So, let me get this straight... you think the world is run by a secret elite made up of Ashkenazi Jewish bankers, the richest most powerful men in the world, and your plan is to expose these people?
... Good luck.
So, let me get this straight... you think the world is run by a secret elite made up of Ashkenazi Jewish bankers, the richest most powerful men in the world, and your plan is to expose these people?
... Good luck.
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I just love a challenge Mr. quints.
The world is not run by ashkenazi jewish ? Banks, media, government, thinktanks, universities. You cant be both oligarch and underdog.
I'm going to take this literally as Kek wishing us good luck.
Oh good. Another faggot posting a retarded fucking thread over and over. I hope you fucking die, nigger
I'd take a shotgun to the back of the head and a suicide note in my own handwriting. Saves me the trouble.
The gig is up, the goyim know
Oh, cool. Some of our old friends at shareblue/CTR got their jobs back.