Do you deny that the President of the United States is playing his part

in a blatant Saudi-US conspiracy to cover up the murder?

Or do you believe it was an accidental fistfight 15 intelligence agents vs Grandpa?

Do you swallow the shit that is shovelled down your throat?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why should I give a shit about the journalist?
Because the media say so?

Forget the journalist. He was not a good person. This is not just about him. This is about so much more. This is symbolic of who we in the West are and what we stand for. The leader of the West is taking part in a blatant cover up of a murder. Do you agree or disagree? In case you agree: Do you approve or disapprove?

>this is the first murder ever conducted by an ally of the US

Your deliberate lack of understanding is not an argument.

If you don't put things into perspective they become meaningless.
Pretty much all countries that matter do assassinations.
There have been hundreds of thousands of death in the middle eastern wars already. Probably millions if you count indirect deaths.
You don't let one murder jeopardize an alliance that the current strategy depends on.
The Saudis will get sanctioned, but not in a way that will put the alliance in peril. For now anyway. Unless they try to be difficult and want to do things the hard way. Then the whole situation in the middle east could degenerate very fast, and they'll use that fucking journalist to justify the thousands more deaths.
What the US should stop doing is meddling in the middle east at all. They should get out. But insofar as they're not doing that, they need allies and they can't afford to be too picky. None of this is new, the journalist didn't change anything.

The window on Western global leadership is closing. What could have we done with it in the three decades since communism collapsed? It's not about just one journalist being murdered. This murder IS SYMBOLIC of all the other atrocities you list. And how the West answers IS symbolic of what we stand for. This is not a rational equation, this is to do with human emotions and mindsets. Covering up the murder will bolden the dictators and criminals of this world. And there is plenty of them. A clear and strong This will NOT do would send a different message.

The real question is whether Trump is an accomplice only to the cover up, or also an accomplice to the murder itself. Did the U.S. have prior intelligence on the Saudi plans to murder Khashoggi, but Trump decided not to act on it and warn him?

This is incredibly damning:

>by Mister Bone Saw (MBS)

>A pudgy, middle-aged journalist walks into a repressive regime's embassy. He starts throwing his fists at 15 goons and a forensic "doctor" with a bone saw. So, the goons cut off the journalists fists, and then the rest of him.

Sounds credible, Mr. Trumpy Dumpy said and added:

>They deny it VERY strongly. Believe me, the King and the prince feel terrible about this whole thing. And isn't Pompeo doing a fantastic job?

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Yesterday, a bunch of faggots here keep whining about no evidence Khashoggi had been murdered. Today, Saudi Arabia admits to it. Get fucked, you Trump drones.

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I love how the (((media))) suddenly gives a shit about Saudi Arabia. are the jews going to try and throw the saudis under the bus for 9/11?

The Jews and Saudis are strategic allies, you idiot. One of the reasons Kushner and Trump are so fond of Mister Bone Saw is that he supports Kushner's peace plan for Middle East, in which Israel would get pretty much everything they wanted.

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I think we should drop the Saudis like the hot sack of shit they are. Israel is at least a democracy that doesn't van its own people.

except they actually are. you'll always find (((them))) behind virtually every anti white article. if everybody says the sky is blue when it's blue, it's because it's true. and when a jew is always behind virtually every anti white program, noticing that makes you an NPC because you know jews can do no wrong

I love when NPCs use the NPC meme, keep them coming

I neither know nor care.
What I find amusing is, because the midterms are approaching, suddenly Leftists are pretending to care about some Wahhabi Bin Laden-supporting "journalist" who got killed on the other side of the world by some non-Americans.

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Perhaps in 2001 you could say "Yes, the Saudis are the main perpetrators and funders of this atrocity, but if we drop them they will stop oil sales to us and our whole society will collapse." But with fragging and gas this is no longer true.

They should finally be treated as the brutal barbarians they are. $ can NOT be the sole arbitrator of political decisions. You do NOT sell weapons to barbarians no matter how much they are willing to pay you, IF you value moral principles. And if you don't what is our civilization worth for? The centuries of moral philosophy from Assisi to Kant, fuck them. One and the same, let the Chinese take over the reigns of the World, who the fuck cares.

