I know most of you are still pro-Trump and I have to admit the whole 2016 election shitposting was pretty fun, but this guy Bolsonsro is just a completely different beast.

He supports torture and is openly homophobic. We seriously need to do something to stop him from becoming Brazil's president.

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Other urls found in this thread:

wow he needs to be impeached.

Based Bolso, my, our, future president.

>openly homophobic
oh noooooooo

Bolsonaro got stabbed unfortunately.
He seems to have a large following in the Brazilian polls though.

>He supports torture and is openly homophobic.
And that's a good thing.

I hope He torture a faggot OP like you.

He's pro torture of criminals, not gays you dumb fuck.

holy based


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OP bait

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Is that pic shopped

Why would he dress like that

Aütistenhosen is traditional ceremonial garb

He's a German wearing the traditional Bavarian attire of his ancestors :)

>1 post by this ID


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I hate homophobic people because 90% of the time they're extremely hypocritical.

"Bolsonaro to i24NEWS: Israel will be the first country I visit as president"

All i need to know...

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he's ugly af wtf

My sides

>taking the bait

Hope he goes full Pinochet on the leftists.

I saw something on Tucker a few nights ago about Brazilians measuring peoples skulls to work out who is human and not? Can a Brazilian user confirm this?

I like the guy even more!

Wtf is worng with israaid
we need to protest this shit now

U dont seem to understand he is the next step after Trump. Did you think it was all just about shit posting????

The Day of the Rope shall be upon us.

>shills think that they can just give orders
Okay, OP. Not like we have Options.

>He supports torture and is openly homophobic
WTF? I love this guy now.

I dunno, OP. He seems like a decent enough bloke.

All American presidents have been supporting torture since 9/11. Does no one know Guantamo any more?
All American presidents except Trump have been at least little against gays rights.


>He supports torture and is openly homophobic. We seriously need to do something to stop him from becoming Brazil's president.

In current year.. how could he? We can't let him get the nuclear codes!!1!

>I’m pro torture and the people are too.
Awesome. Hail presendentè!

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you don't want radical figures of your opposing ideology? don't go radical I your own ideology.
this wave of right wing strong figures is I response of the deranged insanity the left has been pushing the last 30 years.
for every action, there's a reaction.

Yeah and I bet he supports killing people with the masturbation machine, too, right?

wish I could vote to torture the left. It’s literally such a big plus.

He's also funded by the Koch Brothers, the rights version of Soros, he will sell you're country and divide you even more.

Honestly, are you a pro-Bolsonaro shill just trying to bump him? You have to be. Not even the biggest retard on earth could believe this thread would change even a single Jow Forumsack’s mind. You’re not a retard, are you user?

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Jow Forums basics

>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"

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There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself through materialistic ways, sexual ways, through drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy through own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself through sexual ways, materialistic ways, through parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Through that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Through physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We don't want to identify to our thoughts or to our outward senses. That is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else is manifest of it.

What (((they))) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

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Honestly how can anyone not hate the fags at this point. They try to insert their bullshit causes into everything.

Fuck the queers

What are Jair's racial policies? Will he purify his people by getting rid of all the degenerate shitskins?

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>I'm pro-torture
>I'm not goint to rape you, because you're very ugly

only if he would have a change, we would be better

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How can i get Brazilian citizenship before the election?

Brazil will always be a shithole because it's full of niggers.

Where do you think you are

right wing is cumming and there is nothing you weaklings can do

“He supports torture and is openly homophobic”
>implying that’s not the very person Brazil needs right now to lay waste to your degenerate culture

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Bolsonaro will win

Can it even be close? This is what Brazil needs right now.

yes he will, he is at 60% at the polls against him

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Está com medo? Petista safada

>supports torture
Nice, he knows how to maintain order in extreme situations

>openly homophobic
Unironically based and redpilled


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you wanted nazi's? you get nazi's
Rest in Peace Mein Führer.

Posting a delicious copypasta from /hue/volution. Godspeed to Bolsonaro and DA QUE EU TE DOU OUTRO!

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He promises to give us back Cesare Battisti.
And he will also probably boost military and research (which is a good thing for Italy considering our relation with Brazil in that sector)
Can't wait for this guy to step in...really Brazil may be two steps from a Golden age.

what did the leaf mean by this?

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching hueland crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Torturing fags? Where's the problem

Not gonna lie, former Bolsonaro voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching hueland crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the bundas

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>He supports torture and is openly homophobic.
I don't think you thought through your arguments against him.

He should automatically win just for being stabbed by leftist terrorists

he sound like nice man call me when he start killing comies so i can help

what is with all you fucks and your fail-trolling

try harder op

The collective Iq of this thread has got to be double digits

Scriptfags go away

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Thats a perfect summary. But he is not that monster that the left is trying to say he is, he just dont like criminals and commies.

