Alcohol should be illegal once again

Alcohol should be illegal once again.
It causes alcoholism, deaths, disease, degrade people's health, it generates a burden on the healthcare system, spikes the necessity for liver donors, retarded teens think drinking alcohol it's cool for some reason, etc.

Attached: Gallstones.jpg (400x300, 56K)

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Water causes drowning. Ban water.

nothing should be illegal, instead of banning things perhaps solution should be proper education

>it generates a burden on the healthcare system
By making it illegal it would drive the whole thing underground furthering the chances of risk and not only driving up the death toll, also increasing the burden on the health care system.
You're wrong

No, it should be regulated and not encouraged, but not illegal.

chocolate kills dogs. ban

It's not the gubbmint's job to save you from yourself.

Nah that’s gay your gay

japan kills dogs

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