Which one of you glorious fucks did this?
Jim Accosted- Body Slam Edition
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Pathological liars have the bad habit of getting beaten up once they get caught.
After trumps jokes I cant support him anymore unfortunately
Jimbo is the guy everyone wants to beat up. Jimbo gets excited thinking about it.
All journalists deserve to hang.
Imagine being as big of a faggot as Jim Acosta
Tstooppppp it guys
>body slam gestures
>things that never happened
i need to know how to gesture a body slam
>laughing about assaulting reporters
That's it guys. I was on the Trump train but we really can't let him get the nuclear codes. I'm /betaforbeto/ now
this. inpeach drumpft
I like to imagine him getting disrmboweled like a fresh deer. Every journo deserves a similar fate. Burning them alive in cages like ISIS also has appeal.
Then everybody clapped. And that boys name? Albert Einstein. My 2 year old was terrified and said "orange man bad, believe women". We really can't let drumpf have the nuclear codes.
Have you seen? The saudis are breaking new ground in the journo removal game.
Bullshit. WTF is a body slam gesture? I was there and it was awesome.
Probably the "come at me" double chest slap.
Dear diary...
I choose to believe it is real because its funny as fuck.
Fuck you
[Sam Hyde laugh]
What a little faggot. I hope someone did scare the piss out of him and then laugh about it.
Media hacks advocate violence and fan the flames to insight violence against the right, all the fucking time.
The snakes cry out in pain as they strike you. Fuck Acosta straight to hell.
Staaaaawp Raaahhhnnn
Okay, this is epic
Someone please post the Acosta edit with Biden
>lie to these people constantly
>call them deplorable and stupid
>shill for policies that would take their money to give to people who want them killed
>wtf why do they resent me like this? This is dangerous drumpf!
>He couldn't stop laughing.
is what really makes it
Nobody at a TRUMP rally would even recognize this faggots face.
CHN predicted this
WE need to unite together, all of us, before THEY complete the final stages of their A.I.
>Elon knows how bad it is
The average normie has no idea what the future holds IF WE DONT out aside our difference and men of righteousness unite and battle the NWO, illuminati, and technocrats. Many creeds and colors work for these people and we need to unite like some faggoty lord of the rings movie and put an end to the A.I. demigod
This is a warning from the future.
>if we do not unite against the satanic A.I Beast grid system
Then we have a DARK FUTURE ahead
Relax and enjoy
>unite against the VILE PEOPLE NOW
Part 1 started the trend, now Hipsters and SJW faggots are Commiting mass Kvetching over this meme!
Part 2 of the amazing mini series on NPC MEME THEORY!!!
>this video discusses the OTHER, Darker theories behind it...
>is it AYYYYS?
he says NO
Welcome to the Timeline YOU chose!!.....
there's no flattering picture of that fucking goblin bitch
And everyone clapped!
Nothing is more important to a journalist than a journalist
Hey where can i find the video? Not the audio: i need the sweet, juicy saicr of him rko-inf the fake news
Will someone please have Jim demonstrate a body slam gesture?
> He couldn't stop laughing
>couldnt stop laughing
A lying press should fear the people.
I really hope Trump starts calling for the extra-legal killings of corporate media shills soon.
>It was real in my mind
Jim Acosta needs to visit the Saudi Arabia Embassy in Turkey
>[pearl clutching intensifying]
>hello darkness my old friend
How high r u
Fucking based.
That einstein bit made me laugh. Caught me off guard.
Put "Dear Diary' in from of all of Jim Acosta's tweets
Kek, what a fucking snowflake
all mainstream "journalists" should be shot for what they have done to this country.
>be deep state cabal nigger posing as journalist
>get slammed
well at least that happened
cuz fuck you Jim
can you imagine being Jim Acosta? he makes damn good money to be a shill for the wrong side of history, and on some level knows he's absolutely despised by 95% of the universe, but he has to keep playing the game every day and pretend he's the good guy. I legitimately hope he kills himself some day but I won't hold my breath.
id love to call this cunt every name it the book
No fucking idea.
No normie knows what an actual body slam (scoop slam) is.
Normies think it is a fucking dropkick or elbow drop.
Tap your elbow
>ran his thumb across his throat
This is not okay Drumpf!!!!
remember when this retard tried to upstage the NK USA summit by shouting out shit at Kim Jong Un about human rights and assassinations? His journalism is more important than world peace though
if you didnt meme flag... you would have had a few replies by now
fuck yu