Despite arguing against diversity, Jow Forums is obviously more diverse than the average American media room or college communist club. A little hypocritical no?
Despite arguing against diversity...
Other urls found in this thread:
All based black men are welcome, MAGA
Multiracial White Supremecism
If whites die you all die. Remember that.
In all seriousness, if the black community got their shit together, and it was both taboo/illegal for miscegenation to occur, I'd agree.
In reality, the black community is a dumpster fire, and even if you have two 'based blacks', their children will almost always turn out shit because of that.
Don't worry senpai we'll keep white Supremecism going after whites are gone
When was Jow Forums ever against diversity?
Dumb ass.
We are absolutely FOR diversity.
We are against mixing the world into all brown people and eliminating diversity.
Understand Aussie bitch?
You're correct, commies ARE quite hypocritical.
I seriously don't understand why ethnic minorities apparently browse this board. Is it some kind of cuck fetish where you get off to being called a nigger? Someone please explain it to me.
Part 1 started the trend, now Hipsters and SJW faggots are Commiting mass Kvetching over this meme!
Part 2 of the amazing mini series on NPC MEME THEORY!!!
>this video discusses the OTHER, Darker theories behind it...
>is it AYYYYS?
he says NO
Welcome to the Timeline YOU chose!,
If I was brown I'd be a white supremacist.
I'd likely have flown to a white majority nation away from my own people's stink.
I would understand that white culture is nice. I like living in it. I don't want it to become non white because I've already seen that shit and it's fucking nasty.
And I would understand nobody gives more aid, more help, than white people.
I would like help. I would like to live in a nice place. I would be a white supremacist.
Preach. I have run into plenty of nigs downtown, but met many intelligent black people at university who are based. It just feels wrong to stereotype them all.
There are outliers in every group, minorities are no exception. Not ALL minorities are subhuman, I've personally met a few black people that were pretty good people. Religious, worked hard at their job, talked like a human, funny, polite, and even laughed at off-color semi-racist jokes.
Given I've encountered probably thousands of black people in a casual context, that I can only think of three off the top of my head that didn't carry themselves like niggers is suggesting a sub-1% chance of them not being shit.
Read Neitzsche people. He is right.
Attn juden please take part in my poll.
as soon as you realise left activists are just projecting weak fags, everything becomes clear and nothing they say can touch you anymore.
THEY are what they accuse you of, every fucking time.
>implying anons have any control over who shitposts here.
Its not our fault this place attracts larping non-white "fellow white man" posters.
>A little hypocritical
For the average American media room, yes.
Is that really a Pol meetup? Lol so many mestizos.I guess the amerimutt meme is real.
Because (((their))) goal isn't really diversity but rather a mass of deracinated low-IQ slaves at the behest of the Jewish upper class.
Read the room ping.
>if the black community got their shit together
Why bother with hypothetical scenarios that will never happen?
>notice anything?
That is a lot of $3000 facebook machines.
For one, civic nationalist, and as it stands, ethno-nationalists still have a solid amount of points I agree with.
Second, I'd very much rather see the ethnonationalists taking absolute power over the left.
and Jow Forums is mostly horseshit, so what does that tell you?
No idiot, we hold our position because we KNOW what actual diversity is like.
It’s like fucking Jow Forums. Do YOU want to live on fucking Jow Forums? Imagine if our society was just this fucking board irl.
It would be hell. We are protecting people from becoming like us.
That's essentially Cuban Americans, though it's more politically based.
That wouldn't blue screen an NPC. They're taught early on that diversity means "not white and male."
I'm the same way. Problem is most black people are niggers when base conditions set in. Very few are based blacks.
Jow Forums is literally a microcosm of the real world.
if you don't have a border everyone shits in your country(board)
found the kike
Looks like it was taken during the HWNDU period.
>I seriously don't understand why ethnic minorities apparently browse this board.
They either think the racism is just kidding around and not sincere or else they believe it is sincere but also they believe they're honorary white exceptions.
