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Michael Brown
Brayden Campbell
Show me what you got, Jow Forums
Jose Martin
Merchant & NPC all in one symbol. How did we miss this?
Brayden Powell
Nice find, user
Luis Cooper
Also this
Liam Reed
Hunter Russell
Oops forgot something.
Robert Robinson
•᠌ •
William Phillips
Let's find some blue checkmarks to hit with the NPC stick
Asher Garcia
Henry Watson
Good goy.
Bad goys.
Oy vey!!
Very bad goy!!
Caleb Ward
Jacob Jenkins
Oh wow!!!!! this is so epic!!!!
Levi Murphy
Is this one of those tricks that tries to kill me in some sort of explosion?
Austin Jones
Not even fucking close, newfag.
Nolan Brown
no but you will gas yourself if you follow the directions lmao
Elijah Parker
bleach + ammonia = chloramine gas
Connor Nguyen
Don’t do it moron. Some idiot did this awhile back on /b/ and ended up posting a week later that he almost died
Levi Johnson
Isaiah King
>spreading classified information.
pic related
Asher Foster
Oh You
Jordan Evans
The Jews don't like it because it offsets demand for the diamond industry and for other nice looking crystals. So of course the shills spread the message that it produces chlorine gas, because they think the goyim are as afraid of gas as the Jew. They also don't like their Jew coins to be destroyed in the process, so there's that.
I've made some interesting designs myself, pic related. You just have to mess with the colors you add and you can force them to dry a certain way.
Nicholas Wright
Sure, Chaim, I'll add that to the 6 million.
Easton Flores
Alexander Hill
Daniel Martinez
Camden Brown
fucking google the interaction of the 2 liquids posted.
Elijah Garcia
Luis Cook
holy shit, definitely best fpbp in a while
Robert Richardson
Are you joking?
Have you seen how they manipulate White Female Black Male images to show up all the time?
Matthew Bailey
Trolls hate him. This Aussie shitposter is spreading propaganda and you're basically fucking censored.
> As professional curators and gatekeepers dwindle and are replaced by self-appointed and unaccountable ones, individuals are forced to assess information in ways for which they are not trained.
>While “fact” and “truth” are often considered synonymous, they actually have very different meanings in this discussion. The commonly held definition of “facts” are that they objectively exist in reality, regardless of belief, culture, or other consideration. They cannot be logically disputed. “Truth” on the other hand is made up of facts, but can be tempered by beliefs and interpretation. As such, two people can draw two different “truths” from the same set of facts.
>This means they should consider disabling commentary systems—the function of allowing the general public to leave comments beneath a particular media item—and be careful to refer to the spreading of false information and providing a fact-based correction without explicitly repeating the false message itself.
Tell him what you think:
Kayden Miller
Meme is delicious tier.
Joseph Moore
It's already going places, fire up your Photoshop and start spreading them.
Eli Rogers
Kevin Sanchez
Isaac Edwards
Henry Lewis
Checked also saved
Christian Hughes
Noah Myers
Christopher Morris
Oy vey!
Austin Gutierrez