Who would you like to see as the next Defense Secretary after Mattis leaves? Mattis was exposed as a democrat/commie and he failed to secure the southern border. Looks like he will retire soon or get fired.
Who will succeed him?
Next Pentagon chief?
Anybody who disagrees with (((Kushner))) and Bolton's desires to die for Israel is a democrat? Fuck off kike.
Why hasn't he stopped millions of illegals from crossing into the country? And he is a democrat... he hasn't denied it.
Because that's not his jurisdiction, and there are already laws barring the use of the US Military from securing the border. That falls out of his jurisdiction as much as I'd like it to be.
Read up nigger.
>Looks like he will retire soon or get fired.
Just like Sessions, right? And Rosenstein?
Trump is, if nothing else, a constant liar and bullshitter.
Mattis has never held a party affiliation.
Mattis was quoted responding to the claim, that he has never been been either a democrat or republican.
>there are laws barring the use of the military to protect the border
Call me crazy, but isnt that the point of a military in the first place?
>defending the country isnt the military's jurisdiction
i wonder who wrote these laws
God I fucking hate Trump so much