I don't care what /pol thinks of my country, come to think of it I can't even remember seeing any post talking about it.
There is good discussion here and endless bantz. My country is falling to shit but we aren't zerg rushing the US border, we are hunkering down and fighting as it should be.
Jow Forums is ummune to irony
>I seriously don't understand why ethnic minorities apparently browse this board
I absolutely despise all forms of communism and socialism.
There are other places on the internet where anti-communists are welcome, but for some reason they all prohibit their users from identifying the people responsible for it.
still can't believe that RIOT t-shirt guy is now a WWE wrestler.
It is also immune to fags from reddit like you.
I'm a mutt and have experienced pretty solid racism when growing up. Being a mix, I both look like I could be any ethnic group yet look like none upon inspection.
All the race based cliques in school were nice to me the first week but then the eventual question came up of 'are you part of our *insert awful ethnic group*?'. When I say no, they instantly look horrified and switch to bullying, physical violence.
The nonwhite ethnicities I'm part of especially hate me because I'm not exactly like them or some shit. Extended family basically disowned my siblings and me.
Only people that didn't care were other mutts and white people. Some may have hated me for race reasons, but since I didn't act like a dindu or poo in loo and want free stuff for being dark, they treated me like everyone else they knew.
Just because the generation before us allowed monsters to be made, does not mean we should allow more things like us to exist.
It is our duty to end our meme.
The unironic nazis that pop up are new fags.
lol calling someone newfag
what a faggot
where/when is the next Jow Forums meetup tho??
So many fucking (((Chosen People))) at the New York Times
CHN predicted this
. .
WE need to unite together, all of us, before THEY complete the final stages of their A.I.
>Elon knows how bad it is
The average normie has no idea what the future holds IF WE DONT out aside our difference and men of righteousness unite and battle the NWO, illuminati, and technocrats. Many creeds and colors work for these people and we need to unite like some faggoty lord of the rings movie and put an end to the A.I. demigod
This is a warning from the future.
>if we do not unite against the satanic A.I Beast grid system
Then we have a DARK FUTURE ahead
Relax and enjoy
>unite against the VILE PEOPLE NOW
Part 1 started the trend, now Hipsters and SJW faggots are Commiting mass Kvetching over this meme!
Part 2 of the amazing mini series on NPC MEME THEORY!!!
>this video discusses the OTHER, Darker theories behind it...
>is it AYYYYS?
he says NO
Welcome to the Timeline YOU chose!!.....
Jow Forums represents the other world. The other globalization. It is what we could have gotten without (((their))) influence everywhere, in media, politics, ...
The fact that there are many people and culture here only help people acknowledge their personal identity in this global world. This identity is defined through one's culture and nation. The typical Jow Forumsack knows more about other cultures and countries than normie NPCs and that is precisely why we are able to find a place for ourselves in this big world and be willing to fight for that.
Really?! what is is stage name?! really curious
>Jow Forums represents... The other globalization. It is what we could have gotten without (((their))) influence
Interesting take
Go /asp/ if you want further information. He's even a regular poster there.
Being diverse isn't bad if people aren't cunts about it. As soon as you get a bug up your ass then fuck off. I am all for diversity, legal diversity, and people that can take and give some good racial humor. People are fucking pussies these days and always want to fucking whine and bitch about something.
Wow, we really are all gonna make it. Shadilay!
Oh trust me. I have a customer that is a publisher and 100% female. None of them use their $3000 Mac Pros for anything more than Facebook and Twitter. It drives me nuts. The owner has to cut corners elsewhere to buy them computers. I was like, shit you can get Dell laptop for 1/3 the price and they are the same or better hardware. That was a fucking non starter. Seriously these women freaked out about losing their coffee shop status symbols.
Race-mixing and globalism destroy diversity by making everything the same
Racial preservation and nationalism preserves diversity by allowing cultures to do their own thing
Jow Forums is the most pro-diversity board around, angry-white-man-istan creates more diversity than mass immigration