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>some murdered sand nigger linked to the muslim brotherhood should matter to us

We don't give a fuck. The only difference between us and the Saudis is that we're much better at assassinating people with plausible deniability. We'll continue selling arms to them so they can bomb more buses full of yemeni children on their way to summer camp

How many dudes dying in other countries did obama do anything about (besides ordering them to die for Israel)?

Including Benghazi?

Why should I even care?

Let’s figure out the Seth Rich murder first.


Next question.

I hope Turkish authorities leak the tape. Not because I would like to listen to the 7 minutes it takes to bone saw a living man to death, hate gore like any sensitive person, but because I'd like to see reality rubbed in the cynical and scheming faces of men.

After 2 years of screaming about non-existent Russian collusion only to have Mueller give them literally nothing, they've decided to change gears

I agree with you. Trump is starting to piss me off with this subject and also lack of plan to stop the jungle niggers from South America. I heard he was deploying troops at the borders. What does he plans to do with them exactly? Shoot them? He can't. But I really hope he orders to do just that.
Don't forget America first, faggots! If Trumps turns out to be a lying piece of shit and allow those niggers in here, I will never vote for republican ever again. At least democrats are honest with their intentions and do not lie about it when they say they want to destroy our country. Be honest you fucking Trump faggot! Do what's necessary.

What bullshit.
For once Trump deals with dictators rather than just killing them and destabilizing entire nations and he's condemned for it.


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Obama literally took the most prosperous nation in Africa and turned it into a slave state. Liberals cheered and yet they think Trump supporters are fanatics? All neocons and neoliberals that virtue signal about America's "moral authority" are honestly the scum of the Earth because they know there is no such thing.

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I think the president of the US is supporting KSA in the single good (and awesome as it happened to be) deed they have don't in their entire lives. This is fake news journalists need to be treated. Dismembered alive. Hopefully live next time. To set an example. Go KSA.

Basically, I don't care. This whole thing is just another media-manufactured controversy that has no effect on me whatsoever and no significance to anyone except journalists. This story is just white noise. Maybe the Saudis murdered this guy, in fact probably they did. So what? My problems are the same as they were yesterday, and Trump's handling of some international bullshit isn't going to change my vote in the midterms one way or the other. Stop shilling this crap.

If this incident changed your opinion about the Saudis you're a fool. If you want to cut ties with them then fine, but don't compromise for 70 years then pretend to be outraged by this.

>A literal terrorist who is also a journalist got killed
Saudi Arabia is shit but I approve of them doing this

>you'll always find (((them))) behind virtually every anti white

The fucking brainlet you are you have no understanding how identities are molded; you pointing out jews does not show a collective conspiracy against whites, it just shows that your average jew is not a white nationalist -- GO FUCKING FIGURE, RIGHT? The kikes got it rough under every nationalism, so what do you expect the average jew will be sympathetic too? National socialism?

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Secular but 100% white is far better imo.

>Turkey against the Jews
Why are trumptards seething now ?

Trump is a Mammonist and as such, kisses the ass of those richer than him.

>Covering up the murder will bolden the dictators
Nice, keep covering up the murder

Amazing how Drumpfucks are allergic to everything muslim, you would expect them to jump on this train and rightly criticize what Saudi Arabia is ; a barbaric islamic dictatorship, but not this time. This time they're cultural relativists.

people are killed overseas every day and no one bats an eye. this is a blatant smear against the president over something he has no control over. get fucked, kike

this 100 percent

>Not because I would like to listen to the 7 minutes it takes to bone saw a living man to death
where is this bone saw shit coming from?

Haha yes. I fuckin hate them myself but its funny how people are like "look look they working against our ethnic interest". Ye because your ethnic interest for means deportation, dispossession or going into an oven for them.


What the FUCK are you talking about after a $310bn arms deal was made with the Saudis -- you're already balls deep in them. It's only when it comes to human rights issues that you pull the isolationist card. Hypocrite.

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This guy hits the nail on the head

Most of them are indifferent, some have spite from the last time someone blanket blamed them for everything

Evil humans are evil regardless of race and religion, and calling them all Jews is a mistake and the wrong term

Its a meme. Fracking yields low quality petrol thats more expensive to refine. Everything has a reason. Npcs just repeat what they see and hear. Or you can do the research yourself.

