Why aren’t you a civic nationalist yet, Jow Forums? Race doesn’t automatcally make someone bad

Why aren’t you a civic nationalist yet, Jow Forums? Race doesn’t automatcally make someone bad.

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i already am. listening to kanye rn


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le millenom girl

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I am tho

But it actually does. Some races send men to space, some races spread AIDs and HIV.

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>Race doesn’t [automatically] make someone bad.

But the chances that someone acts in a way that you aren't accustomed to or don't understand is increased dramatically.

no, but it statistically increases the chances that they are.
see the problem?

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Because civic nationalism cannot have the same effectiveness as ethno nationalism. Every ethnic group have the right to have their homeland. Civic nationalism is just a primary step to destroy the identity of the parent nation and pave way for systematic culture degradation and globalism.