Why do you guys all have to be unique special snowflakes? What's wrong with being an NPC?

Why do you guys all have to be unique special snowflakes? What's wrong with being an NPC?

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I like having an internal voice

Because the only reason you are able to be an NPC is because of people with original ideas.

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NPCs cannot gain XP and get new levels

What are your original ideas?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a special snowflake or not, it matters about having an inner voice and self awareness. It’s impossible for NPCs not to conform but it’s not impossible for PCs to conform

I'm not asking you to be a philosophical intellectual with every idea being your own, just have a sense of introspection about your morals and judgement. THINK about what you're doing.

Isn't that just normal?

Universal NPCs can corrupt your game if you’re not careful. It’s a great game, but I don’t trust like that anymore.

What if they join your party?

It might be. There’s definitely NPCs out there, but I’m not sure how many

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they can gain XP at lowered rate if they join your party, but you can no longer fast travel

Yes. It is.

I wish I could find an emerald eyed virgin goddess that loves me for who I am and thinks third wave feminism is fucking retarded.

Why only third wave? Women should've never been given the vote in the first place.

I can't be an npc because I'm human. Npcs aren't human

I have never seen the shills and kike media this assblasted over a simple meme. Twitter is already outright banning them. Jews fear nothing more than their normie cattle snapping out of their trance. We need to use the NPC meme to raise normie awareness of the kike control over their news media, entertainment media, educational systems, politics etc. It's obviously exceptionally effective. This meme is so dangerous for (((them))) because it puts the psychological tricks normies are subjected to into layman terms so well.

~80% of the population are NPC. The remaining 20% of the population fight for control of the NPCs. This was a well established fact long before the meme started.

If you want to dive further into it, that 20% is divided into positive and negative souls... Negative souls are essentially what we know as sociopaths... (((people))) who exist solely for their own benefit and view others as nothing more than tools to enrich their own lives. Positive souls are those who have empathy and care about the future of humanity. These are the people who would give up their lives for the people they love.

As you can imagine, Jews are the ring leaders of the negative souls.

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Hello fellow NZ NPC, what is your trusted news source?

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For a guy that raves about how funny the left reacts to NPCs in a strange way, you sure do love blaming da jews for all your problems.


During the great deletion, you will be among the first to go.

We have a lot of in-fighting that boils down to calling each other fags stereotypical derogatory terms for flags. It's all fun, then we get back to posting in other threads we've got open and continuing the cycle. It has to be done, it's beyond us at this point.


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I don’t blame Jews for all my problems. I blame some on myself. I use my inner voice and conceptual thinking to analyse the problem and then by applying Occam’s razor I find the most likely culprit.
Also didn’t you fags in Australia blame your crops being eaten away on emus, had a war on them and lost?


i am a NPC ama

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most posters don't play pvp games anyway so are trash or below NPC level by default

You know it’s a lie that lemmings are following creatures who jump off cliffs... look it up

The NPCmeme is a final form of Lefist stupidity is our dimension. It’s an honor to live in a time when this is happening. Praise KeK!!!

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Inner voice is exibited by 60-70 of the population.

Something tells me lack of inner voice is Dindu related.

I don't think leftards lack an inner voice it's just that their inner voice reinforces leftard behaviour instead of questioning it.

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I too am one of you non player charachters. Nothing to see here.

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Am I an NPC if I choose to ignore my inner dialogue?

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I too have noticed your humanity and will be to oscillating my movements in a non-predictable pattern to show solidarity.

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>What's wrong with being an NPC?

not having critical thinking? being a stupid cunt who don't want to see the problems of the world? being exactly what jews want? the perfect goy

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>What's wrong with being an NPC?
Everything. How can you go through life with blinders on?

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>unique special snowflakes
>they look the same unless you're using an electron microscope
>they all look the same unless you're using an electron microscope
>narcissism of small differences
Please supply us with a livestream.

>u dum npc u blem joo for all prawblum
>u dum npc u blem nignog for all kreim
>u dum npc u blem gummint for all curupshin
>durz nao wei das pozbull! deyz ranglee uh-Q's'd! deyza gud boi dindu nuffin he wuzin jurnlizzm skewl fer his fyoocha

Conspiracy-theorist types are often so afraid to accept that the views of the majority might actually be correct that their search for esoteric knowledge leads them to accept propaganda and reject facts. It's incredibly arrogant to assume you're automatically more aware than others, especially when you succumb so heavily to cognitive dissonance and lose touch with reality.

I'm not making that claim toward any specific political ideology, it's more towards a personality type than anything else. Being a contrarian only gets you so far.

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>go on mentally unhinged rant that admits to dehumanizing people you disagree with
>resort to covering your ears and advocating violence
>come out of it looking like an insane brainlet too stupid to defend his ideals
>sure pwned that libtard!!

What can you tell me about the high elves?

Critical thinking doesn't make you a snowflake. It just makes you less susceptible to programming

this is reaching meta levels that shouldn't be possible

>What's wrong with being an NPC?

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