She right.
She right
ya but theirs aren't hairy and filled with aids
Pussy>asshole. Fact
they were traumatized as children by many means, one of them is infant genital mutilation which stunts testosterone production, then they get sexually abused along the way and turn gay. The more they are tortured/traumatized the more their mind will fracture until they decide to become another sex
Black girls hate gays
Im done with white girls to be honest
If you ever talked to a black girl you will find that they are pretty chill and red pilled af
Cause gay guys are easier to fuck in the anus than any 10/10 girl.
>All the good men are either gay or married
>Ewwwwww no I wont go out with you Billy, you are too nice
>Men sick why cant I find a nice guy
>Hey Chad! Lol of course I'll suck your dick on the way to the restaurant for our first date
>OMG men are such pigs, I caught Chad getting his dick sucked by another woman, why cant I find a guy like you Billy
Imagine poking some chick in the butt and then having a poop disaster in your bedroom
fuck outta my thread incel
buttholes feel pretty good
Hot ripped 10/10 guys are plentiful and won't hold out line some dumb slut. And cocks are objectively less gross than baginas
Butt "sex" is gay. If you have a woman, fuck her pussy.
I vaguely recall a hilarious greentext from a fitizen about Just such a thing. I could be wrong about it being fit, not sure.
Can't argue with that.
It's easier to fuck another dude than say 'hi' to a women and then get charged with rape
She's forgetting the bottoms.
But he's right. Modern women are all hypergamous whores.
I love eating ass
i live in the northeast and have definitely not had this experience
where u at yo i got the jungle fever
Women are soul crushing wenches from hell.
Anal sex is always gay. Even if you're fucking a girl's butthole
Women got holes: holes in their body, holes in your wallet, holes in your heart.
Men tend to fill the holes in your life. Financially, emotionally, and physically.
Your brain is literally broken, you dont find females (fucking angelically hot and attractive) good looking? But you want to fuck dudes???? You can't have babies with two dudes. Also you fuck in the poop-hole. You know poop comes out of the poop-hole? Go ahead and have doodoo fart anus sex with men with penises, and AIDS. Go ahead and do fart cum in eachothers mouths, that is okay with me, but don't act like it is normal. Also you should be mad at your uncles and grandfathers for touching your penis when you were a child. You probably had poophole sex with a man as a child and that is why you want to fuck men and children, because it is a fact that gay men also want to fuck little boys in their poop-hole. Anus fucking gays shouldn't show their faces in society, we know what they do, they fuck eachothers anally in the poopholes.. Even they eat shit off eachothers dicks and do poop on eachother. You cannot love another man if you fuck him in the ass, I love men, my friends and family, and I would never put them as low as a woman and fuck them in the ass. This is why faggot have multiple sex partners and rape their own adopted children in the poop-holes. Because they cannot love because their brains are broken. This is why God and white people invented AIDS, to stop the faggot poopoo fucking ass parties. I've seen videos of a faggot bathing in shit and shitting out man cum from his ass and eating the shit and putting the shitty cum water in his eyes and mouth and nose. That is not normal, cummy shit water shit out of your ass into another mans poophole and then drink the cum shit water and put cum and shit in your eyes is NOT NORMAL. Sorry faggots, no vaginas for you.
Why do dykes fuck dykes with fake dicks when dudes have real dicks?
>easier to fuck another dude
That's where you're most eternally wrong, kiddo.
Worth it
You eat da poo poo
Surprisingly profound for a comment about buttsex.
>Billy you arent rich. I know Chad isnt either but he has such nice arms and a man with arms like that knows how to treat a woman
>Chad how can you leave me? We have dated for three whole hours and you already used all my holes! WHY CANT I FIND A NICE GUY BILLY!!!!
>I know, I'll look for romeo over here in this club
>Hey Chad!!!! Of course I'll blow you in the bathroom!
Yea but women don’t have a big benis to stroke while you pound that dirty butthole.
girls won't let you their asshole
your lucky if they let you their mouth
>black girl
Its so funny they have gotten men obsessed with anus instead of pussy...they pry don’t want us breeding...fukn weird
t. closet
women's assholes are hairy too
Not really. It's only tight for the first ~3 inches. Maybe dicklets it feels good, but a non blown out pussy is better any day.
why don't we have both?
you spread diseases if you use both
> Why don't straight guys let gay guys give them a blowjob when they can't find a woman to?
> Why don't straight men who are fed up with women go gay?
