Gritty. This meme can be hijacked so easily. Gritty leading the Carivan or illegals over the US border killing border guards smashing the wall. Gritty killing Donald trump in various ways. Antifa picking gritty as their mascot proves how retarded they are an unhinged monster it’s a perfect metaphor for them. I would make memes but sadly I’m a phone fag wage slave who dosnt have the means to make the memes.

I’m sorry I’m not asking to be my army I just know some of you could really run with this an hijack the lefts poor attempt at memeing

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LeFtiSt ArEn'T caPaBlE oF mEemiNg bEcAuSe ThEy ArE sOuLlESs NPCS
ThE GriTty MeEm wiLl diE wiThiN a WeEk

Attached: 3453686355.png (802x868, 55K)

I know it will die If nobody with any sense does anything to keep it alive. I’m imagining memes of gritty running white male concentration camps. Gritty killing ice agents. Gritty doing what the unhinges left always talk about and have npcs distribute the memes.

Then start making memes my dude

ThEy LaCk eVen tHe mOsT bAsiC AnGeR tO hUrT pEoPLe wiTh mEEmS

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SE PA here. I fucking hate Gritty. It encapsulates everything wrong with the city - gross looking slob that looks and acts + high on oxy while making a fool of itself. Nothing that people should want to relate to

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He looks like a homeless

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Ah. So THAT is what Gritty is.

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Haha, Us pittsburghers dont have a disgusting mascot like you do. Enjoy getting blacked, phillycuck.

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Wtf is Gritty?

is this the lefts attempt at memeing?

Ignore it or make pics of him and pepe killing niggers.

It's not even exploitable. It's just shit. If you want to mock someone for building a shitty house, you don't knock it over, you wait for it to fall in on itself.

>gross looking slob that looks and acts + high on oxy while making a fool of itself
So it is Antifa then..

>RuSsiAn BoT
niCe TrY

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yes, the left thinks anyone against them is a Russian bot as evidence by your autistic shitposting

>makes memes for the left
How about no

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wtf is this normieshpere bullshit?

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Philly fanatic heiling and stuffing gritty into a wood chipper.

Looks like a fuzzy orange pepe

Just ignore it you fucking retard. Don't treat it seriously because it's not.

The fact that they chose anything orange as their mascot is definitely ironic.

Also I agree w OP- hijacking this meme could be fun

is the left pretending to care about Uncle Sam now?

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Mocking it isn't taking it seriously tho

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Why is Philly such a hotbed of anti-fa?

I know that the over all Philly area is very liberal, it has some of the most liberal white suburbs in America.

I know whites who live in Philly itself are some of the most degenerate trash in America. I know younger Philly city whites were wiggerized when wiggers were still rare in other places.

Anyone from Philly have any insight?

I'm pretty sure that pol can just twist this to their advantage and even make it theirs, like how some leftists have tried with the NPC meme. After all, they say don't let your memes be dreams.

>my worldview is based on fiction
we know

Of course it is. It's saying it's worth engaging. Paying attention to it is taking it seriously. And look at OP's suggestions.
>Gritty leading the Carivan or illegals over the US border killing border guards smashing the wall. Gritty killing Donald trump in various ways
That's content those cunts would make themselves happily. Either OP is a borderline retard or else he's just a legitimate leftist, in which case there's no borderline about it retard, trying to trick people into creating that content.

Just add Hitler quotes and redpills about the Jews on captions of him lel

even their memes have onions face.... unbelievable.

fuck off mods

s o yface

Leftist memes are always ripoffs of Jow Forums memes from what I've seen. There's nothing interesting coming from these people. I'd be happy to see something genuine out of them, but so far there's been absolutely nothing.

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sorry guys we are trying our best

>shitty corporate mascot
I gotta say, it fits them

Even this is based off shit i've seen in /pol. It's fucking embarrassing.

Orange Man vs Orange Monster

I actually read this in the robot voice

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You haven't answered his question. The hypocrisy he pointed out.

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He's a shill. They don't try to argue, they're just here to be a nuisance.

>taxing big corps who “need to pay their fair share”
>tariffs on big corps


HAH! What now losers? You got pepe. We got Gritty so get fucked! The left can't me..

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>antifa picks a corporate creation as their mascot
Why am I not surprised?

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Photoshop him into riots. Especially burning the American flag.

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Swastika armbands with desert tan backing didn't exist. As well as black short boots with rubber soles.


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regular Heer soldiers didn't wear Swastika armbands at all

Well folks if we cant kill it lets corrupt it
post memes of gritty selling crack to kids
post memes of standing over the bodies of those killed by illegal immigrants
if they want gritty to become image of the left
lets make the left look gritty

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Why would we ever want steal such a shitty mascot?

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Bring in lord Scorch the old Adirondack Flames mascot

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>NPC meme is forced, they said
>Gritty(?) meme is totally organic, they said

How about no?

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They should have just brought back hartnell and made him their mascot

it's just so silly and forced

says the scared nazi. the meme war has just started and you've already lost your stalingrad.

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Left the US just before Gritty hit my area....never coming back to South Jersey

>the communists meme is a capitalists made mascot


I already killed one mascot.

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When the phillies drop gritty ask as a mascot we've won.

Gritty needs a nose

>be lefty
>want sooper cool cartoon mascot like those evil notsees.
>years pass and many candidates come and go
>finally settle on a orange muppet on crack cocaine wearing a tard helm.
It's like pottery.

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Alright. This fucking furball needs his head blown off. Ill be back.

And that’s a good thing

Why are you fags even responding to this meme? The left is unable to make funny memes so just let it die. A reaction to it gives it life because then all the media Jews can say “how this meme is stirring up the alt right” etc etc

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This. This meme is shit and will die in two weeks. I live in Philly and almost never see it. Lefties are just shopping the same fucking image of Gritty with some retarded Antifa catch-phrase. It makes no sense, doesn't fit at all, and no one finds it funny.

what Stalingrad?

Fitting that its some gross looking garbage monster

Why does Gritty have wide hips? Is it supposed to be female?

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penguins are WAY fucking better anyways, Pitt forever.

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Is this something that Jow Forums memed, or are these people really this retarded?

this leaf is correct
while hijacking it would be funny, I think it's better to let it die on its own


The meme is stupid and ineffective.
By trying to counter a meme, you give it power.
Ignore jt, it hasn't taken off for a reason

Levittown humor.

There’s a strange irony in gritty being the face of a commie organization, as the flyers org was largely started by free market capitalists and libertarian republicans.

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this one always make me laugh so hard

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Just replace grittys hat with a maga hat