Could this solve all of our problems?

Find a flaw

Attached: bell-curve.png (930x526, 155K)

The rich can vote the poor into slavery.

the whites can vote the blacks into slavery

it actually won't
"the higher is IQ the better" meme has to stop because there are plenty of smart people who are completely indoctrinated or use their intelligence to undermine everybody around them for their own profit
I have a better solution, fuck voting

slope of the curve is negative at weight 10
sloppy job

Fair enough, but those chinkos will just vote to have more them coming in.

jews and asians

if this happened democrats would obliterate republican vote

Sweet, I get like 8 votes

I vote that polygamy is legal for people with 7 votes or higher

>those chinkos
test would be administered here, where they can't cheat, nor resort to nepotism/connections like over there

jews have high IQ's so it would probably only make things worse

yeah but they don't actually decide THAT much

130+ is going to be ~12% of your vote, this system just trivializes the lower end of the voter spectrum. Something lefties and righties both claim to want (less retards voting)

It's obviously deliberate: there's a point at which intelligence becomes a curse, when a super intellect is so far removed from even "the exceptional" or the "gifted" that they cannot be asked to make decisions directly relating to the course of other people's lives.
Basically like what happened with Mr. Manhattenbergstein in "Who Watches the Watchers?"

Great idea until new (((study))) finds blacks have the highest IQs in da world.

>Find a flaw
It gives people the right to vote

GTFO kike

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the 10 is below the 9.8
don't justify poorly finished jobs

>primary voting block is minorities

Aside from Asians and Jews (very small minority), this would obliterate the democrats.

We should base voting rights off or civic duty like Starship Troppers.

I'm counting on this kind of hubris making everyone agree with this and seeing how the cards fall.

pretty based idea, must be true coming from a 8er

2% of the USA and a 105 average would make them ~ 2% of the electorate, meanwhile their minorities and communist sympathizers would be taken from 30% of the vote to 4-5%

The poor deserve to be slaves, so long as they are weak, stupid, and degenerated.

Only solution is WW3. Hopefully it wipes out 100% of life on earth.

they deserve to be employed and kept on a loose leash such that they never cause more disruption than they're worth.

Fuck no
There is a helluvalotof common sense in that yellow bullet that the intellectual class of abstract thinkers totally miss.

Keep in mind, abstract thinking enables one to think through the future consequences of various actions. However, these thought games are limted by the variables selected and the values assigned to them. Thus as a simple example, an intellectual can conclude that universal basic income will benefit society by freeing up peoples time to pursue creative endeavors. It is those common sense middle guys that understand human nature doesn’t work that way.
A world run as you are suggesting is just what the elites are trying to ram through on us today.
There is an important role for intellectuals but there is an equally important role for the common sensers who use their senses to give the intellectuals a reality check.
Democracy and representative governence in its current form is optimal. Like the saying goes, it is a horrible way to govern, but it is also the best way that we know of.

no flaw, should be enacted immediately

They actually don't but ok. Plus their faces don't fit the Fibonacci.

hubris? its extremely well studied that more intelligent people tend to be more liberal. it isnt even slightly in question

that doesn not mean that liberal perspectives are better but reality is raelity, the question is answered already, in this scenario liberals would control upwards of 80% of the electorate

Who gets to designe and control the test (read evolutionary pressure)?
What if person is dumber test-wise but otherwise more geneticaly fit?
there's no answer for perfect system dude
maybe this though

the simple folk deserve dignity and a way of life guaranteed by a constitution, that being said modern politics is too disinfo-based and less intelligent people are targeted because they can be confused or mislead easier.

Why not let the worrying about politics fall to those who can grasp all or most of the situation at hand. Most people set to

i hope your teeth fall out of your face

but one of the most important liberal talking points will be blatantly debunked (or reinforced) by the system being instated.

