finally get around to watching starship troopers

> finally get around to watching starship troopers
> the politics of the movie really speak to me: voting is violence, military service for citizenship, etc all strike me as deeply profound and right
> later, read the wikipedia article
> it's supposed to be a satire of fascism

why is fascism wrong, exactly? because bugmen and jews don't like it...?

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Other urls found in this thread:

> retard

Everything that’s is right is satire to kikes

Because we're programmed to think that health and strength are bad and oppressive.

>starship troopers

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The guy who made the movie hated the book so he tried to make fun of it with the adaption but only made people love it more.

Funny I listened to the audiobook over the last 2 days while at work, how that film came from that book is mad, its not satirical at all but the film came out a joke, lots of philosophy in the book.

>>its a satire of nazism
Only the director of the movie said that, dude didnt even read the book for the movie he directed, someone just handed him the script

the director thought he was making a satire of fascism, but he didn't read the book and has no idea what fascism actually is.
great film though.
if you like the philosophy, read the books, it's much better.
anybody who think either the novel or the film are fascist doesn't know what they are talking about.

>w-we wuz encroaching on the bugs territory!
insect*ids BTFO

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>currentOpinion = opinion.generate("fascism")
>printf "%s" $currentOpinion

"Nazi were fascists and fascists killed 30 million jews. Fascism is bad and that's why Antifa is good even when they are violent as they are opposing violence. #neverforget"

Tbf it wasn't even meant to be a satire cause Verhoeven didn't even read the book. The script was for something unrelated then kike producers scheme more money out of it by using the name of the book. At best it's anti-war and the satire is so subtle nowadays libtards think it's promoting facism,

The director read the book, hated it, and made a parody of it.

you faggots didnt watch this yet?

fucking love that book
universal suffrage is disgusting on so many levels

>read the book

no he read the first 2 chapters then stopped

This is deep and true

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You're retarded if you didn't think the movie was mocking itself with all those commercial segments. That said, the people who call the original work fascist are also retarded — the book was militarist, not fascist, which is a different thing.

The 1988 OVA is imperfect but tonally closer to the original work.

the Government in the book is a Stratocracy not really fascism
they still have elections

i did. at least somebody actually understood the book

oooohh right, onions no more

Paul Verhoeven is an assclown. According to him nothing he directed (Starship Troopers, Robocop, Total Recall, etc...) was meant to be taken the way the audience took it. Either he is lying, suffered some massive brain damage or doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Now he wastes his time making artsy danish films or some shit.

Just watch the fucking video

>The 1988 OVA is imperfect but tonally closer to the original work.
i never knew this existed. is it any good?

It’s absolutely not. The book, written by Robert Heinlein, has been widely (((criticized))) because it portrays fascism in a positive and almost holy light.

don't need to, watched the movie again last week

Think its actually one of the best things that cunt has made, and I'm all up for starship troopers future

I already did, and Sargoy came to the same conclusions as me, except for his gushing over 'much liberalism'

>because it portrays fascism
but it doesn't though

Best bit is prob calling out kike director for thinking having a military automatically equals fascism

I thought the ending was very poor and it does change a few things from the novel but the majority of it is pretty good. Japan respects the militarist aspect of the novel more than the movie did.

Retards think that anything that's gung-ho and jingo and army-cool is fascism. The word has been completely stripped of any and all meaning.

>It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else.

If you seriously think Starship troopers either the book or its film adaptation is fascist then you're retarded.

Verhoven missed the mark when he tried to paint it as a satire of Fascism mainly because he forgot the Fascism part.

The world he depicted in the film is more like a libertarian paradise where the state is there to serve you and not the other way around.

the book was 'profound'
you watched the kiked version of it via (hollywood) and are suprised its mocking the profound conservative view points of the book? are you nu?
fyi, the book is required reading at west point

>"mom I watched Sargon's livestream"

I know Robocop, Total Rekall and Starship Troopers. Does anyone know some equally based movies from Paul Verhoeven?

