Why havent we invaded these fuckers yet?

I am seriously confused as to why we havent turned their towns into ash

>In Africa
>They are negroes yet arabs
>commited attacks on Americans
>forced a poor lad to marry a goat
>Literally supported Al Qaeda unlike Iraq
>Osama had vacation time shares there
>Darfur crisis

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No oil

South Sudan has a shit ton if we invaded prior to 2010 we could have had some

idiot we did already how do you think south sudan was able to secede

It wasnt bloody enough 0/10

it was very bloody, it just did not involve many us personnel.

Only the non muslim niggers got slaughtered in the south I want the north

>a literal who country that's only had inter-conflict with another literal who country
>"hurr why haven't we attacked them unprovoked lmao nigger muslims"

The Saudis have attacked many more Americans. It's no secret the Saudis funded and trained Isis so they could bank on Syrian oil. The Saudis even funded the Sudanese government during the Civil War, and yet the West is afraid to touch them.
What about Israel? They'very committed multiple acts of war against America and no one cares at all.

2/10 meme post. This is like asking why haven't we attacked Kazakhstan. Nobody gives a shit about either country and most Americans can even point them out on a map.

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USS Cole bombing happened unlike those secular ex soviet shitholes this country is actually harmful

>casualties: 17
That was Al Qaeda not the Sudanese government. ISIS, funded by the Saudis, has killed thousands of Americans. Pakistan, a nuclear power and an arms dealer, which we call an ally has hidden information about Al Qaeda that has also killed many Americans.

Stop acting like Sudan is some giant, monstrous aggressive state. Literal who country. If you want to attack them you'really going to have to 1) justify it to the UN and 2) deal with their China men trading partners. We already sanction them heavily and they're still more stable than South Sudan--a country with tons of arable land and oil unlike Sudan which is mostly barren desert.

But Pakis and Israelis can fight back

It gives me philosophy.
We live in a vast immigrant society. Not just the US alone but the world all over. People migrate for jobs. The it gives me people are groups that have rather gone focused on the unspoken challenge. Despite it all how do we maintain the same appearance? None of us are pure and xenophobia has rather been focusing on ethnic look rather than race. To the detriment of many. There is a It Gives Me philosophy. Basically people that donate portion of their DNA to other groups and vice versa.

The only way to fulfill some of these now illegal demographic movements. There has to be a civil strife. A civil war and a largely accepted guerilla force.

This wasn't fighter-jets dropping bombs like Pearl Harbor. It was literally a bunch of C4s and two Al Qaeda suicide bombers on a small boat.

Again, how do you plan to attack Sudan without the UN, China, and the Gulf States (major Sudanese creditors) from interfering?

Distract chinks with uyghar islamists and flip off the UN arab gulf states wont do nothing

South Sudan is a US ally, sweetie. The entire 'civil war' was a proxy war focused on securing oil in the region from China. On the outside the US made it out to be the muzzies killing the 'gud boy' christcucks even though they attacked first.

Sudan is not the only region of the world. So by technicality the people become a certified national export to other regions where they are considered an ancestry group. A lot of people in immigrant society hate this appeal because it makes the other seem like a more protected cluster or more reserved group. Like a bottle of wine that’s kept in the cellar until it’s needed for the occasion. This is how we’ve traditionally ran. To avoid extreme forms of racism. However some countries have done nothing but exploit this scheme buy secuestering children and sending them elsewhere. For example Anatolia is full of Latinos. But why? How and Why has this occurred in the last 20 years? Turks have their own appeal but why would they give up their appeal by adding Latin Americans into the mixture?

Why would we even waste our time with this? They have no resources we need.

Why not go big and attack a major power in SS Africa like Nigeria if you want to be a violent dick? They have oil and a giant population.

The country to the left of it.

>niggers slaughtering each other for no reason
>it’s american imperialistic warmongering

Cringe. /sg/ should be banned