What are your thoughts on this book Jow Forums?

What are your thoughts on this book Jow Forums?

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Edgy oversimplification of Nietzsche.

The Shadow the Hedgehog of will-to-power philosophy.

Edgy as fuck but completely true

Its complete hogwash because unlike similar texts it ignores the importance of loyalty, tribalism, reciprocity, etc.

Its just Nietzsche without all the nuance. Ragnar IS what morons THINK Nietzsche is.

>thinking this was concept is exclusive

MMR is a logical fallacy. If you were to say violence is the prime source of power you might have an argument

>a pack of niggers can home invade you
>pack of Hell's Angels can overtake you
>the big, or small, business next door can poison you, your air, water, and your property,
All of which can be prevented, or justice had, by ones own hand. So, where does survival of the fittest come into play for those that know, and know what to do?

People continue to misunderstand evolution, probably because evolution is not taught properly in school.

Well, then who you presume penned this book? Numerous speculations have gone around stating that various people wrote it such as the man who wrote the Satanist Bible, 'Anton Szandor LaVey.' I believe that 'Jack London' wrote it don't chide me if I'm wrong. I enjoyed the book and deemed it begot a message that is simple to apprehend but never fancied to be told. I do understand at some points it seems to get repetitive or dull, yet I do nevertheless consider that it is instead well said that strength is a vital constituent in growth.

This, 'survival of the fittest' is a fact not a moral axiom. It isn't the strong who survive its those who survive who survive. Mice and grass are fit. This shit is even stupider when you realize all these tough guy lions, wolves, and birds of prey have social organization too.

>"Lets commit violence to our own in-group" said the social Darwinist thinking he was clever