LIVE: People's Vote march


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Looks like someone discovered the "spawnmass" console command.

They protesting for or against brexit today?

Someone post the brexit revote celebrity video with 90% dislikes.

These are the retards wanting a """""""people's vote"""""" which is funded by George Soros to have a second vote to accept May's shitty deal or remain in the EU.

Its Over

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Against, pls send one of your A10s on a strafing run, the protesters are lined up perfectly

>People vote brexit despite massive state funded fearmongering
>Gov keeps delaying and sabotaging brexit while blasting lies 24/7
>Astroturfs a public movement to make it look that brexit voters reconsidered
Will the second vote be left to chance or will there be "russian" meddling?

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Wasn't the referendum the """people's vote"""? I distinctly remember shilling for Brexit to working class Britons.

Yes, but the 'Remain' side lost, so now they're doing everything they can to push for another referendum once we know the final terms of the Brexit deal, and calling it "the people's vote" to try and provide an air of legitimacy. It's horseshit.

looks less thhann 17.4 million

I find it funny that it's taking place in London when there's a different world outside of London.

It's like EU voting. They'll keep doing it until they get the result they like and then claim democracy works.

What are the reasons pro staying?
Isnt the EU basically commies

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Brexit will only stop white migration. This is why so many muslims, pakis, indians voted for it. You are delusional. Look at what party has the most of them, look at what party keeps pushing for it.

What exactly is a "people's vote"? Didn't the "people" vote for brexit or did I hallucinate that?

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Which country will string up their establishment first?

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Spartans joining NATO!

They claim the referendum vote was advisory and now the people should get a say on voting on the final deal even though during the referendum, every one was informed what the implications would be of leaving the EU/staying in the EU.

Like I said, they want us to vote on if we accept the Chequers deal (which is shit) or remain in the EU so this is a perfect opportunity to try and get back in the EU. 2 shit options so therefore Brexiters have no benefit from this vote.

But Sargon told me Brexit won and he saved the west. What happened? Do the Jews always win?

I'll see what I can do

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Soros funded NPC march lol.

Jews always cheat


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This. It's pathetic

Reminder that there is protest in London everyday day, not exaggerating and no one cares. Get a job hippies.

This is controlled opposition created to create an illusion of "something happening", while schuffling the cards and keeping the market values high on purpose because "uncertainity". Why is petrol still so high if ISIS is supposedly destroyed and tensions in the middle east are down?

Who gives a shit what londoners think. Nuke it and world will have peace.

What is this? Anti-Brexit people who want to re-vote?

I'm sick of this shit. We voted to leave. Leave means leave. In any case, May needs to go. She doesn't care about England, she's in their pocket, serving her foreign masters.

are they more than 17 million? if not i don't see what their point is.

BREAKING NEWS: City which voted overwhelmingly against Brexit angrily protests, demands revote until the rest of the country "gets it right"

That is the single most retarded combination of two words I have ever seen.

You really think you can stop any form of migration when your souvereignity as a state is subverted by a supernational entity like the EU, led by creatures like Merkel? Why the fuck does england of all places need "white" migration to begin with? You really think all those "white" people in the EU are going to come to britain because your brand of shitskins are slightly less smelly?

Here's an idea, you can have your peon's vote on the grounds we move to direct democracy.

He's just a mong, Hans. No offense but the flood on continentals is just as bad as pakis.

I unironically support a second referendum because I don't want that bitch may to decide brexit all by herself

ITV News live-stream:

>Spartans joining NATO!

How staggeringly retarded are you?

Fucking ((((London))))

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I understand that. If the faggots succeed in undermining Brexit, you may need this:

>when in the course of human events...

Brexit will happen.
The EU parliament is happy that the British lose their favorable status.
If The Brits want to stay, they need to apply for membership and follow all the European rules.

Also some Belgian traitor called Verhofstadt is being a real dick about it.

Brexit btfo says increasingly delusional leftwing retard

>1 million march against Iraq war
>still goes ahead

EVEN with these 500,000 "protestors" added to the Remain side of the vote tally Leave still wins.

wew lad

>shitskins and cucks want the hordes to keep flooding in

Never would have guessed it

British foreign policy for the last few centuries has been to vigorously oppose any consolidation of power in one entity on the continent. It will be interesting to see what will happen once they are out and the dust has settled a bit. The Brits will look on this Franco-German empire with a malignant eye, I believe, and be compelled to ally with Russia and work towards splitting off Eastern and Central Europe from the EU.

So voting doesn't matter. What matters is who can organize the largest crowds and be the most obnoxious. That's what a real democracy looks like. Democracy emphasized.

UKIP? We can stop other shitskins from coming in but first we need to plug the other holes. Frankly you’re delusional if you can’t see that

they have had multiple marches up to this point. It is completely irrelevant, it's just window dressing for when the tories finish off the betrayal the nation. This is only intended to demoralise EU opposition, because the political decisions have already taken place. Even the pro-brexit tories are playing their part, give a nice interview here and there but never anything more than that.

if they force a second vote, i will unironically leave my village for the first time in a decade to join the march to parliament to hang those traitors from the walls for treason

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