Jesus called him Father, and "Eli"
Meet (((Elohim)))
Carter Phillips
Jordan Price
God is pure spirit, apart from the incarnate Jesus.
Andrew Fisher
whenever someone says jesus i think of the flavian caesars
Jayden Ramirez
Meet "Sin" the Moon God. Nocturnal Neanderkikes called him Father
Jace Hernandez
Meet Moloch
Cannanite proto-Jews called him (((EL))) and "Father"
Juan Lopez
Elohim are the heavenly beings , not one but multiple ones referring to angels and demons alike.
Justin Perez
Mason Evans
Tell us more. For sciense...
Brody Wood
Meet Saturn the child sacrifice God.
Romans said that Judeans worship Saturn, so they knocked down their Temple in 70AD (or so) and built the Temple of Jupiter (with 4 horses and a Venus 'Whore of Babylon to the Jews" on it).
Sabbath = Saturn day
Lucas Watson
Really makes you think.