It makes sense... The NPC meme and genetics

So someone posted this image and suddenly I began to think of my journey into bloodline research...

Are the golems monkey hybrids?

All the ruling elite have RH- blood...

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Other urls found in this thread:

I saw that yes but the general public also has RH- blood

Bump. Interesting. Following the blood works but can be a pilled filled path fren. Worth it imho

Rh (O) neg very significant from my findings

There might be a few here and there on /pol for sure

>Are the golems monkey hybrids?
Monkies Chimping Out. Need a connect

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Well you know RH+ means the Rhesus factor?

Maybe Kek can help...


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Yes, good to share though. Thinking about connect between those chimping out, monkey blood and monarch golems with monkey blood. Positive negative.... Maybe the x controls the y but they are just two extremes of the same thing.

That golem looks fucking terrifying

Would make npc head spin thinking about it

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It all has to do with the brain > cranial shape > facial features.

That rabbihole isn't getting far if kikey doesn't come for his Golem kit. Here joo joo, otherwise you can't do the voodoo yoodo.

We on the other hand will NEVER lose our memes.

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name the shape of the dog skull

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>fellow golden retreivers

Interesting reminds me of that Victorian trend I think...phrenology?
Dunno but CHECKED. I love doggos. Got 2

Kek. One of my fave memes

Golden Retriever is mid Brac I believe

Brachycephalic, dolichocephalic and mesocephalic
Golden Retriever
"mesaticephalic") which would include the Golden Retriever

Afghan Hound is doliochocephalic


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the oldest breed of dog in the world.