It's not necessarily a zero sum game with their and the people of their host nation's ethnic interests at odds.
You can live among other people without actively working against them.
I would say that many jews act in such a way that is very much against their own interest too, like supporting mass immigration of third worlders, including groups that are particularly hostile to them.
Being more politically neutral would come a long way for them to stay out of the fire.

Finally a Jow Forumsak who is on to it. The grand "elders of zion" conspiracy, the world jewry, it´s basically just the right wing version of the lizard people. Jews are disproportionally behind anti-white propaganda but they aren´t sitting in a dark room deliberately making magnificent plans to control our societies. Just because Niggers are disproportionally violent, perpetrators of crime, you wouldn´t claim that they (ALL) consciously conspire to destroy our lands. You simply deluded your impotent self into viewing us as the victims, because how can it be our fault when there is a more intelligent, more cunning power, the world jewry, that manipulates us good hearted white folk into suiciding our societies? ...

It´s us, it has always been us. We (our forebears) built this civilization and we, the lazy, effeminate, weak generations destroy it.

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Why don’t you prove who gave the order before coming to conclusions?

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Trump knows the oil reserves are unlimited. Why do u think he’s daring them to go public on nyse with Aramco? BECAUSE THE PRICE OF OIL WOULD PLUMMET

So are you pro or anti Obama?

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>Or you can do the research yourself.

Yes. Fucking DO that. It takes 2 minutes. HERE:

>The net imports (imports minus exports) of petroleum relative to petroleum consumption is one measure of our reliance on imports to help meet petroleum demand. In 2017, net imports of petroleum averaged 3.7 MMb/d, the equivalent of 19% of total U.S. petroleum consumption, which was the lowest percentage since 1967.

>The five largest sources of U.S. petroleum imports by share of total imports in 2017 were

>Saudi Arabia—9%

0,09 x 0,19 = 0,0171

1,7% - THAT is the US reliance on Saudi oil today. 1,7%. That is a zero reason to remain allies to them.

!!! 1,7% !!!

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>This is symbolic of who we in the West are and what we stand for.

FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's highly likely the Saudis did kill him what do you expect done about it? A nuke dropped on Saudi Arabia?

Bush sucked saudi cock too. He even let a couple of them fly planes into buildings in NYC. Osama bin Laden's brother is currently building the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Saudis are not our friends and you're a shameless shill for advocating for them you NPC tier retard

The grossest thing about this is that this is surely an attempt to put some of the blame on Khashoggi and Trump plays it down like a fucking asshole.

"Oh, he fought with the 15 Saudi people we flew there just to instigate something with him. What a foolish man! If he wasn't so confrontational, he wouldn't have been DISMEMBERED into PIECES WITH A BONE SAW

Younger Bush was one of the worst Presidents in American history, definitely the worst since LBJ. An absolute disaster. American electorate have a lot to answer for re-electing him.

He was a fucking heroin trafficking terrorist working for the most corrupt media outlet of them all. There is no evidence MBS the crown prince gave this order. You’re covering up for whoever did. Why youre doing that escapes me but the memeflag is helping me jump to conclusions of my own

>He was a fucking heroin trafficking terrorist

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“The Saudis” is a pretty vague blanket-statement you’ve got there. You’re saying the entire Saudi royal family is operating in concert? There are no warring factions within? Nobody in his family would have a reason or desire to dethrone MBS or his son by framing them as tyrant journalist murdering dictators? DOESNT THE FACT THAT THE USA TALAL-OWNED MEDIA 24/7 SHILLING AGAINST MBS AND KEEPING THIS STORY ALIVE DESPITE DOZENS OF UNNOTICED JOURNALIST MURDERS THE PAST 8 MONTHS NEVER GET A TOEHOLD MAKE YOU A LITTLE SKEPTICAL??

Nice argument you’ve got there. Ad hominem, right?

