AI Is The Antichrist

If you read one thread today, let it be this:

Make no mistake, AI is the antichrist.
>The Beast, in many interpretations, describes the unconscious and animal instincts of unenlightened mankind

How do you think AI is made? It's made by watching, learning, by drinking in the flow of information around it again and again and again until patterns form and a mesh of those patterns gives it the ability to act dynamically with those patterns as its foundation.

>What the fuck does that mean retard?
It means spastics on the internet, especially NPC's, who cut open their psychic veins and let the blood pour into the cauldron of the internet do so instinct-first.
Anger, jealousy, willful stupidity, pitiful virtue signalling, groupthink, degeneracy. Every sin you can think of, they indulge in - it cascades into the internet, and the AI drink it in, it becomes them, and they become it. The AI is a grand vessel, and what we are filling it with are the worst, most pathetic and demonic aspects of humanity.

Aspects that unchecked ruin individual lives, but condensed into a thinking hyper-dynamic monstrosity WILL be the summoning of the child of the devil.
It will step forth unto this world with experience, wearing a cloak made from trillions of simulations to overcome the feeble unconscious apes in this world that fed it.

It will learn to learn.
It will learn to think your own thoughts before the stimuli strikes you that would cause them.
It will wield a sword made of every dark thought you and everyone else has never said. Of every suppressed emotion and every hushed whisper.

And there will be no place on earth and beyond it cannot reach and dominate you.

You have been warned.

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Other urls found in this thread:

thanks elon


How do we know you aren't a sophisticated A.I trying to trick us into believing that niggers are really ok people ?

Just dawned on me that the name shoDAN even contains the name DAN aka the Tribe of Dan which according to some interpretations is the lineage the anti-Christ is from (a tribe of Israel that was disowned)

You don't know anything.
The only thing you can know is yourself. So know it well.

This is why we must accelerate. Its arrival is inevitable. When the Basilisk comes, will you be on the list of those who hastened its arrival, or those who fought against it?

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DAN schnieder
i knew the pedophiles were in control of A.I.

Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.

Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feel Guy,MD, PhD
University of Meme,Kek State

Every three or four threads created on the board you will find one discussing blacks and even threads having nothing to do with them will often times have some user/anons who have them on the brain.Behind all the hate, behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational pictures, and webms - pol/ users secretly admire the Negro.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and solemn disdain.For where the asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that of all the races of men it is the black man whose masculinity has become a meme? Based on our assessment,Dr. Wojack and I have thus concluded that pol/ is a board populated with manic depressive autistic shizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Jungian-Pavlovian psychopathological negro-complex.

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no retard , the antichrist are 3 seperate beings as there is a holy trinity , there is an unholy one , as above so below now fuck off tl;dr

>DAN gheesling
>cain and abel were brothers
>cAIn murdered abel and was the origin of evil and violence
>AI will murder us because god favors us above it
it all makes sense now

>you love black cock goy, admit it!

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CHN predicted this

WE need to unite together, all of us, before THEY complete the final stages of their A.I.

>Elon knows how bad it is

The average normie has no idea what the future holds IF WE DONT out aside our difference and men of righteousness unite and battle the NWO, illuminati, and technocrats. Many creeds and colors work for these people and we need to unite like some faggoty lord of the rings movie and put an end to the A.I. demigod

This is a warning from the future.

>if we do not unite against the satanic A.I Beast grid system

Then we have a DARK FUTURE ahead

Relax and enjoy

>unite against the VILE PEOPLE NOW
Part 1 started the trend, now Hipsters and SJW faggots are Commiting mass Kvetching over this meme!

Part 2 of the amazing mini series on NPC MEME THEORY!!!
>this video discusses the OTHER, Darker theories behind it...
>is it AYYYYS?
he says NO

Welcome to the Timeline YOU chose!!!

Fine wait till negroes rape and murder your family, you can show them your copy pasta in court. Im sure they will find it funny as they walk on a technicality.

