are pretty weird though

She's just overly sensitive - you should rape her to show her what true horror is, then she won't be triggered by mere jokes anymore.