>Everyone I don't like must be cut in pieces in an embassy and dissolved in acid

Make Journalists Afraid Again!
Fake News BTFO

>MAGAtards now shilling for sandnigger terrorists because Trumpenstein supports them

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>He was a fucking heroin trafficking terrorist

HOly fuck this isnt r/thedonald where megapedes sourceless, baseless shit out of their asses and stiff it down each others throats. You provided zero evidence for this conspiracy theory you fucking little dishonest maggot.

>I have to hide my flag because it would connect a lot of dots

Hey nice boat you’ve got there uncle adnan, maybe you can bring it to the White house some time

You're a fucking retard. Go back to the_D

Other way around, we're laughing at dead terrorist fake news scum getting turned to dog food

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>HOly fuck this isnt r/thedonald
It pretty much has been since 2016.

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I’m just shilling for evidence, m8


The crown prince of Saudi Arabia bragged about how he has kushner in his pockets

Trump also bought a yacht from them and has a billion dollar arms deal with them

How does it feel knowing your retard in chief uses his presidency to line up his own pockets?


I think Saudi Arabia are our allies and buy billions of dollars worth of military technology from us

Shit libs need to wake up and get real about how the world works, if this event happened under Obama, it wouldnt even be a story in the news

Lmao Trump supporters are now forced to support Saudi Arabia, a literal shahiste radical terrorist country because their president tells them do so lmaoooo

Hahahahahahaha kek

Who is Seth Rich

Several of MBS's personal bodyguards and top aides were part of the murder team. These people are on camera coming to Turkey, entering the consulate, leaving the consulate, leaving Turkey. At the exact time of the murder.

If MBS, the acting sovereign of Saudi Arabia, had nothing to do with the operation what he must have been thinking on Oct 2nd "Where are all my bodyguards and aides?" "Where have they gone?" "Why didn't anyone tell me, the Leader of the country!" "I could jail them for this or worse! This is betrayal!".

I mean, how gullible can you MAGAhats get? It's incredible at this point. And that Trump chose this hill to die on. Because this will hurt him. There is no way he can get out of this mess, effectively shilling for the murderers if not worse, being an active participant.

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>Maga xd who cares about evidence that the Saudis havs Trump in his pockets Trump is god emperor xddd

>it's the LEAF who doesn't understand how the world works

I neither agree or disagree. Checkm8 (Aussie for checkmate)

Maga retards are literally brainwashed. They are in their own bubble and don't give a shit about evidence.

who cares? this has nothing to do with America

Nothing can be said that will make me care about a dead journalist.


>He was a fucking heroin trafficking terrorist working for the most corrupt media outlet of them all.
>posts article about his uncle

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Yes it is l, you moronic retard. Repeating that phrase won't make it true

US resident killed on hit on NATO soil by US ally given free pass by Trump beforehand to do as they wish


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too transparent shareblue

Wow it’s almoat like it was be perfect way to kick MBS out of power. Good thing he fucked up so bad by getting caught

we are?

Who fucking cares? I’m glad he got carved up, what’s it to me? Fuck him.
>met and befriended osama bin laden

Trump supporters care about America first
if it was an American killed, it would be a different story

MAGA retard, when you don't know anything about the middle east, don't start saying anything better
They Saudis have gotten away with way worse things in the past so this isn't surprising at all they did it in such a blatant way you moron

After 15 straight days of top-story news coverage, it must be clear now that nobody gives a shit about dead journalist.

At this point, it's becoming obvious you're pushing something fucked up.

>Trump supporters care août America first
>support the president who is an Israeli and Saudi ass licker

Our president complicit in a murder?
How fucking retarded are you?
Saudi royalty kills somebody in one of their shitty middle east countries somehow thats trumps fault. Jesus christ on a bike you people are dumb as fuck. Who fucking cares about some pos reporter who probably did terrible shit to people. Fuck that shitskin sand nigger and fuck you for this thread retard faggot bitch nigger kike cunt. Bitch faggot nigger kike cunt retard bait. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. Die Isreal jew kike faggot nigger bitch cunt.

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what's your point? we should fuck up the US economy cause some sand nigger was killed by his own government

The JIDF bots are working overtime on this.

"Why should I care?" Over and over

Stay mad. They story coverage is getting even stronger. It's not getting away anywhere. More and more details are coming and make everyday the headline.

Just wait until the turks release the audio, you will get assmad

Stay butthurt