If blacks/hispanics are dumber then "white supremacy" cannot be abolished

and if the democratic allies are tested to be intelligent then the liberals will win their landslide victory proving the correctness of their ideology.

at 128 or a voter it is the same because most people dont vote so my vote counts as at least 5 votes now.

and then the ruling party changes the standard IQ tests to muddy the waters, making it a totalitarian rule until the ruling class is (inevitably) culled orc-like hordes
plus side: we get real life world of warcraft

I'd rather the president be elected by the first 100 names in the Boston phonebook than 100 Harvard graduates t. Sowell

culled by*

It shouldn't be an S curve, it should be straight exponential as IQ increases. Taleb should get ten thousand times more votes than a brainlet like Nate Participation Prize. Also everyone below 110 should get zero votes.

the vast majority of people in america are still white bruv

hispanic people are probably not much less intelligent than whites on average. on average, blacks are, but they only make up like 20% of the electorate

Uh.. dude. Look around lol

It may be painful for a wagie like yourself, but all of life's ills come from the incompetent and foolish among us. Technocracy is the only answer, and anyone who bites the menial tack for their existence with no thought for higher learning barely deserves to live, let alone reproduce.

Most people with an IQ of 100-120 are liberal.

to start I'd like a nice standardized test which can be infinitely iterated and preferably completed without words

then during highschool around the age enfranchisement the students would complete a series of testings to get an accurate score of their various intelligences

>vast majority
It really depends where you are, and as you know elections are state-based

also friendly reminder of pic-related coming into play (true or not)


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Well i would've had 10 votes, but I don't know if even with that bronco could've had won

The jews can vote the whites into slavery.

Wouldn't that be a change!!

do you really have such an inferiority complex that you think they would have more than a few% of the electorate?

I understand your points and they are good ones.
But one of the problems is that a good amount of the blue section on the right is intellectually flawed. They possess abstract thinking skills, score high on the tests, but are only pseudo smart. Have verbal comprehension skills but bad logic, reasoning, relativity capabilities. Think your typical feminist.
Plus my original point. Think your ivory tower Marxist professor. Great intellectual capabilities but not a fucking clue about real world applications because he/she never has set foot in it like the sensors do daily.
Now if you want to propose a minimum level requirement to vote, say anyone below a certain level shouldn’t vote because they do not possess the basic intellect upon which to make an informed decision, then Im all in.
But you are over attributing the wisdom on the intellectual class and over discounting that of the common sense class.
Now I’ll speculate that with a few exceptions, our actual leadership and top governing administrators all come from the righthand side as they should.
I’ll speculate you are young and smart, perhaps in uni. (Wish I was young still lol). I’ll suggest that overtime as you gain experiences and greater interactions with people from all walks, you will learn to appreciate the many types of wisdom that exists, the practical, theoretical, empathetic, rational, and you will better understand the points that I am attempting to make.
If we want smart people to take over, why not just forego elections and handover the keys to say George Soros? He’s undoubtedly a brilliant person. Or Chomsky? Or Bezos? Or Paglia?
Getting off on tangents, sorry.
To get back on point, don’t let idiots vote, great. But do not disscount the wisdom of the average person with common sense and likewise don’t oversell the wisdom of high IQ intellectuals who frequently lack common sense. Both are equally important and deserve equal representation.

2/10 Bait

Attached: 2.10 Would not fuck.jpg (718x1024, 243K)

No you'd see pic related. Studies are very clear libertarians have the highest IQ. This new fascist/libertarian hybrid movement (Mussolini fascism bascially) is too new to have been studied AFAIK

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again, until totalitarian rule sets in, that'd be fine
but once a couple decades/presidents set in, the congress/supreme court would be stacked and then they could revisit/interpret/make laws however they please

liberal San Franciscans win every election

Democracy is a false god.

don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that verifiable retards should have the same vote weight as sentient beings; i'm saying that the outcome of heavily weighting them will most certainly have negative impacts. maybe have tards at 3/5 (historical standard), smarties at 1-1.5, and geniuses at 3

Intelligence =/= Civic Responsibility


Democracy is a failed experiment. People don't want the responsibility of the future.