>80's Starship Troopers anime

Holy fuck this is incredible

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buenos aires was a false flag

I thought it was a fair look at what propaganda would look like in a military society. Tongue in cheek humor mixed with over the top patriotism and extremely black and white views of justice and reality.

If you don’t think the part where the black liberal becomes Sky Marshall felt realistic while also poking fun at liberal tropes. Although she ended up being right.

This movie is fucking dense.

>fair look at what propaganda would look like in a military society
but it's not propaganda, it's news, and it's all true

>based movies

>wanting to retaliate against the vermin that killed millions of your own people is now fascism

Total recall

then name some serene enlightened individual.

The mecha element is also from the original work, not added in there by the Japanese. Heinlein's original novel played a part in the history of mecha in Japan.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it didn't portray fascism. I still enjoyed the piece, but I didn't think it was pro-fascist. The shit I wrote as a kid was more fashy.
Anyone know of any fiction that IS pro-fascist?

Starship Troopers (novel and movie) is great for filtering both socialists and stormfag larpers.
Love it.


The movie is satire. Read the book.

If you're not invested in a nation, why should you direct it's future?

Even rich people need to be literally invested to have influence so that they can't ruin the nation without ruining themselves


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What makes you think that the black sky marshal was a liberal? It looked like a very smooth transition of power as well, hard not to admire that.

No go read the book.....ON THE BOUNCE!!!

You've got the wrong idea about it but don't feel bad, most people don't put it in context. I hate to say this but Sargon made a video about this recently that actually laid all of the political bits out fairly and accurately.

Pipe down memeflaggot.


You're the type who would help facism succeed only to be thrown in a gulag and tortured to death

tbf, if they adapted the novel accurately, it wouldn't be a big hit because most of it takes place in a classroom.

You must’ve missed the part where they imply the bugs didn’t drop the meteor. The government did, the entire thing is a psyop to justify invading a peaceful spacefaring civilization, the bugs are defending themselves. That’s the 9/11 of their universe.

The didbt read the book. He paid someone to do it for him.

>Starship Troopers riding bugs like horses
>Telepathic plasma bug artillary as backup when EMPs take out the comms
Bugs can earn citizenship too

That should've been the sequel

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>make terrible movie with bad cgi
>need to do something so critics don’t ruin it
>make a few guys look like nazis at the end

Just some kike trying to make his movie look more intelligent than some alien bug nonsense

IIRC, Verhoeven thought the script for Robocop was shit and wasn't going to make the film, but his wife had to explain to him it's merits.
The guy is an idiot who just happened to make some great films.

Communism and leftism always promotes mediocrity and inferiority; that is the inevitable fruit of egalitarianism.

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Honestly there newscasts were way more balanced then a typical cnn segment. The academics disagreed about huge topics of import and they showed both sides. The reporters even brought up the liberal side of things and they reported on the Mormon colonist killings in an impartial manner.

Everything about that society seems awesome to be honest.

> finally get around to watching Sargon's starship troopers video
>I'm a dumb NPC. My brain is a sponge for everything he said: voting is violence, military service for citizenship, etc all strike me as deeply profound and right
> later, make a dumb Jow Forums post pretending it had nothing to do with Sargon

fixed that for you

The critics did savage it, the movie acquired its cult status way after release. It was reviled by everyone when it came out.

Try suggesting to anyone you know that only land owners should be able to vote. That is pure Nazism apparently.

Those who ignore history etc etc

No it isn’t, it’s never determined with certainty the bugs did the attack on Earth that initiates the plot. You’re told they did, but no actual evidence is presented because there is none. The bugs may not have attacked Earth, it may have been an inside job.

Her name, her race, and her comments ‘to beat the bug we must understand the bug’ felt more progressive than who she replaced.

The thing is, in Starship Troopers, anybody can vote. You just have to peform two years of civic service to earn it. But the opportunity is open to any adult that isn't totally retarded.

there is no evidence in the novel that Buenos Ares was a false flag whatsoever.

The movie was supposed to be satirical, hence some of the generic characters. However it actually ended up being so good and serious that people overlooked the satire.

