So, let me get this straight... you think the world is run by a secret elite made up of Ashkenazi Jewish bankers...

So, let me get this straight... you think the world is run by a secret elite made up of Ashkenazi Jewish bankers, the richest most powerful men in the world, and your plan is to expose these people?

... Good luck.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I just love a challenge Mr. quints.

The world is not run by ashkenazi jewish ? Banks, media, government, thinktanks, universities. You cant be both oligarch and underdog.

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I'm going to take this literally as Kek wishing us good luck.

Oh good. Another faggot posting a retarded fucking thread over and over. I hope you fucking die, nigger

I'd take a shotgun to the back of the head and a suicide note in my own handwriting. Saves me the trouble.

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The gig is up, the goyim know

Oh, cool. Some of our old friends at shareblue/CTR got their jobs back.