Slavery is more costly overall of a system than a welfare state where risks are leveraged on the government while reaping the benefits personally.

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Legal? It should be mandatory.

I just feel like the political discourse comes down to the lowest common denominator. I understand completely your fears of the well-meaning intellectual tyranny but whichever system I'm trying to create the fundamental goal is to remove the obstacles to truth by getting rid of soundbytes and replacing them with hour-long lectures from the presidential candidate "on the benefits of shifting the power economy to primarily nuclear fission based"

this seems reasonable, just I wanted a system where the political class would have to appeal to the STEM class when making policy. 30%+ of the electorate instead of the current 5-10%

I'm utterly frustrated with how slowly technology reaches the legislative branch, either something that wasn't regulated or invested in soon enough.

slavery was the worst idea ever for multiple reasons and morality barely makes the top 10

Yes, the ramp is the easier route to travel, but how would it be kept supported?

Seems like the 115 IQ crowd (=liberals and bluecheckmarks) will end up with the most voting power after weighting.

i've heard stats that the politically active "white left" is about 8% of USA voters

>average israeli IQ is 94
trust me goy, we're very smart.
about as smart as we're good with money.
that's why there is no economical crisis ever happening.
such a good goy.

The weight of a vote should be determined first by age and sex like insurance pricing, then scaled by effective taxation rate. A "high IQ" student who pays zero tax should have zero vote.

Right here.

Democracy unleashes the talent and creativity of society as it provides more people with more opportunity by giving them equal rights (or at least more than other forms of government tend to) and representation. This leads to strong, innovative and wealthy societies. While the productivity of "strong" citizens (intelligent, industrious, etc) was harnessed effectively to the benefit of all, weakness is allowed to spread and lower functioning individuals begin to claim more and more resources of which they did not and likely would not have generated on their own or under different circumstances. Resources might be claimed in popular movements or pushed upon the masses by elites to gain support, votes, etc. Either way, propogation of this type of lower class signals the beginning of a downward spiral it will always create for itself. The success created by democracies will always breed failure.

Seems about right, or not. whatever.

>nigger slaves
why tough?
niggers have been freed for a multitude of reasons, some of them being that slaves are even less productive than free ones because you can't really cut them to pieces when they cost so much to buy or even more to raise from infancy.

Intelligence is not an indicator of human value, and in itself neither of good judgement.

It's incredible that this is somethig that needs to be explained.

it was quip to match a similar situation the other poster proposed, slavery was dumb (now we're responsible for blacks)

People are still voting.

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sure but over 50% of people won't grasp what you've said. maybe we should reduce their voting power??

he must be like 200 IQ

I studied physics at uni. There was no one there with an iq of less than 120, and only a few with less than 130.

Yet the majority was largely lacking social skills, empathy, a taste for aesthetics, no idea about high literature which holds most of human wisdom, and so on and so forth.

What i wanted to demonstrate with this story is that intelligence in itself is only an enabler, can be an entirely one-sided gift, and most of all it does not tell you anything about the character, or the ability for good judgement.

Most of the important problems in life are not well defined nor well structured, have a very very high number of variables, and cannot be successfully approached with a one-faceted, analytical skill set.

I'm not convinced at all that your idea would not do more harm than good.

Higher IQ people are higher in trait openness, which correlates with being more liberal politically. So you'd get societies that vote increasingly left if you weight by IQ.

>we're responsible for blacks
no we're not.
they should be deported.
that's why liberia exist in the first place.

>leftist are shmartz
>i believe lefty outlets
niggers must be very high IQ then!
tip: if something paints the left, leftists, or any thing of the sort in a somewhatishly positive manner, it's false.

detroit IQ test centers can be corrupted by the rich democrats
no anti corruption organ in the government can fix it

>being this retarded
this site is 18+ kid

I'd still want to hear from 10 neurotic physicists before a single "average joe voter" on pertinent issues