Indonesia executes 25 year old drug smuggler from SA
Indonesia executes 25 year old drug smuggler from SA
Based and redpilled
Lol roastie btfo.
She's not pretty enough for anyone to care rip.
What was the last thing they said to her?
Don't smuggle drugs in Indonesia
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Don't smuggle or get murdered
GIS shows nothing. Google search of Indonesia executes female drug smuggler only shows Flips
They really should warn people somehow
Based Indog
she was fucking up anyway
If only we could execute all the chinks and spics that smuggle drugs into our countries.
thats good, addicts, dealers and pushers should be executed
you should say pic unrelated
Last thread it was Thailand.
Get's executed over prescription narcotics.
No story about this anywhere.
OP confirmed a troll.
Lol cannibalism is legal there you know?