The book itself is very different from the movie, Heinlein didn't write it to be a satire of fascism he wrote it to explore a different political system. The federation is still a democracy albeit with limited suffrage and and a very totalitarian one.

>a very totalitarian one.

The society depicted in the movie was actually pretty nuanced I thought. It wasn't fully Nazi facism as the liberals envision it.

If you paid attention, you'd notice that the society achieved full gender and racial equality. The captain of the football team is a woman, the Sky Marshall is a non-white woman, etc...

The movie was meant to be satire, but it failed so spectacularly that it actually somewhat accurately represented the point of the book.

That said, read the book, it's so much better. The conversations in the book are much more in depth and truly explain the kind of philosophy that Heinlein was was exploring. It's a system of government and a society built around the idea that only those that are invested in the society get to help steer it. Service doesn't have to be military, but it does have to be deeply unpleasant. Civilians are encouraged to quit at every step of the way, because if you honestly have the willpower and fortitude to complete your term of service you are morally fit to exercise the vote.

>Anyone know of any fiction that IS pro-fascist?

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Nope, even fully functional retards are allowed to vote. The only thing that disqualify you are:

* You've dropped out of your previous enlistment
* You do not understand the oath

>I asked one of the doctors what percentage of the victims flunked the physical. He looked startled. "Why, w rnever fail anyone. The law doesn’t permit us to."

>"Huh? I mean, Excuse me, Doctor? Then what’s the point of this goose-flesh parade?"

>"Why, the purpose is," he answered, hauling off and hiding me in the knee with a hammer (I kicked him, but not hard), "to find out what duties you are physically able to perform. But if you came in here in a wheel chair and blind in both eyes and were silly enough to insist on enrolling, they would find something silly enough to match. Counting the fuzz on a caterpillar by touch, maybe. The only way you can fail is by having the psychiatrists decide that you are not able to understand the oath."

Ita not sayire. Read the book.
Its well written scifi fantasy.

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meme-flag off, anymore excuses for not picking up a book you? ... McFaggot

Were not talking about the book.

Allowing your military to quit during wartime seemed not very well thought out.

we're talking about both

It's unironically one of my favorite films.

I've read the book in question, which is all that matters for this discussion.

maybe, but it's certainly very un-fascist

>unironically linking to Fargone of a Faggot

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Jews and Leftists just point and sputter at what is normal and healthy, and expect people to recoil from it just because kikes do.

Sargon is a retard. movie is a separate entity form the book and is a satire of fascism. just because there are some scenes from the book that made it into the movie doesn't mean it's the message is the exact same.

I wasn’t, i was referring to the movie exclusively. In the movie we see the bombing front Rico’s parents’ perspective of complete confusion over the Skype call and then were told what happened on the news irrc. A bug is never seen launching the bomb.

Unless you only count Spaghetty man and his bundle of fags as Fascism and disregard the concepts behind it. You will find that the book does espouse some fashy ideas and ideals.

>is a satire of fascism
verhoeven might have thought so, but the film doesn't even depict fascism, so how can it be satirising it?

>why is fascism wrong, exactly? because bugmen and jews don't like it...?
pretty much. in a fascist state you can't be a subversive degenerate a.k.a. a leftist.

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>A bug is never seen launching the bomb.
come on lad. it's clearly implied, and no suggestion is given that anybody else was behind it.

sargoy vid was decent desu

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How is it implied? Because the news told you?

the movie uses the newsreel as a way to deliver plot exposition to the viewer.
learn how films work

What fascist ideas, exactly?

I read it, and the ideas have no more than the most tortuous relation to one or two characteristics.

He has a point, goy. It's never shown either way, but instead left up to the viewer to decide. Whether you suspect the Bugs actually did it depends how distrustful you are as a person of the government.

>you'd notice that the society achieved full gender and racial delusion

The military's clear willingness to use women completely breaks down any sense of genuine competence and implies that the entire system is intentionally inefficient. Ultimately suggesting that the Federation WANTS to kill off as many of its own people as they can.

He kind of sold me on fascism to be honest.