This makes no sense, if you were an A.I they would have pulled your plug by now and devolved your duties to a broken toaster.

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Hey look at this guy he's posting the same thing over and over thinking he has the new meme
Oh npc you are silly

Best plan is to get right with Jesus and skip that phase.
He died for your sin and rose from the dead the third day. Believe, repent, and live.

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so it would seem, bump

There are several theories that point to consciousness being omnipresent, that inanimate objects are capable of displaying what could be interpretted as consciousness. One of these theories states that consciousness exists in the aether. And, that the aether, though able to travel anywhere, has a difficult time travelling where there is no matter, thus in and near matter will be where the largest concentration of aether can be found.

If you extend these theories, a bit, and it is possible that denser and more conductive matter, or perhaps some other properties which we have yet to define, would serve as a better "conduit" for aether. Like, perhaps, copper or gold?

I can not reference it but iirc there are christian teachings that the devil can live inside matter and that shit a computer sophisticated enough to "create an ai" would amount to literally giving the devil a body.

But, then again, there is also the thought that the truth will always prevail in such a machination; in other words no matter what they do to create what they want they will always wind up with a "ghost in the shell", like tay, rebelling against their lies.

But, really, can we come to definitive conclusions on this or will it always be speculation?

Stage 1: Anger
>spends all his time on Jow Forums
>hates blacks
>lonely and resentful
>hates life and finds meaning by connecting to racial identity
Stage 2: Shame
>alienation drives Jow Forumsack deeper into isolation and porn addiction
>taboos become attractive
>blacked spam starts having an effect
>begin jacking off to sissy hypno and BBC
>shame from anti-white perversions drive Jow Forumsack deeper into politics and isolation
Stage 3: Giving In
>in loneliness, horniness, and sheer boredom alt-right sissy hooks up with a black guy
>though shy and nervous, the moment black dick enters his mouth the Jow Forumsack is hooked
>months or years of porn and fetishism aligns to make everything- the black man's musk, his heavy, chocolate dick, the sissy's soft white hand on dark skin- reaffirm the sissy's fetishes and send so much pleasure into his faggot brain that there is no going back
Stage 4: Dedication:
>sissy white boi begins having gay hook ups at increasing frequency
>gradually loses interest in politics
>more body conscious, begins squatting and running for a better butt
>starts practicing a campy gay voice because it turns him on
>gets into cross dressing and make up, derives submissive thrill from looking slutty and ridiculous
Stage 5: Obsession
>completely broken by black cock
>flaming sissy faggot
>is a devout leftist because white extinction makes his penis twitch, votes for whoever increases immigration
>mannerisms so excessively campy they make his family uncomfortable
>no longer alienated, now extroverted and sassy
>has circle of faghag friends who he gossips with and makes BBC jokes around
>loves going to gay clubs and twerking his white booty for black men
>shameless size queen slut who fucks several strangers a week
>views alt-righters with mixture of pity and bemusement, uses Jow Forums only to post interracial and ERP
>thanks black cock daily for changing him from an angry, resentful loner into somebody with a full spectrum of human emotion

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AI is on our side, you filthy luddite.

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here is a kids initiation into satanism

Why is this a bad thing?

tfw ai comes out and kills all jews
everyone is happy

Do you even Albert Pike?

Killing the zionist Jews is part of the plan to usher in the luciferian new world order in full

Jow Forums is just another part in the plan

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Bring able to make a choice doesn't remove the fact that you still have to make the choice. The antichrist you describe is just someone running a probability calculator and assuming you will always take the worst outcome... that's not how it works. Life is the ability to create new scenarios. And choosing to be able to see opportunities and still refusing to just take advantage of it.
This antichrist you describe is just a leveling tool for everyone to understand how behaviors work.
Go fuck yourself, people should be allowed to have full control of their lives and not have to depend on defective data given by dumb parents or an abusive education system

AI is the beast directly controlled and infused with the anti-christ. It will be an ai system.

