What qualifies as hate speech?

I honestly don't know, the definition of hate speech is vague at best.
Who determines what hate speech is?

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No one.

"Hate speech" is the only speech that needs protection under the Constitution.

>what is hate speech
hate speech is speech made in opposition to the libs
>who defines hate speech
the libs

Good question! If your talking point is spread by Russian bots online it's probably hate speech.

Sadly, pretty much how I see it.

Anything that the left doesn't like, like calling a tranny mentally ill is hate speech to the left.

Whatever women, LGBT, PoC(excluding Asians), Muslim find uncomfortable.

Hate speech is anything you want it to be sweetie. That's why liberals love it. An unending font of bullshit arguments and temper tantrums.

Nothing is hate speech, it doesn't exist.

Something made up so weak minded humans don't catch autism from the word "nigger".

It's funny. Some of the most vile hate speech I hear comes from lefties. Stephen Colbert calling Trump "Putin's cock sleeve," the editor of The New York Times calling for the genocide of white men, another editor for the Huffington Post saying the same thing, enitre college classes about villifying white men, feminists saying to abort their baby if it's male.

I think it would be really funny if some hate speech law passed and all the blue check marks on Twitter suddenly get fined thousands of dollars for all their hateful tweets. But we all know hate speech isn't meant to censor liberals.

>As when we a gun discharge,
>Although the bore be ne'er so large,
>Before the flame from muzzle burst,
>Just at the breach it flashes first,
>So from my lord his passion broke,
>He farted first, and then he spoke.

>Who determines what hate speech is?

Adults talk about cocks all the time. What are you, ten years old? God, Trump supporters are such babies.

It has to be vague so leftist intellectuals can change the meaning on the fly.
It's not a bug. It's a feature.
Other words that are so vague to be meaningless.

This. 1A was meant to protect opinions and allow people to say what they want, only the (((Powerful and Fearful))) would have a problem with what you have to say and they'd want you silenced. Its one of the greatest laws ever created and over the 2A is the only one that needs to be defended to the last breath.
Whom ever you are not allowed to make fun of or talk shit of maybe someone who has power over you.
Don't let anyone take 1A away from you. America is the last beacon of hope for the world in terms of a brighter future. its sad too many of your own people don't fucking see it

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It is precisely and indisputably speech to which I experience a strong and authoritative negative emotional reaction.

I consider that sign to be hate speech and would gladly shoot the person holding it. It all depends on who's armed. Speech is secondary.

>What qualifies as hate speech?

Hopefully anything posted on this board.


LGBT excluding gays and lesbians now, because they're privileged somehow and if they have a problem with trannies or muzzies throwing them off buildings they're bigots.

Salty liberal faggot detected. November 8th 2016 was a long time ago now. Time to accept the results and move on.

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The Left want to label speech against them as "hate speech" and convince the moronic hordes to go along with them to undermine the 1st amendment.

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See you in room 101 then cheeky faggot.

Basically threats or discrimination towards a group and not an individual.

The courts.

get a load of this cocksleeve

Except every individual is magically representative of their group, so if you call a jewish reporter a cocksucker its anti-semitism and unnudah shoah oy vey.

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Speech is speech. It's free or it's not

>threats or discrimination
In a time when snowflakes with their hypersensitive emotions driven politics claim everything against them is an attack and discrimination everything that is not in their favor will be labeled hate speech.

Also, of course it is a worthless goddamn Swedecuck.

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Did you mean this literally or figuratively ?

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There is no such thing as hate speech just like there is no such thing as an assault rifle. NPCs need to invent a soul instead of dumbass phrases and genders.

This is the worst kind of leftist argument, because it presupposes "whatever I don't like is hate speech" and gets people caught up in defending whether hate speech is free speech or not (It Is) without responding to the root attack, that you've actually uttered "hate speech".

This, obviously, is not hate speech.

ahte speech doesn't exist

Hate speech is whatever violates NPC programming and makes anger lines

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only a Judge can determine if speech is hate speech when it comes to legal consequences.

A private corp such as TwitFuckBook can determine hate speech is anything they want,,, including simply just being a Raiders fan.

Nothing is hate speech.

They purposely leave it open to interpretation so they can declare anything they disagree with as hate speech. They don't actually care about the causes they champion, they only want to silence their critics.

Hate speech is defined as anything that induces butthurt in those who have control over public opinion.

Hate Speech doesn't exist. You either have Free Speech or you don't.

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Reminder: If you hate free speech limiting trash like they have in britbongistan you need to report as many technically hate speech messages as you can across all platforms. Make the policy a tragedy and you'll have it fixed within a few months after the extreme outrage. Make SJWs win too fast the backlash will be sharp enough to break the barrier of normalization.

"But saying I hate white people and I think they should die isn't hate speech because they deserve it!!" - Dumb Estrogre who's now facing fines and possible jail time.

There's no such thing as hate speech. Literally any speech except specific calls to imminent lawless action is protected. See Shenck v. United States. You can call for the day of the rope all you want, unless you say something specific and imminent like "hey let's go string up niggers tomorrow at 11:00 a.m." your free speech rights are 100% protected.

Bonus: you actually can yell "fire" in a crowded theater, too.

Hi Jow Forums I actually vote Democrat

I'd have to say that the best way to combat 'hate' speech is to either ignore the individual, retort with some sort of witty comeback, or if you're in a debate, cite hard evidence, or use deductive reasoning in order to back up your argument.

However, I don't think any kind of speech, no matter how insulting, requires a legal response, as it is our basic human right to have the freedom of speech.


>inb4 the mentally retarded right wing faggot 9th grader on Jow Forums that can't read because they grew up in a backwards ass education system skipping my text and going straight to insulting me.

your fat :^)


just proving my point you dumb mother fucker

This pretty much nails it. I'm a free speech absolutist, you should be able to say whatever you want free from harm (this doesn't include personal slander, if you're looking to rile people and get up in their face then shitsgoingdown.jpg)

haha okay libtard try reading a book instead of watching CNN xD

He who has the most free speech determines what is hate speech my nigga