>He supports torture
Against enemies
>and is openly homophobic
Your feelings don't come above God. Even if you are literally shaking right now.
>We seriously need to do something to stop him from becoming Brazil's president.
We seriously need to work out where we can find politicians like him in every country.

that's true,
I honestly didn't dislike fags that much until I started having fag propaganda classes on the 5th grade...
ant, to be honest, the same goes for blacks...

>Umlaut on the 'u'
Typical mutts

I stand with Israël

Woah this guy sounds awesome.

Informative larp OP. Good stuff.

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>supports torture
>is homophobic

Shit, does that mean he will torture OP????

Sorry guys, he's not that awesome. He never called the congresswoman ugly, he just said he wouldn't rape because she doesn't deserve it

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He's a Jewish supporter, you idiots.

Wow, those yellow points, if I recognize them well, are from the Guardian, are they not? What a shitload of lies!

Most of those quotes are taken out of context.


Those pricks get free land and monies from government and don't do any work. Most descendants of African slaves are productive, good people who are integrated in BR society, they're not quilombolas.

>'I wouldn't rape you because you're ugly'

No. Nigger. Maria do Rosário called him a rapist first, and then he answered 'I wouldn't rape you [even if I were a rapist] because you're so ugly'.

Why did she call him a rapist? Because he was asking for a rapist - Champinha, who raped and killed white Liana Friedenbach, but was too innocent (16 years old, yeah) to be sent to jail - to be arrested.

>a moment of weakness

'Fraquejada', that's not even the same as 'momento de fraqueza'. It was a joke, the very expression denotes a more calm and chill manner of speech.

Fuck the Guardian, fuck the American media. PT is afraid, the media is afraid because WhatsApp has fucked it up and will keep fuckingi it up for ever until it physically turns into the absolute rot which it already is intellectually.

I hope Bolsonaro hangs every single journalist with the guts of every single left-wing teacher in this shithole country.

Homophobia is not a thing. You're using Greek to sound scientific and objective.

>He supports torture and is openly homophobic.
that's unironically based and redpilled, truly /ourguy/

>No. Nigger. Maria do Rosário called him a rapist first, and then he answered 'I wouldn't rape you [even if I were a rapist] because you're so ugly'.
I still can't find the time he called her ugly tho

Melhor aliado

that clip of him laughing in stephen fry's face, it gets me every time

The first time in my life that I am jealous of Brazil.

>I'm not going to rape you, because you're very ugly
Didn't Duterte say something similar?

So was Che he was also a massive racist and everyone loved him.

Former Bolsonaro supporter here, the memes have been fun, but we really can't let him get control of the hueclear codes.

I like on many things but he's the bitch of the banks. So it's a kike shill

True. Here's the correct version:

'[even if I were a rapist] I don't rape you because you [are so ugly that you] don't deserve it'.

Notice that the implicit 'ugly' can mean thousands of things, including moral ugliness.

What he's essentially saying is 'Not even the devil wants you!'.

The problem is that our left-wing media uses the principle of charity to interpret things said by left-wing politicians, but the principle of no-charity-at-all-you-racist-fuck to interpret what's said by right-wing ones.

What is wrong with you Brazilians?! Would you rather vote for the corrupt socialists?!

Venezuela has imploded just right next to you. While Pinochet Chile is the arguably the best most stable country in South America, only Uruguay do as well.

Yet you rather keep voting for corrupt socialists?!

Seriously, if you vote for the crooked socialists you deserve to end up like Venezuela. But don't say you weren't warned!

Only the extremely poor and ignorant vote for the corrupt socialists, I bet most of them don't even know what a Chile is.

I know it, Polonius, but there are people in Brazil dumber than anyone you've ever met in Denmark.

The average IQ here is around 85-90, so half the people are dumber than even that.

But seriously we can’t let him get ahold of the nuclear bananas

on the other hand it can hardly be fucked by shitskin immigration any more than it already is
maybe china will eventually exploit you though just like they are the africans
would be fun to hear the butthurt
>aii minha bunda

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How? Does 90% suck literal Dick?

>Not wanting to torture the cartel/favela niggers.

Retard detected.


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My favorite quote of his: "It's losers' day", on occasion of the United Nations International Human Rights Day.

Did I mention that he wants to take Brazil out from the UN?

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I stand with Benis brother Binland :D :D :D

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What gives me the most anger is user that is said above the mass of maneuver voting in a hoax like Bolsonaro.

You have flip flop gangs that brutally torture people with machetes, prison riots that end up looking like something from the walking dead and you are worried about muh faggot hating and torture?