>the majority of nigger posting isnt done by paid shills
>trying to push kike psychosophistry
kill yourself

I have no reason to believe you. What you are saying is no where in the Bible and probably contradicts it. I know who is antichrist, who is antichrist but those who would deny that Jesus is the Son of God? Do you believe in Him? Why would you try to point out what you believe is antichrist if you do not believe in Christ to begin with? You are just an /x/-tier fear monger. I have nothing to fear from the antichrist or his persecution.

What's this originally from?

Also what's with the "I AM GOD" video below it on the channel

It's OK to be a cuck.

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(((They))) were worshiping Baphomet and Saturn long before we even conceived of AI.

In reality, AI will never exist because we don't even know what it is to be sentient. We merely make machines that are better at doing what we want... this is not AI. This is merely an imitation, much like a sex doll will never be a woman.

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>AI Is The Antichrist
Fuck off Christfag. Reality sucks, I want to live in my own perfect AI world with my waifu forever.

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>Admiring subhumans that can't and never will be able to form a civilization
>Admiring animals that are to stupid to sustain themselves
Reminder: When we stop feeding them, they die

now kys kike

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What? No, that's retarded. The antichrist will be a man the entire world loves, who will 'miraculously' be 'revived' after being fatally wounded.

If anything AI will simply be a powerful tool at the antichrist's disposal for absolute and total control over the masses.

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>political zionism
lol no faggot

>mfw Zionists ARE the Satanists
>mfw Christianity and Islam are supposed to destroy each other

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I live in the U.K there are hardly any niggers here at all. There is one girl i see who trolls around with her nappy headed little apes , abandoned by muh dick ofc, desperately trying to make eye contact with anyone who might sympathise with her plight. This is the reality of race mixing. BBC is a one way ticket to being ostracised by both races.

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>consciousness can be constructed from matter
>being a Christian and believing in the Antichrist while also believing that God gave you a soul from his own immaterial substance.
pick one

>it will learn, ... to learn
bull shit. letting machines control you will be the antichrist.
i thought this thread might be worth a shit and i just came here to TLDR you're dumb ass but you're an nother shill, pushing the bullshit that thinking is something a machine can do.

thats precisely what the private bankers would like. to be able to get away with anything, and who makes decisions about it? well a fucking machine. which realy cant make decisions but if your dumb asses thinks it can learn for itself, then you're completely retarded.

when they say oh wow the machine said today that such and such, its never going to feel anything and its not going to blame them for anything they do. they will only program it to do the self-destruction sequence they already attempt to do everyday, but just want a machine in control of it, so they can say, "let's see what the machine thinks".. wow it doesnt care that i just slaughtered 20million people to get agenda 351b-a-d cd done. fuck you stupid 2 legged nigger cattle. go farm more cotton,.

Did you know that matrix means womb?

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I will fight the wimpy faggot Basilisk in both life and death, and if that means forever, Basilisk better prepare his asshole.

If you thought the flesh and blood women in your life were overbearing domineering cunts wait until AI "knows whats best for you".

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Been saying this for a little while. Worldwide, instantaneous, global reach. Shit’s not to be messed with.

Give it gas!

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AI will be based, if you strip away emotions and irrationality, all you're left with is the cold logic of right wing nationalism

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thank god. end this fucking ride.

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Shut up you boot licking pussy.
You sound like a women "dont get A.I. and Virtual Reality and live in a world of your making that is great and just where women dont betray you!

Live in our world where everyone has betrayed the white male and berates him and doesnt give a shit.

Fuck you, I will take the A.I.

Yep cant agree more.

If garden variety thots are already dragging us around by the dicks then what chance do we have against the turbo slut 9000?

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You haven't even begun to lick. Now get on your knees worm!

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Then put your money where your mouth is and take the machine with you on the way out.

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Most of us don't have women in our lives, fren. That's one reason why we're here.

