The future of white women

A bunch of race mixing roastie degenerates.

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That’s pretty funny desu.

You put half & half IN the coffee though

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Only the immediate future, go ahead and project it out 50-100 years with a population averaging 85 IQ

the product of coffee and sugar is not half and half have these people ever had coffee before

Not the smartest people user

it's terrible to throw away your genetic legacy like that but at least the nigger decided to stay around and raise his kids


stealin' yo wimmin, wite boi.

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fucking unbirthing mpregfags

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fuck off thats a great family costume.


that man is 'whiter' than most of you degenerates.
At least he can take the piss out of himself and his familia, you faggots are deus vult secure muh white race fantasy retards

I'm less worried about the race mixing and more worried about the i-funny watermark

I don't see the problem, he's being a dad to those kids .
I'm thinking OP might of been raised by a single mother and is jealous


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Yeah ok burger

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I have holy trips of truth, so I know god's on my side

digits of truth
pure projection, untermensch

That’s annoying, I try to avoid these people but they usually end up in my face (or their shit head kids bug me and they don’t pull them away)

Forgive me trips of truth

This is true, they actually look like a decent family.


racemixing might as well be child abuse as this point

A populous of people with no ethnic identity, therefore no strong willed morals or values in any one direction. That are willing to be happy living in such an impoverished state that they can’t even afford real Halloween costumes.

The American dream.