Stupid premise on all of the above.
You've been with the wrong women sir.
He means let Jamal and Tyrone take her at the same time while you watch
not at the same god damned time, we're not savages
Vagina feels way better than asshole, but it’s apparently really easy to fuck men, while women take a lot of effort.
Is only smells!
>aren't hairy and filled with aids
They can be...
>>implying even tops aren't all about the cock
Sanna seeking man who wants her back door.
Because hot primal sex with another male is way hotter than some dumb chick.
Because the only dudes with tits are fatfucks.
being attracted to the unreproductive hole, used solely for shit is absolutely savage
It really doesn't imo. I think the mental aspect is the main reason why some people really like it.
Also, no poop on dick
Imagine you walk up to a table and on it are two glasses of water.
One glass is clean and clear and so cool it's dripping wet and inviting you to drink it.
The other is off color and and it looks like there is some stuff floating in it.
These glasses are just a couple inches apart from one another and you can pick whichever you like.
That's what you're doing when you pick anal over vaginal.
Imagine actually wanting to get fucked in the ass. What is wrong with gay men’s brains?
>a non blown out pussy
If you find some, you're either a pedo or should be playing lottery.
I can't tell if this is based or not. Pretty sure not but I'm just fascinated by the logistics of it. So much so that I actually read the whole thing.
Girls don't have dicks.
>being about butthole
Women are plebs.
To put it bluntly, gays are attractive because of the dick. Think of traps, they are not the same without a dick. Same for gays, even if you won't get pegged, won't suck it and will only pound the passive's ass their dick will remain a key element of their appeal.
Also dominating another male (or getting dominated) is a great point.
I kind of feel bad for gays, retrospectively I feel like they were quite adequate compared to trannies.
but they don't have cocks. Guys are only gay because they like sucking cock
if she has an enema it's clean, would you refuse a blowjob because she can't make a baby in her stomach?
I would imagine gay dood romance is just like bros chilling but they make each other cum without all the bullshit. I wish I could be sexually attracted to dodos, women ain't worth the fucking bullshit
Guys won't falsely accuse you of rape
>Black girls
Lmao I'm a black dude and let me tell you, you'd know if you lived in a family full of them that they can be the most annoying, bitchiest women on earth
Sodomy is still sodomy, even if it's with a woman.
what does the bible say about fellatio?
If I was bisexual and was only interested in anal, I’d only fuck dudes. Women don’t realize that if it wasn’t for sex, we’d have very few reasons to associate with 99% of them.
The secret is dating someone five inches shorter.
She doesn’t understand that she is fucking annoying and disgusting that a man would rather literally butt fuck another man getting aids in the process than spend even a second dealing with her bullshit.
this. anal is good for the first few minutes but assholes dont stay tight very long and then it basically feels like a loose vag
Traditionally considered sodomy as well
so how does that make them different from your k9 companion
I'm not sure. Either only anal is sodomy, or all non-reproductive sex is.
Billy is the one at fault here for wasting his time with a slut like that though.
you treat me like a stranger and that feels
Because girls don't have dicks. Why are women so retarded.
wait what? what do you mean?
>one of them is infant genital mutilation which stunts testosterone production, then they get
It's the fat that makes you low-T, not the fact that your foreskin has been chopped off
not getting her to douche first not fucking her in the shower. not putting a towel down first. So many ways to prevent this from happening or minimizing clean up
homosexuality arises when there is a rupture in the way a child or person understands sexual identity and gender. many turn gay because "its the next best thing" mentality.
WTF I understand gays completely now
can you go 1 thread without bants
back in high school this black girl was really nice to me im pretty certain she knew I was a scared fag
It's sodomy.
>a slut like that
I think you missed the point of the critique
>lives in a nice area with "normal" african americanz
Try it in the hood, they kill whypipo on site and hate nazis like us amirite pol?
Especially the African women! all the black girls I've talked to hated gays and lesbians. Dog-mothers too. They laugh at them. Also African women are anti drugs and believe in god and the family union. When you're dating a african girl don't come over to her house until you're serious about your relationship. If a African girl introduces you to her family you can be sure that she wants to marry you and have your babies too.
so i cant stick my dick in plastic and put it in both drinks of water? Or i can't go to the sink and clean the dirty glass and fill it with fresh water?
Thats why shitdicking girls is just as gay
This needs to be found and posted here.
pic related
They want to be fucked in the ass...they are all bottoms...that's why they are always after straight men