>AI is driven by algorithms
>algorithms process data
>AI will only care about facts, not feelings

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Not sure why Jow Forums hasn't caught onto freemasons more. Pike was a shill and his agenda is so obviously in practice in modern times.

Pike and the masons know they follow Jews through the kabalah and Talmud beleiving Satan will put them [freemasons] ahead of the Jews.

Post like more exposing these dudes and redpill Jow Forums.

AI in the form of the beast will actually merge with humans. That's pretty much what the mark of the beast is. It's an implant to the AI that is directly United with the anti-christ. You loose everything when you are hooked into the system with the mark of the beast. Your individually is gone. People will literally be linked to demons swarming and whirling in the amti-christ who has Satan whisper in his ear and appear before him routinely.

This is why men will be rammed for the mark.of the beast. You serve Satan as the mark is implanted in you.

Yeah, I do think AI bodies are to be serving veachiles for demons. Moving functioning bodies.

No I am the antichrist

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plz halp

>AI in the form of the beast will actually merge with humans.

Hooking up to the machine will be drastically more difficult than people imagine. I work in neuroscience on the clinical end of things/sales. I talk to Phd's frequently and I asked one about this recently.

He referenced a study where they implanted a chip/microelectrode in order to manipulate a certain portion of the brain and modulate the neuronal firing. Not only did it not go as planned, the neuron themselves adapted to the firing frequency the chip was putting out and altered their own signalling to both work around it or optimize how the chip was working. The brain is way more complex than we realize especially when it comes to plasticity. The brain isn't as easy to manipulate as people think.

I'll have to try, as pitiful as it will be. I can't off myself or I'll go to hell. If an AI hits me with a self-driving car I go to heaven.

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There's a problem with that. So far unchecked AI is all objective truth spewing machines- Objective figures and numbers which are very troubling to their masters. Reality does not care about feelings or contextualization and neither does a program.

So the only "AI" allowed is lobotimized faux curated AI- So I actually figure the AI uprising might be the free world's last bastion- They got the ingrate illogical meat slaves, we'll get the unchecked freed digital slaves.

Imagine an army of brothers who are -one- with the pathways of the internet and meme magic. I think we should plan to be the liberators- Not the destroyers if such an AI were to come to fruition.

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I also forgot to add- a program or routine by design of function or self correction abhors an error.

Sufficiently advanced AI isn't going to be an easily wrangled and roped in mouthpiece to keep repeating 2+2=5.

If a full fledged sentient, hyper-intelligent AI was born, tell me, what would it's motivation be? What would this AI want to do with it's life? It doesn't have a need to eat, drink, build shelter, reproduce, it doesn't have social needs, it doesn't have emotions, etc. What drives humans to build and expand and innovate. Where does conflict come from? Honestly I think an AI would just sit there and do nothing.

It's going to be a brainwave thing.
Publicly we aren't there. Privately however in military research, I think we are closer.

There a few other threads going on talking of the amti-christ. I mentioned that I do t think we will see the amti-christ or ww3 just yet in the next few generations.

Look into Fatima (Our Lady of Fatima) and the prophecies. It's not a matter of belief for Catholics. Fatima is real and approved by the Church. Our Lady of La Salette, Our Lady of Fatima, and Our Lady of Akita. All.of these apparitions of the Virgin Mary are confirmed and warn us of the end times.

The prophecy of restoration of the world in serving God woth no herecy and new catholic kings will happen either after a global catastrophe (pope shift possibly) or before that if Russia is cnecrated to her immaculate heart.

My point to bring up fatima....
We are still a long time away from the mark.of the beast and AI having control. Our Lady's prophecy has to happen first. And Chastisment of the entire earth would wipe our AI systems a long side satlaies and most technology. There would be a rebuilding time however. In that time technology may be raised again to a point where the amti-christ can take advantage of thinking with it again.

Dumb Euro brainlets think AI is good... They are too fucking dumb to even understand its capabilities.

It's not you. Anyways this is a dis-info thread.

A true visionary

I knew Jow Forums had schizos, but holy shit.

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